from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple

from six import add_metaclass

class RepositoryAuthorizedEmail(
    namedtuple('RepositoryAuthorizedEmail', [
  Tag represents a name to an image.
  :type email: string
  :type repository_name: string
  :type namespace_name: string
  :type confirmed: boolean
  :type code: string

  def to_dict(self):
    return {
      'repository': self.repository_name,
      'namespace': self.namespace_name,
      'confirmed': self.confirmed,
      'code': self.code

class RepoEmailDataInterface(object):
  Interface that represents all data store interactions required by a Repo Email.

  def get_email_authorized_for_repo(self, namespace_name, repository_name, email):
    Returns a RepositoryAuthorizedEmail if available else None

  def create_email_authorization_for_repo(self, namespace_name, repository_name, email):
    Returns the newly created repository authorized email.