""" Messages API. """ from flask import abort from flask import make_response from flask import request import features from auth import scopes from auth.permissions import SuperUserPermission from endpoints.api import (ApiResource, resource, nickname, require_fresh_login, verify_not_prod, validate_json_request, require_scope, show_if,) from globalmessages_models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model @resource('/v1/messages') class GlobalUserMessages(ApiResource): """ Resource for getting a list of super user messages """ schemas = { 'GetMessage': { 'id': 'GetMessage', 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Messages that a super user has saved in the past', 'properties': { 'message': { 'type': 'array', 'description': 'A list of messages', 'itemType': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'uuid': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The message id', }, 'content': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The actual message', }, 'media_type': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The media type of the message', 'enum': ['text/plain', 'text/markdown'], }, 'severity': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The severity of the message', 'enum': ['info', 'warning', 'error'], }, }, }, }, }, }, 'CreateMessage': { 'id': 'CreateMessage', 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Create a new message', 'properties': { 'message': { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'A single message', 'required': [ 'content', 'media_type', 'severity', ], 'properties': { 'content': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The actual message', }, 'media_type': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The media type of the message', 'enum': ['text/plain', 'text/markdown'], }, 'severity': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The severity of the message', 'enum': ['info', 'warning', 'error'], }, }, }, }, } } @nickname('getGlobalMessages') def get(self): """ Return a super users messages """ return { 'messages': [m.to_dict() for m in model.get_all_messages()], } @require_fresh_login @verify_not_prod @nickname('createGlobalMessage') @validate_json_request('CreateMessage') @require_scope(scopes.SUPERUSER) def post(self): """ Create a message """ if not features.SUPER_USERS: abort(404) if SuperUserPermission().can(): message_req = request.get_json()['message'] message = model.create_message(message_req['severity'], message_req['media_type'], message_req['content']) if message is None: abort(400) return make_response('', 201) abort(403) @resource('/v1/message/<uuid>') @show_if(features.SUPER_USERS) class GlobalUserMessage(ApiResource): """ Resource for managing individual messages """ @require_fresh_login @verify_not_prod @nickname('deleteGlobalMessage') @require_scope(scopes.SUPERUSER) def delete(self, uuid): """ Delete a message """ if SuperUserPermission().can(): model.delete_message(uuid) return make_response('', 204) abort(403)