from time import time from gevent.hub import get_hub from greenlet import settrace from prometheus_client import Counter, Histogram greenlet_switch = Counter('greenlet_switch_total', 'number of greenlet context switches') greenlet_throw = Counter('greenlet_throw_total', 'number of greenlet throws') greenlet_duration = Histogram('greenlet_duration_seconds', 'seconds in which a particular greenlet is executing', buckets=[.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0]) _latest_switch = None def enable_tracing(): settrace(greenlet_callback) def greenlet_callback(event, args): """ This is a callback that is executed greenlet on all events. """ if event in ('switch', 'throw'): # It's only safe to unpack args under these two events. (origin, _target) = args if origin is get_hub(): # This greenlet is the one that manages the loop itself, thus noop. return if event == 'switch': switch_callback(args) return if event == 'throw': throw_callback(args) return def switch_callback(_args): """ This is a callback that is executed specifically on greenlet switches. """ global _latest_switch if _latest_switch is None: # This is the first switch. _latest_switch = time() return now = time() greenlet_duration.observe(now - _latest_switch) _latest_switch = now def throw_callback(_args): """ This is a callback that is executed on execeptions from origin to target. This callback is running in the context of the target greenlet and any exceptions will replace the original, as if target.throw() was used replacing the exception. """