import datetime import logging import json import trollius import re from autobahn.wamp.exception import ApplicationError from trollius.coroutines import From from buildman.basecomponent import BaseComponent from buildman.buildpack import BuildPackage, BuildPackageException from buildman.buildstatus import StatusHandler from buildman.server import BUILD_JOB_RESULT from buildman.workererror import WorkerError from data.database import BUILD_PHASE HEARTBEAT_DELTA = datetime.timedelta(seconds=15) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BuildComponent(BaseComponent): """ An application session component which conducts one (or more) builds. """ server_hostname = None expected_token = None builder_realm = None _last_heartbeat = None _component_status = 'joining' _current_job = None _build_status = None _image_info = None def __init__(self, config, realm=None, token=None, **kwargs): self.expected_token = token self.builder_realm = realm BaseComponent.__init__(self, config, **kwargs) def onConnect(self): self.join(self.builder_realm) def onJoin(self, details): logger.debug('Registering methods and listeners for component %s' % self.builder_realm) yield From(self.register(self._on_ready, u'io.quay.buildworker.ready')) yield From(self.subscribe(self._on_heartbeat, 'io.quay.builder.heartbeat')) yield From(self.subscribe(self._on_log_message, 'io.quay.builder.logmessage')) self._set_status('waiting') def is_ready(self): return self._component_status == 'running' def start_build(self, build_job): self._current_job = build_job self._build_status = StatusHandler(self.build_logs, build_job.repo_build()) self._image_info = {} self._set_status('building') # Retrieve the job's buildpack. buildpack_url = self.user_files.get_file_url(build_job.repo_build().resource_key, requires_cors=False) logger.debug('Retreiving build package: %s' % buildpack_url) buildpack = None try: buildpack = BuildPackage.from_url(buildpack_url) except BuildPackageException as bpe: self._build_failure('Could not retrieve build package', bpe) return # Extract the base image information from the Dockerfile. parsed_dockerfile = None logger.debug('Parsing dockerfile') build_config = build_job.build_config() try: parsed_dockerfile = buildpack.parse_dockerfile(build_config.get('build_subdir')) except BuildPackageException as bpe: self._build_failure('Could not find Dockerfile in build package', bpe) return image_and_tag_tuple = parsed_dockerfile.get_image_and_tag() if image_and_tag_tuple is None or image_and_tag_tuple[0] is None: self._build_failure('Missing FROM line Dockerfile') return base_image_information = { 'repository': image_and_tag_tuple[0], 'tag': image_and_tag_tuple[1] } # Extract the number of steps from the Dockerfile. with self._build_status as status_dict: status_dict['total_commands'] = len(parsed_dockerfile.commands) # Add the pull robot information, if any. if build_config.get('pull_credentials') is not None: base_image_information['username'] = build_config['pull_credentials'].get('username', '') base_image_information['password'] = build_config['pull_credentials'].get('password', '') # Retrieve the repository's full name. repo = build_job.repo_build().repository repository_name = repo.namespace_user.username + '/' + # Parse the build queue item into build arguments. # build_package: URL to the build package to download and untar/unzip. # sub_directory: The location within the build package of the Dockerfile and the build context. # repository: The repository for which this build is occurring. # registry: The registry for which this build is occuring. Example: '', '' # pull_token: The token to use when pulling the cache for building. # push_token: The token to use to push the built image. # tag_names: The name(s) of the tag(s) for the newly built image. # base_image: The image name and credentials to use to conduct the base image pull. # repository: The repository to pull. # tag: The tag to pull. # username: The username for pulling the base image (if any). # password: The password for pulling the base image (if any). build_arguments = { 'build_package': buildpack_url, 'sub_directory': build_config.get('build_subdir', ''), 'repository': repository_name, 'registry': '' or self.server_hostname, 'pull_token': build_job.repo_build().access_token.code, 'push_token': build_job.repo_build().access_token.code, 'tag_names': build_config.get('docker_tags', ['latest']), 'base_image': base_image_information, 'cached_tag': build_job.determine_cached_tag() or '' } # Invoke the build. logger.debug('Invoking build: %s', self.builder_realm) logger.debug('With Arguments: %s', build_arguments) return ("", **build_arguments) .add_done_callback(self._build_complete)) @staticmethod def __total_completion(statuses, total_images): percentage_with_sizes = float(len(statuses.values()))/total_images sent_bytes = sum([status['current'] for status in statuses.values()]) total_bytes = sum([status['total'] for status in statuses.values()]) return float(sent_bytes)/total_bytes*percentage_with_sizes @staticmethod def __process_pushpull_status(status_dict, current_phase, docker_data, images): if not docker_data: return num_images = 0 status_completion_key = '' if current_phase == 'pushing': status_completion_key = 'push_completion' num_images = status_dict['total_commands'] elif current_phase == 'pulling': status_completion_key = 'pull_completion' elif current_phase == 'priming-cache': status_completion_key = 'cache_completion' else: return if 'progressDetail' in docker_data and 'id' in docker_data: image_id = docker_data['id'] detail = docker_data['progressDetail'] if 'current' in detail and 'total' in detail: images[image_id] = detail status_dict[status_completion_key] = \ BuildComponent.__total_completion(images, max(len(images), num_images)) def _on_log_message(self, status, json_data): # Parse any of the JSON data logged. docker_data = {} if json_data: try: docker_data = json.loads(json_data) except ValueError: pass # Extra the current status message (if any). fully_unwrapped = '' keys_to_extract = ['error', 'status', 'stream'] for key in keys_to_extract: if key in docker_data: fully_unwrapped = docker_data[key] break # Determine if this is a step string. current_step = None current_status_string = str(fully_unwrapped.encode('utf-8')) if current_status_string and status == 'building': step_increment ='Step ([0-9]+) :', current_status_string) if step_increment: current_step = int( # Parse and update the phase and the status_dict. The status dictionary contains # the pull/push progress. with self._build_status as status_dict: self._build_status.set_phase(status) BuildComponent.__process_pushpull_status(status_dict, status, docker_data, self._image_info) # If the current message is for a step, then update that index. if current_step: status_dict['current_command'] = current_step # If the json data contains an error, then something went wrong with a push or pull. if 'error' in docker_data: self._build_status.set_error(docker_data['error']) # If we are in the building phase, then write out the log. if status == 'building': if current_step: self._build_status.set_command(current_status_string) else: self._build_status.append_log(current_status_string) def _build_failure(self, error_message, exception=None): self._build_status.set_error(error_message, { 'internal_error': exception.message if exception else None }) build_id = self._current_job.repo_build().uuid logger.warning('Build %s failed with message: %s', build_id, self._error_message) # Mark that the build has finished (in an error state) self._build_finished(BUILD_JOB_RESULT.ERROR) def _build_complete(self, result): try: # Retrieve the result. This will raise an ApplicationError on any error that occurred. result.result() self._build_finished(BUILD_JOB_RESULT.COMPLETE) self._build_status.set_phase(BUILD_PHASE.COMPLETE) except ApplicationError as ae: worker_error = WorkerError(ae.error, ae.kwargs.get('base_error')) # Write the error to the log. self._build_status.set_error(worker_error.public_message(), worker_error.extra_data()) # Mark the build as completed. if worker_error.is_internal_error(): self._build_finished(BUILD_JOB_RESULT.INCOMPLETE) else: self._build_finished(BUILD_JOB_RESULT.ERROR) def _build_finished(self, job_status): self.parent_manager.job_completed(self._current_job, job_status, self) self._current_job = None # Set the component back to a running state. self._set_status('running') def _on_ready(self, token): if self._component_status != 'waiting': logger.warning('Build component with token %s is already connected', self.expected_token) return if token != self.expected_token: logger.warning('Builder token mismatch. Expected: %s. Found: %s', self.expected_token, token) return self._set_status('running') # Start the heartbeat check. loop = trollius.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self._check_heartbeat(loop)) logger.debug('Build worker %s is connected and ready' % self.builder_realm) return True def _set_status(self, phase): self._component_status = phase def _on_heartbeat(self): self._last_heartbeat = def _start_heartbeat_check(self, loop): trollius.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(self._check_heartbeat()) @trollius.coroutine def _check_heartbeat(self, loop): while True: if self._component_status != 'running' and self._component_status != 'building': return logger.debug('Checking heartbeat on realm %s', self.builder_realm) if not self._last_heartbeat: self._timeout() return if self._last_heartbeat < - HEARTBEAT_DELTA: self._timeout() return yield From(trollius.sleep(5)) def _timeout(self): self._set_status('timeout') logger.warning('Build component %s timed out', self.expected_token) self._dispose(timed_out=True) def _dispose(self, timed_out=False): # If we still have a running job, then it has not completed and we need to tell the parent # manager. if self._current_job is not None: if timed_out: self._build_status.set_error('Build worker timed out. Build has been requeued') self.parent_manager.job_completed(self._current_job, BUILD_JOB_RESULT.INCOMPLETE, self) self._build_status = None self._current_job = None # Unregister the current component so that it cannot be invoked again. self.parent_manager.build_component_disposed(self, timed_out)