/** * Service for building strings, with wildcards replaced with metadata. */ angular.module('quay').factory('StringBuilderService', ['$sce', 'UtilService', function($sce, UtilService) { var stringBuilderService = {}; var fieldIcons = { 'inviter': 'user', 'username': 'user', 'user': 'user', 'email': 'envelope', 'activating_username': 'user', 'delegate_user': 'user', 'delegate_team': 'group', 'team': 'group', 'token': 'key', 'repo': 'hdd-o', 'robot': 'ci-robot', 'tag': 'tag', 'role': 'th-large', 'original_role': 'th-large', 'application_name': 'cloud', 'image': 'archive', 'original_image': 'archive', 'client_id': 'chain', 'manifest_digest': 'link' }; var filters = { 'obj': function(value) { if (!value) { return []; } return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); }, 'updated_tags': function(value) { if (!value) { return []; } return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); }, 'kid': function(kid, metadata) { if (metadata.name) { return metadata.name; } return metadata.kid.substr(0, 12); }, 'created_date': function(value) { return moment.unix(value).format('LLL'); }, 'expiration_date': function(value) { return moment.unix(value).format('LLL'); }, 'old_expiration_date': function(value) { return moment.unix(value).format('LLL'); } }; stringBuilderService.buildUrl = function(value_or_func, metadata) { var url = value_or_func; if (typeof url != 'string') { url = url(metadata); } // Find the variables to be replaced. var varNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < url.length; ++i) { var c = url[i]; if (c == '{') { for (var j = i + 1; j < url.length; ++j) { var d = url[j]; if (d == '}') { varNames.push(url.substring(i + 1, j)); i = j; break; } } } } // Replace all variables found. for (var i = 0; i < varNames.length; ++i) { var varName = varNames[i]; if (!metadata[varName]) { return null; } url = url.replace('{' + varName + '}', metadata[varName]); } return url; }; stringBuilderService.buildTrustedString = function(value_or_func, metadata, opt_codetag) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(stringBuilderService.buildString(value_or_func, metadata, opt_codetag)); }; stringBuilderService.replaceField = function(description, prefix, key, value, opt_codetag) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.join(', '); } else if (typeof value == 'object') { for (var subkey in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(subkey)) { description = stringBuilderService.replaceField(description, prefix + key + '.', subkey, value[subkey], opt_codetag) } } return description } value = value.toString(); if (key.indexOf('image') >= 0) { value = value.substr(0, 12); } var safe = UtilService.escapeHtmlString(value); var markedDown = UtilService.getMarkedDown(value); markedDown = markedDown.substr('<p>'.length, markedDown.length - '<p></p>'.length); var icon = fieldIcons[key]; if (icon) { if (icon.indexOf('ci-') < 0) { icon = 'fa-' + icon; } markedDown = '<i class="fa ' + icon + '"></i>' + markedDown; } var codeTag = opt_codetag || 'code'; description = description.replace('{' + prefix + key + '}', '<' + codeTag + ' title="' + safe + '">' + markedDown + '</' + codeTag + '>'); return description } stringBuilderService.buildString = function(value_or_func, metadata, opt_codetag) { var description = value_or_func; if (typeof description != 'string') { description = description(metadata); } for (var key in metadata) { if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = metadata[key] != null ? metadata[key] : '(Unknown)'; if (filters[key]) { value = filters[key](value, metadata); } description = stringBuilderService.replaceField(description, '', key, value, opt_codetag); } } return description.replace('\n', '<br>'); }; return stringBuilderService; }]);