import bcrypt import logging import json import uuid from flask_login import UserMixin from peewee import JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, IntegrityError, fn from uuid import uuid4 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from enum import Enum from data.database import (User, LoginService, FederatedLogin, RepositoryPermission, TeamMember, Team, Repository, TupleSelector, TeamRole, Namespace, Visibility, EmailConfirmation, Role, db_for_update, random_string_generator, UserRegion, ImageStorageLocation, ServiceKeyApproval, OAuthApplication, RepositoryBuildTrigger, UserPromptKind, UserPrompt, UserPromptTypes) from data.model import (DataModelException, InvalidPasswordException, InvalidRobotException, InvalidUsernameException, InvalidEmailAddressException, TooManyLoginAttemptsException, db_transaction, notification, config, repository, _basequery) from data.text import prefix_search from util.names import format_robot_username, parse_robot_username from util.validation import (validate_username, validate_email, validate_password, INVALID_PASSWORD_MESSAGE) from util.backoff import exponential_backoff from util.timedeltastring import convert_to_timedelta logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_SCALE = timedelta(seconds=1) def hash_password(password, salt=None): salt = salt or bcrypt.gensalt() return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), salt) def create_user(username, password, email, auto_verify=False, email_required=True, prompts=tuple()): """ Creates a regular user, if allowed. """ if not validate_password(password): raise InvalidPasswordException(INVALID_PASSWORD_MESSAGE) created = create_user_noverify(username, email, email_required=email_required, prompts=prompts) created.password_hash = hash_password(password) created.verified = auto_verify return created def create_user_noverify(username, email, email_required=True, prompts=tuple()): if email_required: if not validate_email(email): raise InvalidEmailAddressException('Invalid email address: %s' % email) else: # If email addresses are not required and none was specified, then we just use a unique # ID to ensure that the database consistency check remains intact. email = email or str(uuid.uuid4()) (username_valid, username_issue) = validate_username(username) if not username_valid: raise InvalidUsernameException('Invalid namespace %s: %s' % (username, username_issue)) try: existing = User.get((User.username == username) | ( == email))'Existing user with same username or email.') # A user already exists with either the same username or email if existing.username == username: raise InvalidUsernameException('Username has already been taken: %s' % username) raise InvalidEmailAddressException('Email has already been used: %s' % email) except User.DoesNotExist: # This is actually the happy path logger.debug('Email and username are unique!') try: default_expr_s = _convert_to_s(config.app_config['DEFAULT_TAG_EXPIRATION']) new_user = User.create(username=username, email=email, removed_tag_expiration_s=default_expr_s) for prompt in prompts: create_user_prompt(new_user, prompt) return new_user except Exception as ex: raise DataModelException(ex.message) def is_username_unique(test_username): try: User.get((User.username == test_username)) return False except User.DoesNotExist: return True def change_password(user, new_password): if not validate_password(new_password): raise InvalidPasswordException(INVALID_PASSWORD_MESSAGE) pw_hash = hash_password(new_password) user.invalid_login_attempts = 0 user.password_hash = pw_hash user.uuid = str(uuid4()) # Remove any password required notifications for the user. notification.delete_notifications_by_kind(user, 'password_required') def get_default_user_prompts(features): prompts = set() if features.USER_METADATA: prompts.add(UserPromptTypes.ENTER_NAME) prompts.add(UserPromptTypes.ENTER_COMPANY) return prompts def has_user_prompts(user): try: == user).get() return True except UserPrompt.DoesNotExist: return False def has_user_prompt(user, prompt_name): prompt_kind = UserPromptKind.get(name=prompt_name) try: UserPrompt.get(user=user, kind=prompt_kind) return True except UserPrompt.DoesNotExist: return False def create_user_prompt(user, prompt_name): prompt_kind = UserPromptKind.get(name=prompt_name) return UserPrompt.create(user=user, kind=prompt_kind) def remove_user_prompt(user, prompt_name): prompt_kind = UserPromptKind.get(name=prompt_name) UserPrompt.delete().where(UserPrompt.user == user, UserPrompt.kind == prompt_kind).execute() def get_user_prompts(user): query = == user).join(UserPromptKind) return [ for prompt in query] def change_username(user_id, new_username): (username_valid, username_issue) = validate_username(new_username) if not username_valid: raise InvalidUsernameException('Invalid username %s: %s' % (new_username, username_issue)) with db_transaction(): # Reload the user for update user = db_for_update( == user_id)).get() # Rename the robots for robot in db_for_update(_list_entity_robots(user.username)): _, robot_shortname = parse_robot_username(robot.username) new_robot_name = format_robot_username(new_username, robot_shortname) robot.username = new_robot_name # Rename the user user.username = new_username # Remove any prompts for username. remove_user_prompt(user, 'confirm_username') return user def change_invoice_email_address(user, invoice_email_address): # Note: We null out the address if it is an empty string. user.invoice_email_address = invoice_email_address or None def change_send_invoice_email(user, invoice_email): user.invoice_email = invoice_email def _convert_to_s(timespan_string): """ Returns the given timespan string (e.g. `2w` or `45s`) into seconds. """ return convert_to_timedelta(timespan_string).total_seconds() def change_user_tag_expiration(user, tag_expiration_s): """ Changes the tag expiration on the given user/org. Note that the specified expiration must be within the configured TAG_EXPIRATION_OPTIONS or this method will raise a DataModelException. """ allowed_options = [_convert_to_s(o) for o in config.app_config['TAG_EXPIRATION_OPTIONS']] if tag_expiration_s not in allowed_options: raise DataModelException('Invalid tag expiration option') user.removed_tag_expiration_s = tag_expiration_s def update_email(user, new_email, auto_verify=False): try: = new_email user.verified = auto_verify except IntegrityError: raise DataModelException('E-mail address already used') def update_enabled(user, set_enabled): user.enabled = set_enabled def create_robot(robot_shortname, parent): (username_valid, username_issue) = validate_username(robot_shortname) if not username_valid: raise InvalidRobotException('The name for the robot \'%s\' is invalid: %s' % (robot_shortname, username_issue)) username = format_robot_username(parent.username, robot_shortname) try: User.get(User.username == username) msg = 'Existing robot with name: %s' % username raise InvalidRobotException(msg) except User.DoesNotExist: pass try: created = User.create(username=username, robot=True) service = LoginService.get(name='quayrobot') password = FederatedLogin.create(user=created, service=service, service_ident=password) return created, password except Exception as ex: raise DataModelException(ex.message) def get_robot(robot_shortname, parent): robot_username = format_robot_username(parent.username, robot_shortname) robot = lookup_robot(robot_username) return robot, def lookup_robot(robot_username): try: return (User .select() .join(FederatedLogin) .join(LoginService) .where( == 'quayrobot', User.username == robot_username, User.robot == True) .get()) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidRobotException('Could not find robot with username: %s' % robot_username) def get_matching_robots(name_prefix, username, limit=10): admined_orgs = (_basequery.get_user_organizations(username) .switch(Team) .join(TeamRole) .where( == 'admin')) prefix_checks = False for org in admined_orgs: org_search = prefix_search(User.username, org.username + '+' + name_prefix) prefix_checks = prefix_checks | org_search user_search = prefix_search(User.username, username + '+' + name_prefix) prefix_checks = prefix_checks | user_search return def verify_robot(robot_username, password): result = parse_robot_username(robot_username) if result is None: raise InvalidRobotException('%s is an invalid robot name' % robot_username) # Find the matching robot. query = (User .select() .join(FederatedLogin) .join(LoginService) .where(FederatedLogin.service_ident == password, == 'quayrobot', User.username == robot_username)) try: robot = query.get() except User.DoesNotExist: msg = ('Could not find robot with username: %s and supplied password.' % robot_username) raise InvalidRobotException(msg) # Find the owner user and ensure it is not disabled. try: owner = User.get(User.username == result[0]) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidRobotException('Robot %s owner does not exist' % robot_username) if not owner.enabled: raise InvalidRobotException('This user has been disabled. Please contact your administrator.') return robot def regenerate_robot_token(robot_shortname, parent): robot_username = format_robot_username(parent.username, robot_shortname) robot = lookup_robot(robot_username) password = random_string_generator(length=64)() = password robot.uuid = str(uuid4()) service = LoginService.get(name='quayrobot') login = FederatedLogin.get(FederatedLogin.user == robot, FederatedLogin.service == service) login.service_ident = password return robot, password def delete_robot(robot_username): try: robot = User.get(username=robot_username, robot=True) robot.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=True) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidRobotException('Could not find robot with username: %s' % robot_username) def list_namespace_robots(namespace): """ Returns all the robots found under the given namespace. """ return _list_entity_robots(namespace) def _list_entity_robots(entity_name): """ Return the list of robots for the specified entity. This MUST return a query, not a materialized list so that callers can use db_for_update. """ return (User .select() .join(FederatedLogin) .where(User.robot == True, User.username ** (entity_name + '+%'))) def list_entity_robot_permission_teams(entity_name, include_permissions=False): query = (_list_entity_robots(entity_name)) fields = [User.username, FederatedLogin.service_ident] if include_permissions: query = (query .join(RepositoryPermission, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, on=(RepositoryPermission.user == FederatedLogin.user)) .join(Repository, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER) .switch(User) .join(TeamMember, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER) .join(Team, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)) fields.append( fields.append( return TupleSelector(query, fields) def update_user_metadata(user, given_name=None, family_name=None, company=None): """ Updates the metadata associated with the user, including his/her name and company. """ with db_transaction(): user.given_name = given_name or user.given_name user.family_name = family_name or user.family_name = company or # Remove any prompts associated with the user's metadata being needed. remove_user_prompt(user, UserPromptTypes.ENTER_NAME) remove_user_prompt(user, UserPromptTypes.ENTER_COMPANY) def _get_login_service(service_id): try: return LoginService.get( == service_id) except LoginService.DoesNotExist: return LoginService.create(name=service_id) def create_federated_user(username, email, service_id, service_ident, set_password_notification, metadata={}, email_required=True, prompts=tuple()): prompts = set(prompts) prompts.add(UserPromptTypes.CONFIRM_USERNAME) new_user = create_user_noverify(username, email, email_required=email_required, prompts=prompts) new_user.verified = True FederatedLogin.create(user=new_user, service=_get_login_service(service_id), service_ident=service_ident, metadata_json=json.dumps(metadata)) if set_password_notification: notification.create_notification('password_required', new_user) return new_user def attach_federated_login(user, service_id, service_ident, metadata=None): service = _get_login_service(service_id) FederatedLogin.create(user=user, service=service, service_ident=service_ident, metadata_json=json.dumps(metadata or {})) return user def verify_federated_login(service_id, service_ident): try: found = (FederatedLogin .select(FederatedLogin, User) .join(LoginService) .switch(FederatedLogin).join(User) .where(FederatedLogin.service_ident == service_ident, == service_id) .get()) return found.user except FederatedLogin.DoesNotExist: return None def list_federated_logins(user): selected =,, FederatedLogin.metadata_json) joined = selected.join(LoginService) return joined.where( != 'quayrobot', FederatedLogin.user == user) def lookup_federated_login(user, service_name): try: return list_federated_logins(user).where( == service_name).get() except FederatedLogin.DoesNotExist: return None def create_confirm_email_code(user, new_email=None): if new_email: if not validate_email(new_email): raise InvalidEmailAddressException('Invalid email address: %s' % new_email) code = EmailConfirmation.create(user=user, email_confirm=True, new_email=new_email) return code def confirm_user_email(code): try: code = EmailConfirmation.get(EmailConfirmation.code == code, EmailConfirmation.email_confirm == True) except EmailConfirmation.DoesNotExist: raise DataModelException('Invalid email confirmation code') user = code.user user.verified = True old_email = None new_email = code.new_email if new_email and new_email != old_email: if find_user_by_email(new_email): raise DataModelException('E-mail address already used') old_email = = new_email code.delete_instance() return user, new_email, old_email def create_reset_password_email_code(email): try: user = User.get( == email) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidEmailAddressException('Email address was not found') if user.organization: raise InvalidEmailAddressException('Organizations can not have passwords') code = EmailConfirmation.create(user=user, pw_reset=True) return code def validate_reset_code(code): try: code = EmailConfirmation.get(EmailConfirmation.code == code, EmailConfirmation.pw_reset == True) except EmailConfirmation.DoesNotExist: return None user = code.user if not user.verified: user.verified = True code.delete_instance() return user def find_user_by_email(email): try: return User.get( == email) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_nonrobot_user(username): try: return User.get(User.username == username, User.organization == False, User.robot == False) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_user(username): try: return User.get(User.username == username, User.organization == False) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_namespace_user(username): try: return User.get(User.username == username) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_user_or_org(username): try: return User.get(User.username == username, User.robot == False) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_user_by_id(user_db_id): try: return User.get( == user_db_id, User.organization == False) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_namespace_user_by_user_id(namespace_user_db_id): try: return User.get( == namespace_user_db_id, User.robot == False) except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidUsernameException('User with id does not exist: %s' % namespace_user_db_id) def get_namespace_by_user_id(namespace_user_db_id): try: return User.get( == namespace_user_db_id, User.robot == False).username except User.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidUsernameException('User with id does not exist: %s' % namespace_user_db_id) def get_user_by_uuid(user_uuid): try: return User.get(User.uuid == user_uuid, User.organization == False) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_user_or_org_by_customer_id(customer_id): try: return User.get(User.stripe_id == customer_id) except User.DoesNotExist: return None def get_matching_user_namespaces(namespace_prefix, username, limit=10): namespace_search = prefix_search(Namespace.username, namespace_prefix) base_query = (Namespace .select() .distinct() .join(Repository, on=(Repository.namespace_user == .join(RepositoryPermission, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER) .where(namespace_search)) return _basequery.filter_to_repos_for_user(base_query, username).limit(limit) def get_matching_users(username_prefix, robot_namespace=None, organization=None, limit=20): user_search = prefix_search(User.username, username_prefix) direct_user_query = (user_search & (User.organization == False) & (User.robot == False)) if robot_namespace: robot_prefix = format_robot_username(robot_namespace, username_prefix) robot_search = prefix_search(User.username, robot_prefix) direct_user_query = ((robot_search & (User.robot == True)) | direct_user_query) query = (User .select(, User.username,, User.robot) .group_by(, User.username,, User.robot) .where(direct_user_query)) if organization: query = (query .select(, User.username,, User.robot, fn.Sum( .join(TeamMember, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER) .join(Team, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, on=(( == & (Team.organization == organization))) .order_by(User.robot.desc())) class MatchingUserResult(object): def __init__(self, *args): = args[0] self.username = args[1] = args[2] self.robot = args[3] if organization: self.is_org_member = (args[3] != None) else: self.is_org_member = None return (MatchingUserResult(*args) for args in query.tuples().limit(limit)) def verify_user(username_or_email, password): # Make sure we didn't get any unicode for the username. try: str(username_or_email) except ValueError: return None try: fetched = User.get((User.username == username_or_email) | ( == username_or_email)) except User.DoesNotExist: return None now = datetime.utcnow() if fetched.invalid_login_attempts > 0: can_retry_at = exponential_backoff(fetched.invalid_login_attempts, EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_SCALE, fetched.last_invalid_login) if can_retry_at > now: retry_after = can_retry_at - now raise TooManyLoginAttemptsException('Too many login attempts.', retry_after.total_seconds()) if (fetched.password_hash and hash_password(password, fetched.password_hash) == fetched.password_hash): if fetched.invalid_login_attempts > 0: fetched.invalid_login_attempts = 0 return fetched fetched.invalid_login_attempts += 1 fetched.last_invalid_login = now # We weren't able to authorize the user return None def get_all_repo_users(namespace_name, repository_name): return (RepositoryPermission .select(User.username,, User.robot,, RepositoryPermission) .join(User) .switch(RepositoryPermission) .join(Role) .switch(RepositoryPermission) .join(Repository) .join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user == .where(Namespace.username == namespace_name, == repository_name)) def get_all_repo_users_transitive_via_teams(namespace_name, repository_name): return (User .select() .distinct() .join(TeamMember) .join(Team) .join(RepositoryPermission) .join(Repository) .join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user == .where(Namespace.username == namespace_name, == repository_name)) def get_all_repo_users_transitive(namespace_name, repository_name): # Load the users found via teams and directly via permissions. via_teams = get_all_repo_users_transitive_via_teams(namespace_name, repository_name) directly = [perm.user for perm in get_all_repo_users(namespace_name, repository_name)] # Filter duplicates. user_set = set() def check_add(u): if u.username in user_set: return False user_set.add(u.username) return True return [user for user in list(directly) + list(via_teams) if check_add(user)] def get_private_repo_count(username): return (Repository .select() .join(Visibility) .switch(Repository) .join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user == .where(Namespace.username == username, == 'private') .count()) def get_active_users(): return == False, User.robot == False) def get_active_user_count(): return get_active_users().count() def get_robot_count(): return == True).count() def detach_external_login(user, service_name): try: service = LoginService.get(name=service_name) except LoginService.DoesNotExist: return FederatedLogin.delete().where(FederatedLogin.user == user, FederatedLogin.service == service).execute() def get_solely_admined_organizations(user_obj): """ Returns the organizations admined solely by the given user. """ orgs = ( .where(User.organization == True) .join(Team) .join(TeamRole) .where( == 'admin') .switch(Team) .join(TeamMember) .where(TeamMember.user == user_obj) .distinct()) # Filter to organizations where the user is the sole admin. solely_admined = [] for org in orgs: admin_user_count = ( .join(Team) .join(TeamRole) .where(Team.organization == org, == 'admin') .switch(TeamMember) .join(User) .where(User.robot == False) .distinct() .count()) if admin_user_count == 1: solely_admined.append(org) return solely_admined def delete_user(user, queues, force=False): if not force and not user.organization: # Ensure that the user is not the sole admin for any organizations. If so, then the user # cannot be deleted before those organizations are deleted or reassigned. organizations = get_solely_admined_organizations(user) if len(organizations) > 0: message = 'Cannot delete %s as you are the only admin for organizations: ' % user.username for index, org in enumerate(organizations): if index > 0: message = message + ', ' message = message + org.username raise DataModelException(message) # Delete all queue items for the user. for queue in queues: queue.delete_namespaced_items(user.username) # Delete any repositories under the user's namespace. for repo in list( == user)): repository.purge_repository(user.username, if user.organization: # Delete the organization's teams. for team in == user): team.delete_instance(recursive=True) # Delete any OAuth approvals and tokens associated with the user. for app in == user): app.delete_instance(recursive=True) else: # Remove the user from any teams in which they are a member. TeamMember.delete().where(TeamMember.user == user).execute() # Delete any repository buildtriggers where the user is the connected user. triggers = == user) for trigger in triggers: trigger.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=False) # Null out any service key approvals. We technically lose information here, but its better than # falling and only occurs if a superuser is being deleted. ServiceKeyApproval.update(approver=None).where(ServiceKeyApproval.approver == user).execute() # Delete the user itself. user.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=True) def get_pull_credentials(robotname): try: robot = lookup_robot(robotname) except InvalidRobotException: return None try: login_info = FederatedLogin.get(user=robot) except FederatedLogin.DoesNotExist: return None return { 'username': robot.username, 'password': login_info.service_ident, 'registry': '%s://%s/v1/' % (config.app_config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'], config.app_config['SERVER_HOSTNAME']), } def get_region_locations(user): """ Returns the locations defined as preferred storage for the given user. """ query = == user) return set([ for region in query]) def get_federated_logins(user_ids, service_name): """ Returns all federated logins for the given user ids under the given external service. """ if not user_ids: return [] return (FederatedLogin .select() .join(User) .switch(FederatedLogin) .join(LoginService) .where(FederatedLogin.user << user_ids, == service_name)) class LoginWrappedDBUser(UserMixin): def __init__(self, user_uuid, db_user=None): self._uuid = user_uuid self._db_user = db_user def db_user(self): if not self._db_user: self._db_user = get_user_by_uuid(self._uuid) return self._db_user @property def is_authenticated(self): return self.db_user() is not None @property def is_active(self): return self.db_user() and self.db_user().verified def get_id(self): return unicode(self._uuid)