import * as Raven from 'raven-js'; quayConfig.$inject = [ '$provide', '$injector', 'INJECTED_CONFIG', 'cfpLoadingBarProvider', '$tooltipProvider', '$compileProvider', 'RestangularProvider', ]; export function quayConfig( $provide:, $injector:, INJECTED_CONFIG: any, cfpLoadingBarProvider: any, $tooltipProvider: any, $compileProvider: ng.ICompileProvider, RestangularProvider: any) { cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = false; // decorate the tooltip getter var tooltipFactory: any = $tooltipProvider.$get[$tooltipProvider.$get.length - 1]; $tooltipProvider.$get[$tooltipProvider.$get.length - 1] = function($window: ng.IWindowService) { if ('ontouchstart' in $window) { var existing: any = tooltipFactory.apply(this, arguments); return function(element) { // Note: We only disable bs-tooltip's themselves. $tooltip is used for other things // (such as the datepicker), so we need to be specific when canceling it. if (element.attr('bs-tooltip') == null) { return existing.apply(this, arguments); } else { return null; } }; } return tooltipFactory.apply(this, arguments); }; if (!INJECTED_CONFIG['DEBUG']) { $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); } // Configure compile provider to add additional URL prefixes to the sanitization list. We use // these on the Contact page. $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|irc):/); // Configure the API provider. RestangularProvider.setBaseUrl('/api/v1/'); // Configure analytics. if (INJECTED_CONFIG && INJECTED_CONFIG.MIXPANEL_KEY) { let $analyticsProvider: any = $injector.get('$analyticsProvider'); $analyticsProvider.virtualPageviews(true); } // Configure sentry. if (INJECTED_CONFIG && INJECTED_CONFIG.SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN) { $provide.decorator("$exceptionHandler", function($delegate) { return function(ex, cause) { $delegate(ex, cause); Raven.captureException(ex, {extra: {cause: cause}}); }; }); } }