import logging
import json
import hashlib

from flask import redirect, Blueprint, abort, send_file, make_response

from app import app, signer
from auth.auth import process_auth
from auth.permissions import ReadRepositoryPermission
from data import model
from data import database
from endpoints.trackhelper import track_and_log
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect
from storage import Storage

from util.queuefile import QueueFile
from util.queueprocess import QueueProcess
from formats.squashed import SquashedDockerImage
from formats.aci import ACIImage

verbs = Blueprint('verbs', __name__)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _open_stream(formatter, namespace, repository, tag, synthetic_image_id, image_json,
  store = Storage(app)

  # For performance reasons, we load the full image list here, cache it, then disconnect from
  # the database.
  with database.UseThenDisconnect(app.config):
    image_list = list(model.get_matching_repository_images(namespace, repository, image_id_list))

  image_list.sort(key=lambda image: image_id_list.index(image.docker_image_id))

  def get_next_image():
    for current_image in image_list:
      yield current_image

  def get_next_layer():
    for current_image_entry in image_list:
      current_image_path = store.image_layer_path(
      current_image_stream = store.stream_read_file(,

      current_image_id =
      logger.debug('Returning image layer %s: %s', current_image_id, current_image_path)
      yield current_image_stream

  stream = formatter.build_stream(namespace, repository, tag, synthetic_image_id, image_json,
    get_next_image, get_next_layer)


def _sign_sythentic_image(verb, linked_storage_uuid, queue_file):
  signature = None
    signature = signer.detached_sign(queue_file)
    logger.exception('Exception when signing %s image %s', verb, linked_storage_uuid)

  # Setup the database (since this is a new process) and then disconnect immediately
  # once the operation completes.
  if not queue_file.raised_exception:
    with database.UseThenDisconnect(app.config):
        derived = model.get_storage_by_uuid(linked_storage_uuid)
      except model.InvalidImageException:

      signature_entry = model.find_or_create_storage_signature(derived,
      signature_entry.signature = signature
      signature_entry.uploading = False

def _write_synthetic_image_to_storage(verb, linked_storage_uuid, linked_locations, queue_file):
  store = Storage(app)

  def handle_exception(ex):
    logger.debug('Exception when building %s image %s: %s', verb, linked_storage_uuid, ex)

    with database.UseThenDisconnect(app.config):


  image_path = store.image_layer_path(linked_storage_uuid)
  store.stream_write(linked_locations, image_path, queue_file)

  if not queue_file.raised_exception:
    # Setup the database (since this is a new process) and then disconnect immediately
    # once the operation completes.
    with database.UseThenDisconnect(app.config):
      done_uploading = model.get_storage_by_uuid(linked_storage_uuid)
      done_uploading.uploading = False

def _verify_repo_verb(store, namespace, repository, tag, verb, checker=None):
  permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository)

  if not permission.can() and not model.repository_is_public(namespace, repository):

  # Lookup the requested tag.
    tag_image = model.get_tag_image(namespace, repository, tag)
  except model.DataModelException:

  # Lookup the tag's image and storage.
  repo_image = model.get_repo_image_extended(namespace, repository, tag_image.docker_image_id)
  if not repo_image:

  # If there is a data checker, call it first.
  uuid =
  image_json = None

  if checker is not None:
    image_json_data = store.get_content(, store.image_json_path(uuid))
    image_json = json.loads(image_json_data)

    if not checker(image_json):
      logger.debug('Check mismatch on %s/%s:%s, verb %s', namespace, repository, tag, verb)

  return (repo_image, tag_image, image_json)

def _repo_verb_signature(namespace, repository, tag, verb, checker=None, **kwargs):
  # Verify that the image exists and that we have access to it.
  store = Storage(app)
  result = _verify_repo_verb(store, namespace, repository, tag, verb, checker)
  (repo_image, tag_image, image_json) = result

  # Lookup the derived image storage for the verb.
  derived = model.find_derived_storage(, verb)
  if derived is None or derived.uploading:
    return make_response('', 202)

  # Check if we have a valid signer configured.
  if not

  # Lookup the signature for the verb.
  signature_entry = model.lookup_storage_signature(derived,
  if signature_entry is None:

  # Return the signature.
  return make_response(signature_entry.signature)

def _repo_verb(namespace, repository, tag, verb, formatter, sign=False, checker=None, **kwargs):
  # Verify that the image exists and that we have access to it.
  store = Storage(app)
  result = _verify_repo_verb(store, namespace, repository, tag, verb, checker)
  (repo_image, tag_image, image_json) = result

  # Log the action.
  track_and_log('repo_verb', repo_image.repository, tag=tag, verb=verb, **kwargs)

  # Lookup/create the derived image storage for the verb.
  derived = model.find_or_create_derived_storage(, verb,

  if not derived.uploading:
    logger.debug('Derived %s image %s exists in storage', verb, derived.uuid)
    derived_layer_path = store.image_layer_path(derived.uuid)
    download_url = store.get_direct_download_url(derived.locations, derived_layer_path)
    if download_url:
      logger.debug('Redirecting to download URL for derived %s image %s', verb, derived.uuid)
      return redirect(download_url)

    # Close the database handle here for this process before we send the long download.

    logger.debug('Sending cached derived %s image %s', verb, derived.uuid)
    return send_file(store.stream_read_file(derived.locations, derived_layer_path))

  # Load the ancestry for the image.
  uuid =

  logger.debug('Building and returning derived %s image %s', verb, derived.uuid)
  ancestry_data = store.get_content(, store.image_ancestry_path(uuid))
  full_image_list = json.loads(ancestry_data)

  # Load the image's JSON layer.
  if not image_json:
    image_json_data = store.get_content(, store.image_json_path(uuid))
    image_json = json.loads(image_json_data)

  # Calculate a synthetic image ID.
  synthetic_image_id = hashlib.sha256(tag_image.docker_image_id + ':' + verb).hexdigest()

  def _cleanup():
    # Close any existing DB connection once the process has exited.

  # Create a queue process to generate the data. The queue files will read from the process
  # and send the results to the client and storage.
  args = (formatter, namespace, repository, tag, synthetic_image_id, image_json, full_image_list)
  queue_process = QueueProcess(_open_stream,
                  8 * 1024, 10 * 1024 * 1024, # 8K/10M chunk/max
                  args, finished=_cleanup)

  client_queue_file = QueueFile(queue_process.create_queue(), 'client')
  storage_queue_file = QueueFile(queue_process.create_queue(), 'storage')

  # If signing is required, add a QueueFile for signing the image as we stream it out.
  signing_queue_file = None
  if sign and
    signing_queue_file = QueueFile(queue_process.create_queue(), 'signing')

  # Start building.

  # Start the storage saving.
  storage_args = (verb, derived.uuid, derived.locations, storage_queue_file)
  QueueProcess.run_process(_write_synthetic_image_to_storage, storage_args, finished=_cleanup)

  if sign and
    signing_args = (verb, derived.uuid, signing_queue_file)
    QueueProcess.run_process(_sign_sythentic_image, signing_args, finished=_cleanup)

  # Close the database handle here for this process before we send the long download.

  # Return the client's data.
  return send_file(client_queue_file)

def os_arch_checker(os, arch):
  def checker(image_json):
    # Verify the architecture and os.
    operating_system = image_json.get('os', 'linux')
    if operating_system != os:
      return False

    architecture = image_json.get('architecture', 'amd64')

    # Note: Some older Docker images have 'x86_64' rather than 'amd64'.
    # We allow the conversion here.
    if architecture == 'x86_64' and operating_system == 'linux':
      architecture = 'amd64'

    if architecture != arch:
      return False

    return True

  return checker

@verbs.route('/aci/<server>/<namespace>/<repository>/<tag>/sig/<os>/<arch>/', methods=['GET'])
@verbs.route('/aci/<server>/<namespace>/<repository>/<tag>/aci.asc/<os>/<arch>/', methods=['GET'])
def get_aci_signature(server, namespace, repository, tag, os, arch):
  return _repo_verb_signature(namespace, repository, tag, 'aci', checker=os_arch_checker(os, arch),
                              os=os, arch=arch)

@verbs.route('/aci/<server>/<namespace>/<repository>/<tag>/aci/<os>/<arch>/', methods=['GET'])
def get_aci_image(server, namespace, repository, tag, os, arch):
  return _repo_verb(namespace, repository, tag, 'aci', ACIImage(),
                    sign=True, checker=os_arch_checker(os, arch), os=os, arch=arch)

@verbs.route('/squash/<namespace>/<repository>/<tag>', methods=['GET'])
def get_squashed_tag(namespace, repository, tag):
  return _repo_verb(namespace, repository, tag, 'squash', SquashedDockerImage())