# pylint: disable=protected-access import logging from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from peewee import IntegrityError from data import database from data import model from data.cache import cache_key from data.database import db_transaction from data.registry_model.interface import RegistryDataInterface from data.registry_model.datatype import FromDictionaryException from data.registry_model.datatypes import (Tag, RepositoryReference, Manifest, LegacyImage, Label, SecurityScanStatus, ManifestLayer, Blob, DerivedImage, TorrentInfo, BlobUpload) from data.registry_model.label_handlers import apply_label_to_manifest from image.docker.schema1 import (DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder, ManifestException, DockerSchema1Manifest) from util.validation import is_json logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PreOCIModel(RegistryDataInterface): """ PreOCIModel implements the data model for the registry API using a database schema before it was changed to support the OCI specification. """ def find_matching_tag(self, repository_ref, tag_names): """ Finds an alive tag in the repository matching one of the given tag names and returns it or None if none. """ found_tag = model.tag.find_matching_tag(repository_ref._db_id, tag_names) assert found_tag is None or not found_tag.hidden return Tag.for_repository_tag(found_tag) def get_most_recent_tag(self, repository_ref): """ Returns the most recently pushed alive tag in the repository, if any. If none, returns None. """ found_tag = model.tag.get_most_recent_tag(repository_ref._db_id) assert found_tag is None or not found_tag.hidden return Tag.for_repository_tag(found_tag) def lookup_repository(self, namespace_name, repo_name, kind_filter=None): """ Looks up and returns a reference to the repository with the given namespace and name, or None if none. """ repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repo_name, kind_filter=kind_filter) return RepositoryReference.for_repo_obj(repo) def get_manifest_for_tag(self, tag, backfill_if_necessary=False): """ Returns the manifest associated with the given tag. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(tag_id=tag._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: if backfill_if_necessary: return self.backfill_manifest_for_tag(tag) return return Manifest.for_tag_manifest(tag_manifest) def lookup_manifest_by_digest(self, repository_ref, manifest_digest, allow_dead=False, include_legacy_image=False): """ Looks up the manifest with the given digest under the given repository and returns it or None if none. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return None try: tag_manifest = model.tag.load_manifest_by_digest(repo.namespace_user.username, repo.name, manifest_digest, allow_dead=allow_dead) except model.tag.InvalidManifestException: return None legacy_image = None if include_legacy_image: legacy_image = self.get_legacy_image(repository_ref, tag_manifest.tag.image.docker_image_id, include_parents=True) return Manifest.for_tag_manifest(tag_manifest, legacy_image) def create_manifest_and_retarget_tag(self, repository_ref, manifest_interface_instance, tag_name): """ Creates a manifest in a repository, adding all of the necessary data in the model. The `manifest_interface_instance` parameter must be an instance of the manifest interface as returned by the image/docker package. Note that all blobs referenced by the manifest must exist under the repository or this method will fail and return None. Returns a reference to the (created manifest, tag) or (None, None) on error. """ # NOTE: Only Schema1 is supported by the pre_oci_model. assert isinstance(manifest_interface_instance, DockerSchema1Manifest) if not manifest_interface_instance.layers: return None, None # Ensure all the blobs in the manifest exist. digests = manifest_interface_instance.checksums query = model.storage.lookup_repo_storages_by_content_checksum(repository_ref._db_id, digests) blob_map = {s.content_checksum: s for s in query} for layer in manifest_interface_instance.layers: digest_str = str(layer.digest) if digest_str not in blob_map: return None, None # Lookup all the images and their parent images (if any) inside the manifest. # This will let us know which v1 images we need to synthesize and which ones are invalid. docker_image_ids = list(manifest_interface_instance.legacy_image_ids) images_query = model.image.lookup_repository_images(repository_ref._db_id, docker_image_ids) image_storage_map = {i.docker_image_id: i.storage for i in images_query} # Rewrite any v1 image IDs that do not match the checksum in the database. try: rewritten_images = manifest_interface_instance.rewrite_invalid_image_ids(image_storage_map) rewritten_images = list(rewritten_images) parent_image_map = {} for rewritten_image in rewritten_images: if not rewritten_image.image_id in image_storage_map: parent_image = None if rewritten_image.parent_image_id: parent_image = parent_image_map.get(rewritten_image.parent_image_id) if parent_image is None: parent_image = model.image.get_image(repository_ref._db_id, rewritten_image.parent_image_id) if parent_image is None: return None, None synthesized = model.image.synthesize_v1_image( repository_ref._db_id, blob_map[rewritten_image.content_checksum].id, blob_map[rewritten_image.content_checksum].image_size, rewritten_image.image_id, rewritten_image.created, rewritten_image.comment, rewritten_image.command, rewritten_image.compat_json, parent_image, ) parent_image_map[rewritten_image.image_id] = synthesized except ManifestException: logger.exception("exception when rewriting v1 metadata") return None, None # Store the manifest pointing to the tag. leaf_layer_id = rewritten_images[-1].image_id tag_manifest, newly_created = model.tag.store_tag_manifest_for_repo(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name, manifest_interface_instance, leaf_layer_id, blob_map) manifest = Manifest.for_tag_manifest(tag_manifest) # Save the labels on the manifest. if newly_created: with self.batch_create_manifest_labels(manifest) as add_label: for key, value in manifest_interface_instance.layers[-1].v1_metadata.labels.iteritems(): media_type = 'application/json' if is_json(value) else 'text/plain' add_label(key, value, 'manifest', media_type) return manifest, Tag.for_repository_tag(tag_manifest.tag) def get_legacy_images(self, repository_ref): """ Returns an iterator of all the LegacyImage's defined in the matching repository. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return None all_images = model.image.get_repository_images_without_placements(repo) all_images_map = {image.id: image for image in all_images} all_tags = model.tag.list_repository_tags(repo.namespace_user.username, repo.name) tags_by_image_id = defaultdict(list) for tag in all_tags: tags_by_image_id[tag.image_id].append(tag) return [LegacyImage.for_image(image, images_map=all_images_map, tags_map=tags_by_image_id) for image in all_images] def get_legacy_image(self, repository_ref, docker_image_id, include_parents=False, include_blob=False): """ Returns the matching LegacyImages under the matching repository, if any. If none, returns None. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return None image = model.image.get_image(repository_ref._db_id, docker_image_id) if image is None: return None parent_images_map = None if include_parents: parent_images = model.image.get_parent_images(repo.namespace_user.username, repo.name, image) parent_images_map = {image.id: image for image in parent_images} blob = None if include_blob: placements = list(model.storage.get_storage_locations(image.storage.uuid)) blob = Blob.for_image_storage(image.storage, storage_path=model.storage.get_layer_path(image.storage), placements=placements) return LegacyImage.for_image(image, images_map=parent_images_map, blob=blob) def create_manifest_label(self, manifest, key, value, source_type_name, media_type_name=None): """ Creates a label on the manifest with the given key and value. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return None label_data = dict(key=key, value=value, source_type_name=source_type_name, media_type_name=media_type_name) with db_transaction(): # Create the label itself. label = model.label.create_manifest_label(tag_manifest, key, value, source_type_name, media_type_name) # Apply any changes to the manifest that the label prescribes. apply_label_to_manifest(label_data, manifest, self) return Label.for_label(label) @contextmanager def batch_create_manifest_labels(self, manifest): """ Returns a context manager for batch creation of labels on a manifest. Can raise InvalidLabelKeyException or InvalidMediaTypeException depending on the validation errors. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: yield None return labels_to_add = [] def add_label(key, value, source_type_name, media_type_name=None): labels_to_add.append(dict(key=key, value=value, source_type_name=source_type_name, media_type_name=media_type_name)) yield add_label # TODO: make this truly batch once we've fully transitioned to V2_2 and no longer need # the mapping tables. for label in labels_to_add: with db_transaction(): # Create the label itself. model.label.create_manifest_label(tag_manifest, **label) # Apply any changes to the manifest that the label prescribes. apply_label_to_manifest(label, manifest, self) def list_manifest_labels(self, manifest, key_prefix=None): """ Returns all labels found on the manifest. If specified, the key_prefix will filter the labels returned to those keys that start with the given prefix. """ labels = model.label.list_manifest_labels(manifest._db_id, prefix_filter=key_prefix) return [Label.for_label(l) for l in labels] def get_manifest_label(self, manifest, label_uuid): """ Returns the label with the specified UUID on the manifest or None if none. """ return Label.for_label(model.label.get_manifest_label(label_uuid, manifest._db_id)) def delete_manifest_label(self, manifest, label_uuid): """ Delete the label with the specified UUID on the manifest. Returns the label deleted or None if none. """ return Label.for_label(model.label.delete_manifest_label(label_uuid, manifest._db_id)) def list_repository_tags(self, repository_ref, include_legacy_images=False, start_pagination_id=None, limit=None): """ Returns a list of all the active tags in the repository. Note that this can be a *heavy* operation on repositories with a lot of tags, and should be avoided for more targetted operations wherever possible. """ # NOTE: include_legacy_images isn't used here because `list_active_repo_tags` includes the # information already, so we might as well just use it. However, the new model classes will # *not* include it by default, so we make it a parameter now. tags = model.tag.list_active_repo_tags(repository_ref._db_id, start_pagination_id, limit) return [Tag.for_repository_tag(tag, legacy_image=LegacyImage.for_image(tag.image), manifest_digest=(tag.tagmanifest.digest if hasattr(tag, 'tagmanifest') else None)) for tag in tags] def list_repository_tag_history(self, repository_ref, page=1, size=100, specific_tag_name=None, active_tags_only=False): """ Returns the history of all tags in the repository (unless filtered). This includes tags that have been made in-active due to newer versions of those tags coming into service. """ tags, manifest_map, has_more = model.tag.list_repository_tag_history(repository_ref._db_id, page, size, specific_tag_name, active_tags_only) return [Tag.for_repository_tag(tag, manifest_map.get(tag.id), legacy_image=LegacyImage.for_image(tag.image)) for tag in tags], has_more def has_expired_tag(self, repository_ref, tag_name): """ Returns true if and only if the repository contains a tag with the given name that is expired. """ try: model.tag.get_expired_tag_in_repo(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name) return True except database.RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist: return False def get_repo_tag(self, repository_ref, tag_name, include_legacy_image=False): """ Returns the latest, *active* tag found in the repository, with the matching name or None if none. """ assert isinstance(tag_name, basestring) tag = model.tag.get_active_tag_for_repo(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name) if tag is None: return None legacy_image = LegacyImage.for_image(tag.image) if include_legacy_image else None tag_manifest = model.tag.get_tag_manifest(tag) manifest_digest = tag_manifest.digest if tag_manifest else None return Tag.for_repository_tag(tag, legacy_image=legacy_image, manifest_digest=manifest_digest) def retarget_tag(self, repository_ref, tag_name, manifest_or_legacy_image, is_reversion=False): """ Creates, updates or moves a tag to a new entry in history, pointing to the manifest or legacy image specified. If is_reversion is set to True, this operation is considered a reversion over a previous tag move operation. Returns the updated Tag or None on error. """ # TODO: unify this. if not is_reversion: if isinstance(manifest_or_legacy_image, Manifest): raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented') else: model.tag.create_or_update_tag_for_repo(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name, manifest_or_legacy_image.docker_image_id) else: if isinstance(manifest_or_legacy_image, Manifest): model.tag.restore_tag_to_manifest(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name, manifest_or_legacy_image.digest) else: model.tag.restore_tag_to_image(repository_ref._db_id, tag_name, manifest_or_legacy_image.docker_image_id) # Generate a manifest for the tag, if necessary. tag = self.get_repo_tag(repository_ref, tag_name, include_legacy_image=True) if tag is None: return None self.backfill_manifest_for_tag(tag) return tag def delete_tag(self, repository_ref, tag_name): """ Deletes the latest, *active* tag with the given name in the repository. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return None deleted_tag = model.tag.delete_tag(repo.namespace_user.username, repo.name, tag_name) return Tag.for_repository_tag(deleted_tag) def delete_tags_for_manifest(self, manifest): """ Deletes all tags pointing to the given manifest, making the manifest inaccessible for pulling. Returns the tags deleted, if any. Returns None on error. """ try: tagmanifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return None namespace_name = tagmanifest.tag.repository.namespace_user.username repo_name = tagmanifest.tag.repository.name tags = model.tag.delete_manifest_by_digest(namespace_name, repo_name, manifest.digest) return [Tag.for_repository_tag(tag) for tag in tags] def change_repository_tag_expiration(self, tag, expiration_date): """ Sets the expiration date of the tag under the matching repository to that given. If the expiration date is None, then the tag will not expire. Returns a tuple of the previous expiration timestamp in seconds (if any), and whether the operation succeeded. """ try: tag_obj = database.RepositoryTag.get(id=tag._db_id) except database.RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist: return (None, False) return model.tag.change_tag_expiration(tag_obj, expiration_date) def get_legacy_images_owned_by_tag(self, tag): """ Returns all legacy images *solely owned and used* by the given tag. """ try: tag_obj = database.RepositoryTag.get(id=tag._db_id) except database.RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist: return None # Collect the IDs of all images that the tag uses. tag_image_ids = set() tag_image_ids.add(tag_obj.image.id) tag_image_ids.update(tag_obj.image.ancestor_id_list()) # Remove any images shared by other tags. for current_tag in model.tag.list_active_repo_tags(tag_obj.repository_id): if current_tag == tag_obj: continue tag_image_ids.discard(current_tag.image.id) tag_image_ids = tag_image_ids.difference(current_tag.image.ancestor_id_list()) if not tag_image_ids: return [] if not tag_image_ids: return [] # Load the images we need to return. images = database.Image.select().where(database.Image.id << list(tag_image_ids)) all_image_ids = set() for image in images: all_image_ids.add(image.id) all_image_ids.update(image.ancestor_id_list()) # Build a map of all the images and their parents. images_map = {} all_images = database.Image.select().where(database.Image.id << list(all_image_ids)) for image in all_images: images_map[image.id] = image return [LegacyImage.for_image(image, images_map=images_map) for image in images] def get_security_status(self, manifest_or_legacy_image): """ Returns the security status for the given manifest or legacy image or None if none. """ image = None if isinstance(manifest_or_legacy_image, Manifest): try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest_or_legacy_image._db_id) image = tag_manifest.tag.image except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return None else: try: image = database.Image.get(id=manifest_or_legacy_image._db_id) except database.Image.DoesNotExist: return None if image.security_indexed_engine is not None and image.security_indexed_engine >= 0: return SecurityScanStatus.SCANNED if image.security_indexed else SecurityScanStatus.FAILED return SecurityScanStatus.QUEUED def backfill_manifest_for_tag(self, tag): """ Backfills a manifest for the V1 tag specified. If a manifest already exists for the tag, returns that manifest. NOTE: This method will only be necessary until we've completed the backfill, at which point it should be removed. """ import features from app import app, docker_v2_signing_key # Ensure that there isn't already a manifest for the tag. tag_manifest = model.tag.get_tag_manifest(tag._db_id) if tag_manifest is not None: return Manifest.for_tag_manifest(tag_manifest) # Create the manifest. try: tag_obj = database.RepositoryTag.get(id=tag._db_id) except database.RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist: return None assert not tag_obj.hidden repo = tag_obj.repository namespace_name = repo.namespace_user.username repo_name = repo.name # Find the v1 metadata for this image and its parents. repo_image = tag_obj.image parents = model.image.get_parent_images(namespace_name, repo_name, repo_image) # If the manifest is being generated under the library namespace, then we make its namespace # empty. manifest_namespace = namespace_name if features.LIBRARY_SUPPORT and namespace_name == app.config['LIBRARY_NAMESPACE']: manifest_namespace = '' # Create and populate the manifest builder builder = DockerSchema1ManifestBuilder(manifest_namespace, repo_name, tag.name) # Add the leaf layer builder.add_layer(repo_image.storage.content_checksum, repo_image.v1_json_metadata) for parent_image in parents: builder.add_layer(parent_image.storage.content_checksum, parent_image.v1_json_metadata) # Sign the manifest with our signing key. manifest = builder.build(docker_v2_signing_key) # Write the manifest to the DB. blob_query = model.storage.lookup_repo_storages_by_content_checksum(repo, manifest.checksums) storage_map = {blob.content_checksum: blob.id for blob in blob_query} try: tag_manifest, _ = model.tag.associate_generated_tag_manifest(namespace_name, repo_name, tag.name, manifest, storage_map) except IntegrityError: tag_manifest = model.tag.get_tag_manifest(tag_obj) return Manifest.for_tag_manifest(tag_manifest) def is_existing_disabled_namespace(self, namespace_name): """ Returns whether the given namespace exists and is disabled. """ namespace = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace_name) return namespace is not None and not namespace.enabled def is_namespace_enabled(self, namespace_name): """ Returns whether the given namespace exists and is enabled. """ namespace = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace_name) return namespace is not None and namespace.enabled def list_manifest_layers(self, manifest, include_placements=False): """ Returns an *ordered list* of the layers found in the manifest, starting at the base and working towards the leaf, including the associated Blob and its placements (if specified). Returns None if the manifest could not be parsed and validated. """ try: parsed = manifest.get_parsed_manifest() except ManifestException: logger.exception('Could not parse and validate manifest `%s`', manifest._db_id) return None try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Could not find tag manifest for manifest `%s`', manifest._db_id) return None repo = tag_manifest.tag.repository blob_query = model.storage.lookup_repo_storages_by_content_checksum(repo, parsed.checksums) storage_map = {blob.content_checksum: blob for blob in blob_query} manifest_layers = [] for layer in parsed.layers: digest_str = str(layer.digest) if digest_str not in storage_map: logger.error('Missing digest `%s` for manifest `%s`', layer.digest, manifest._db_id) return None image_storage = storage_map[digest_str] assert image_storage.cas_path is not None placements = None if include_placements: placements = list(model.storage.get_storage_locations(image_storage.uuid)) blob = Blob.for_image_storage(image_storage, storage_path=model.storage.get_layer_path(image_storage), placements=placements) manifest_layers.append(ManifestLayer(layer, blob)) return manifest_layers def lookup_derived_image(self, manifest, verb, varying_metadata=None, include_placements=False): """ Looks up the derived image for the given manifest, verb and optional varying metadata and returns it or None if none. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Could not find tag manifest for manifest `%s`', manifest._db_id) return None repo_image = tag_manifest.tag.image derived = model.image.find_derived_storage_for_image(repo_image, verb, varying_metadata) return self._build_derived(derived, verb, varying_metadata, include_placements) def lookup_or_create_derived_image(self, manifest, verb, storage_location, varying_metadata=None, include_placements=False): """ Looks up the derived image for the given maniest, verb and optional varying metadata and returns it. If none exists, a new derived image is created. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Could not find tag manifest for manifest `%s`', manifest._db_id) return None repo_image = tag_manifest.tag.image derived = model.image.find_or_create_derived_storage(repo_image, verb, storage_location, varying_metadata) return self._build_derived(derived, verb, varying_metadata, include_placements) def _build_derived(self, derived, verb, varying_metadata, include_placements): if derived is None: return None derived_storage = derived.derivative placements = None if include_placements: placements = list(model.storage.get_storage_locations(derived_storage.uuid)) blob = Blob.for_image_storage(derived_storage, storage_path=model.storage.get_layer_path(derived_storage), placements=placements) return DerivedImage.for_derived_storage(derived, verb, varying_metadata, blob) def get_derived_image_signature(self, derived_image, signer_name): """ Returns the signature associated with the derived image and a specific signer or None if none. """ try: derived_storage = database.DerivedStorageForImage.get(id=derived_image._db_id) except database.DerivedStorageForImage.DoesNotExist: return None storage = derived_storage.derivative signature_entry = model.storage.lookup_storage_signature(storage, signer_name) if signature_entry is None: return None return signature_entry.signature def set_derived_image_signature(self, derived_image, signer_name, signature): """ Sets the calculated signature for the given derived image and signer to that specified. """ try: derived_storage = database.DerivedStorageForImage.get(id=derived_image._db_id) except database.DerivedStorageForImage.DoesNotExist: return None storage = derived_storage.derivative signature_entry = model.storage.find_or_create_storage_signature(storage, signer_name) signature_entry.signature = signature signature_entry.uploading = False signature_entry.save() def delete_derived_image(self, derived_image): """ Deletes a derived image and all of its storage. """ try: derived_storage = database.DerivedStorageForImage.get(id=derived_image._db_id) except database.DerivedStorageForImage.DoesNotExist: return None model.image.delete_derived_storage(derived_storage) def set_derived_image_size(self, derived_image, compressed_size): """ Sets the compressed size on the given derived image. """ try: derived_storage = database.DerivedStorageForImage.get(id=derived_image._db_id) except database.DerivedStorageForImage.DoesNotExist: return None storage_entry = derived_storage.derivative storage_entry.image_size = compressed_size storage_entry.uploading = False storage_entry.save() def get_torrent_info(self, blob): """ Returns the torrent information associated with the given blob or None if none. """ try: image_storage = database.ImageStorage.get(id=blob._db_id) except database.ImageStorage.DoesNotExist: return None try: torrent_info = model.storage.get_torrent_info(image_storage) except model.TorrentInfoDoesNotExist: return None return TorrentInfo.for_torrent_info(torrent_info) def set_torrent_info(self, blob, piece_length, pieces): """ Sets the torrent infomation associated with the given blob to that specified. """ try: image_storage = database.ImageStorage.get(id=blob._db_id) except database.ImageStorage.DoesNotExist: return None torrent_info = model.storage.save_torrent_info(image_storage, piece_length, pieces) return TorrentInfo.for_torrent_info(torrent_info) def get_cached_repo_blob(self, model_cache, namespace_name, repo_name, blob_digest): """ Returns the blob in the repository with the given digest if any or None if none. Caches the result in the caching system. """ def load_blob(): repository_ref = self.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name) if repository_ref is None: return None blob_found = self.get_repo_blob_by_digest(repository_ref, blob_digest, include_placements=True) if blob_found is None: return None return blob_found.asdict() blob_cache_key = cache_key.for_repository_blob(namespace_name, repo_name, blob_digest, 2) blob_dict = model_cache.retrieve(blob_cache_key, load_blob) try: return Blob.from_dict(blob_dict) if blob_dict is not None else None except FromDictionaryException: # The data was stale in some way. Simply reload. repository_ref = self.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name) if repository_ref is None: return None return self.get_repo_blob_by_digest(repository_ref, blob_digest, include_placements=True) def get_repo_blob_by_digest(self, repository_ref, blob_digest, include_placements=False): """ Returns the blob in the repository with the given digest, if any or None if none. Note that there may be multiple records in the same repository for the same blob digest, so the return value of this function may change. """ try: image_storage = model.blob.get_repository_blob_by_digest(repository_ref._db_id, blob_digest) except model.BlobDoesNotExist: return None assert image_storage.cas_path is not None placements = None if include_placements: placements = list(model.storage.get_storage_locations(image_storage.uuid)) return Blob.for_image_storage(image_storage, storage_path=model.storage.get_layer_path(image_storage), placements=placements) def create_blob_upload(self, repository_ref, new_upload_id, location_name, storage_metadata): """ Creates a new blob upload and returns a reference. If the blob upload could not be created, returns None. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return None try: upload_record = model.blob.initiate_upload(repo.namespace_user.username, repo.name, new_upload_id, location_name, storage_metadata) return BlobUpload.for_upload(upload_record) except database.Repository.DoesNotExist: return None def lookup_blob_upload(self, repository_ref, blob_upload_id): """ Looks up the blob upload withn the given ID under the specified repository and returns it or None if none. """ upload_record = model.blob.get_blob_upload_by_uuid(blob_upload_id) if upload_record is None: return None return BlobUpload.for_upload(upload_record) def update_blob_upload(self, blob_upload, uncompressed_byte_count, piece_hashes, piece_sha_state, storage_metadata, byte_count, chunk_count, sha_state): """ Updates the fields of the blob upload to match those given. Returns the updated blob upload or None if the record does not exists. """ upload_record = model.blob.get_blob_upload_by_uuid(blob_upload.upload_id) if upload_record is None: return None upload_record.uncompressed_byte_count = uncompressed_byte_count upload_record.piece_hashes = piece_hashes upload_record.piece_sha_state = piece_sha_state upload_record.storage_metadata = storage_metadata upload_record.byte_count = byte_count upload_record.chunk_count = chunk_count upload_record.sha_state = sha_state upload_record.save() return BlobUpload.for_upload(upload_record) def delete_blob_upload(self, blob_upload): """ Deletes a blob upload record. """ upload_record = model.blob.get_blob_upload_by_uuid(blob_upload.upload_id) if upload_record is not None: upload_record.delete_instance() def commit_blob_upload(self, blob_upload, blob_digest_str, blob_expiration_seconds): """ Commits the blob upload into a blob and sets an expiration before that blob will be GCed. """ upload_record = model.blob.get_blob_upload_by_uuid(blob_upload.upload_id) if upload_record is None: return None repository = upload_record.repository namespace_name = repository.namespace_user.username repo_name = repository.name # Create the blob and temporarily tag it. location_obj = model.storage.get_image_location_for_name(blob_upload.location_name) blob_record = model.blob.store_blob_record_and_temp_link( namespace_name, repo_name, blob_digest_str, location_obj.id, blob_upload.byte_count, blob_expiration_seconds, blob_upload.uncompressed_byte_count) # Delete the blob upload. upload_record.delete_instance() return Blob.for_image_storage(blob_record, storage_path=model.storage.get_layer_path(blob_record)) def mount_blob_into_repository(self, blob, target_repository_ref, expiration_sec): """ Mounts the blob from another repository into the specified target repository, and adds an expiration before that blob is automatically GCed. This function is useful during push operations if an existing blob from another repository is being pushed. Returns False if the mounting fails. """ repo = model.repository.lookup_repository(target_repository_ref._db_id) if repo is None: return False namespace_name = repo.namespace_user.username repo_name = repo.name storage = model.blob.temp_link_blob(namespace_name, repo_name, blob.digest, expiration_sec) return bool(storage) def set_tags_expiration_for_manifest(self, manifest, expiration_sec): """ Sets the expiration on all tags that point to the given manifest to that specified. """ try: tag_manifest = database.TagManifest.get(id=manifest._db_id) except database.TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return model.tag.set_tag_expiration_for_manifest(tag_manifest, expiration_sec) pre_oci_model = PreOCIModel()