function SuperUserAdminCtrl($scope, $timeout, ApiService, Features, UserService, ContainerService, AngularPollChannel, CoreDialog) { if (!Features.SUPER_USERS) { return; } // Monitor any user changes and place the current user into the scope. UserService.updateUserIn($scope); $scope.configStatus = null; $scope.requiresRestart = null; $scope.logsCounter = 0; $scope.newUser = {}; $scope.createdUser = null; $scope.systemUsage = null; $scope.debugServices = null; $scope.debugLogs = null; $scope.pollChannel = null; $scope.logsScrolled = false; $scope.csrf_token = encodeURIComponent(window.__token); $scope.dashboardActive = false; $scope.setDashboardActive = function(active) { $scope.dashboardActive = active; }; $scope.configurationSaved = function() { $scope.requiresRestart = true; }; $scope.showCreateUser = function() { $scope.createdUser = null; $('#createUserModal').modal('show'); }; $scope.viewSystemLogs = function(service) { if ($scope.pollChannel) { $scope.pollChannel.stop(); } $scope.debugService = service; $scope.debugLogs = null; $scope.pollChannel = AngularPollChannel.create($scope, $scope.loadServiceLogs, 2 * 1000 /* 2s */); $scope.pollChannel.start(); }; $scope.loadServiceLogs = function(callback) { if (!$scope.debugService) { return; } var params = { 'service': $scope.debugService }; var errorHandler = ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot load system logs. Please contact support.', function() { callback(false); }) ApiService.getSystemLogs(null, params, /* background */true).then(function(resp) { $scope.debugLogs = resp['logs']; callback(true); }, errorHandler); }; $scope.loadDebugServices = function() { if ($scope.pollChannel) { $scope.pollChannel.stop(); } $scope.debugService = null; ApiService.listSystemLogServices().then(function(resp) { $scope.debugServices = resp['services']; }, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot load system logs. Please contact support.')) }; $scope.getUsage = function() { if ($scope.systemUsage) { return; } ApiService.getSystemUsage().then(function(resp) { $scope.systemUsage = resp; }, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot load system usage. Please contact support.')) } $scope.loadUsageLogs = function() { $scope.logsCounter++; }; $scope.loadUsers = function() { if ($scope.users) { return; } $scope.loadUsersInternal(); }; $scope.loadUsersInternal = function() { ApiService.listAllUsers().then(function(resp) { $scope.users = resp['users']; $scope.showInterface = true; }, function(resp) { $scope.users = []; $scope.usersError = resp['data']['message'] || resp['data']['error_description']; }); }; $scope.showChangePassword = function(user) { $scope.userToChange = user; $('#changePasswordModal').modal({}); }; $scope.createUser = function() { $scope.creatingUser = true; $scope.createdUser = null; var errorHandler = ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot create user', function() { $scope.creatingUser = false; $('#createUserModal').modal('hide'); }); ApiService.createInstallUser($scope.newUser, null).then(function(resp) { $scope.creatingUser = false; $scope.newUser = {}; $scope.createdUser = resp; $scope.loadUsersInternal(); }, errorHandler) }; $scope.showDeleteUser = function(user) { if (user.username == UserService.currentUser().username) { bootbox.dialog({ "message": 'Cannot delete yourself!', "title": "Cannot delete user", "buttons": { "close": { "label": "Close", "className": "btn-primary" } } }); return; } $scope.userToDelete = user; $('#confirmDeleteUserModal').modal({}); }; $scope.changeUserPassword = function(user) { $('#changePasswordModal').modal('hide'); var params = { 'username': user.username }; var data = { 'password': user.password }; ApiService.changeInstallUser(data, params).then(function(resp) { $scope.loadUsersInternal(); }, ApiService.errorDisplay('Could not change user')); }; $scope.deleteUser = function(user) { $('#confirmDeleteUserModal').modal('hide'); var params = { 'username': user.username }; ApiService.deleteInstallUser(null, params).then(function(resp) { $scope.loadUsersInternal(); }, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot delete user')); }; $scope.sendRecoveryEmail = function(user) { var params = { 'username': user.username }; ApiService.sendInstallUserRecoveryEmail(null, params).then(function(resp) { bootbox.dialog({ "message": "A recovery email has been sent to " + resp['email'], "title": "Recovery email sent", "buttons": { "close": { "label": "Close", "className": "btn-primary" } } }); }, ApiService.errorDisplay('Cannot send recovery email')) }; $scope.restartContainer = function() { $('#restartingContainerModal').modal({ keyboard: false, backdrop: 'static' }); ContainerService.restartContainer(function() { $scope.checkStatus() }); }; $scope.checkStatus = function() { ContainerService.checkStatus(function(resp) { $('#restartingContainerModal').modal('hide'); $scope.configStatus = resp['status']; $scope.requiresRestart = resp['requires_restart']; if ($scope.configStatus == 'ready') { $scope.loadUsers(); } else { var message = "Installation of this product has not yet been completed." + "<br><br>Please read the " + "<a href=''>" + "Setup Guide</a>" var title = "Installation Incomplete"; CoreDialog.fatal(title, message); } }); }; // Load the initial status. $scope.checkStatus(); }