/** * An element which displays a Dockerfile command nicely formatted, with optional link to the * image (for FROM commands that link to us or to the DockerHub). */ angular.module('quay').directive('dockerfileCommand', function () { var directiveDefinitionObject = { priority: 0, templateUrl: '/static/directives/dockerfile-command.html', replace: false, transclude: false, restrict: 'C', scope: { 'command': '=command' }, controller: function($scope, $element, UtilService, Config) { var registryHandlers = { 'quay.io': function(pieces) { var rnamespace = pieces[pieces.length - 2]; var rname = pieces[pieces.length - 1].split(':')[0]; return '/repository/' + rnamespace + '/' + rname + '/'; }, '': function(pieces) { var rnamespace = pieces.length == 1 ? '_' : 'u/' + pieces[0]; var rname = pieces[pieces.length - 1].split(':')[0]; return 'https://registry.hub.docker.com/' + rnamespace + '/' + rname + '/'; } }; registryHandlers[Config.getDomain()] = registryHandlers['quay.io']; var kindHandlers = { 'FROM': function(title) { var pieces = title.split('/'); var registry = pieces.length < 3 ? '' : pieces[0]; if (!registryHandlers[registry]) { return title; } return '<i class="fa fa-hdd-o"></i> <a href="' + registryHandlers[registry](pieces) + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a>'; } }; $scope.getCommandKind = function(title) { var space = title.indexOf(' '); return title.substring(0, space); }; $scope.getCommandTitleHtml = function(title) { var space = title.indexOf(' '); if (space <= 0) { return UtilService.textToSafeHtml(title); } var kind = $scope.getCommandKind(title); var sanitized = UtilService.textToSafeHtml(title.substring(space + 1)); var handler = kindHandlers[kind || '']; if (handler) { return handler(sanitized); } else { return sanitized; } }; } }; return directiveDefinitionObject; });