import logging import requests from data.database import CloseForLongOperation from data import model from import get_storage_locations from urlparse import urljoin from util.secscan.validator import SecurityConfigValidator logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AnalyzeLayerException(Exception): """ Exception raised when a layer fails to analyze due to a *client-side* issue. """ class APIRequestFailure(Exception): """ Exception raised when there is a failure to conduct an API request. """ _API_METHOD_INSERT = 'layers' _API_METHOD_GET_LAYER = 'layers/%s' _API_METHOD_MARK_NOTIFICATION_READ = 'notifications/%s' _API_METHOD_GET_NOTIFICATION = 'notifications/%s' class SecurityScannerAPI(object): """ Helper class for talking to the Security Scan service (Clair). """ def __init__(self, config, config_provider, storage): self.config = config self.config_provider = config_provider self._storage = storage self._security_config = None config_validator = SecurityConfigValidator(config, config_provider) if not config_validator.valid(): logger.warning('Invalid config provided to SecurityScannerAPI') return self._default_storage_locations = config['DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE'] self._security_config = config.get('SECURITY_SCANNER') self._target_version = self._security_config['ENGINE_VERSION_TARGET'] def _get_image_url(self, image): """ Gets the download URL for an image and if the storage doesn't exist, returns None. """ path = locations = self._default_storage_locations if not self._storage.exists(locations, path): locations = get_storage_locations( if not locations or not self._storage.exists(locations, path): logger.warning('Could not find a valid location to download layer %s.%s out of %s', image.docker_image_id,, locations) return None uri = self._storage.get_direct_download_url(locations, path) if uri is None: # Handle local storage. local_storage_enabled = False for storage_type, _ in self.config.get('DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG', {}).values(): if storage_type == 'LocalStorage': local_storage_enabled = True if local_storage_enabled: # TODO: fix to use the proper local storage path. uri = path else: logger.warning('Could not get image URL and local storage was not enabled') return None return uri def _new_analyze_request(self, image): """ Create the request body to submit the given image for analysis. If the image's URL cannot be found, returns None. """ url = self._get_image_url(image) if url is None: return None request = { 'Layer': { 'Name': '%s.%s' % (image.docker_image_id,, 'Path': url, 'Format': 'Docker' } } if image.parent.docker_image_id and request['Layer']['ParentName'] = '%s.%s' % (image.parent.docker_image_id, return request def analyze_layer(self, layer): """ Posts the given layer to the security scanner for analysis, blocking until complete. Returns a tuple containing the analysis version (on success, None on failure) and whether the request should be retried. """ request = self._new_analyze_request(layer) if not request: return None, False'Analyzing layer %s', request['Layer']['Name']) try: response = self._call('POST', _API_METHOD_INSERT, body=request) json_response = response.json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.exception('Timeout when trying to post layer data response for %s', return None, True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.exception('Connection error when trying to post layer data response for %s', return None, True except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError): logger.exception('Failed to post layer data response for %s', return None, False # Handle any errors from the security scanner. if response.status_code != 201: message = json_response.get('Error').get('Message', '') logger.warning('A warning event occurred when analyzing layer %s (status code %s): %s', request['Layer']['Name'], response.status_code, message) # 400 means the layer could not be analyzed due to a bad request. if response.status_code == 400: logger.error('Bad request when calling security scanner for layer %s: %s', response.status_code, json_response) raise AnalyzeLayerException('Bad request to security scanner') # 422 means that the layer could not be analyzed: # - the layer could not be extracted (manifest?) # - the layer operating system / package manager is unsupported return None, response.status_code != 422 api_version = json_response['Layer']['IndexedByVersion'] return api_version, False def check_layer_vulnerable(self, layer_id, cve_name): """ Checks to see if the layer with the given ID is vulnerable to the specified CVE. """ layer_data = self._get_layer_data(layer_id, include_vulnerabilities=True) if layer_data is None or 'Layer' not in layer_data or 'Features' not in layer_data['Layer']: return False for feature in layer_data['Layer']['Features']: for vuln in feature.get('Vulnerabilities', []): if vuln['Name'] == cve_name: return True return False def get_notification(self, notification_name, layer_limit=100, page=None): """ Gets the data for a specific notification, with optional page token. Returns a tuple of the data (None on failure) and whether to retry. """ try: params = { 'limit': layer_limit } if page is not None: params['page'] = page response = self._call('GET', _API_METHOD_GET_NOTIFICATION % notification_name, params=params) json_response = response.json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.exception('Timeout when trying to get notification for %s', notification_name) return None, True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.exception('Connection error when trying to get notification for %s', notification_name) return None, True except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError): logger.exception('Failed to get notification for %s', notification_name) return None, False if response.status_code != 200: return None, response.status_code != 404 and response.status_code != 400 return json_response, False def mark_notification_read(self, notification_name): """ Marks a security scanner notification as read. """ try: response = self._call('DELETE', _API_METHOD_MARK_NOTIFICATION_READ % notification_name) return response.status_code / 100 == 2 except requests.exceptions.RequestException: logger.exception('Failed to mark notification as read: %s', notification_name) return False def get_layer_data(self, layer, include_features=False, include_vulnerabilities=False): """ Returns the layer data for the specified layer. On error, returns None. """ layer_id = '%s.%s' % (layer.docker_image_id, return self._get_layer_data(layer_id, include_features, include_vulnerabilities) def _get_layer_data(self, layer_id, include_features=False, include_vulnerabilities=False): try: params = {} if include_features: params = {'features': True} if include_vulnerabilities: params = {'vulnerabilities': True} response = self._call('GET', _API_METHOD_GET_LAYER % layer_id, params=params) logger.debug('Got response %s for vulnerabilities for layer %s', response.status_code, layer_id) json_response = response.json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise APIRequestFailure('API call timed out') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise APIRequestFailure('Could not connect to security service') except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError): logger.exception('Failed to get layer data response for %s', layer_id) raise APIRequestFailure() if response.status_code == 404: return None return json_response def _call(self, method, relative_url, params=None, body=None): """ Issues an HTTP call to the sec API at the given relative URL. This function disconnects from the database while awaiting a response from the API server. """ security_config = self._security_config if security_config is None: raise Exception('Cannot call unconfigured security system') client = self.config['HTTPCLIENT'] headers = {'Connection': 'close'} timeout = security_config['API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS'] endpoint = security_config['ENDPOINT'] if method != 'GET': timeout = security_config.get('API_BATCH_TIMEOUT_SECONDS', timeout) endpoint = security_config.get('ENDPOINT_BATCH', endpoint) api_url = urljoin(endpoint, '/' + security_config['API_VERSION']) + '/' url = urljoin(api_url, relative_url) signer_proxy_url = self.config.get('JWTPROXY_SIGNER', 'localhost:8080') with CloseForLongOperation(self.config): logger.debug('%sing security URL %s', method.upper(), url) return client.request(method, url, json=body, params=params, timeout=timeout, verify='/conf/mitm.cert', headers=headers, proxies={ 'https': 'https://' + signer_proxy_url, 'http': 'http://' + signer_proxy_url })