""" Various decorators for endpoint and API handlers. """ import os import logging from functools import wraps from flask import abort, request, make_response import features from app import app, ip_resolver, model_cache from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_context from data.registry_model import registry_model from util.names import parse_namespace_repository, ImplicitLibraryNamespaceNotAllowed from util.http import abort logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse_repository_name(include_tag=False, ns_kwarg_name='namespace_name', repo_kwarg_name='repo_name', tag_kwarg_name='tag_name', incoming_repo_kwarg='repository'): """ Decorator which parses the repository name found in the incoming_repo_kwarg argument, and applies its pieces to the decorated function. """ def inner(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: repo_name_components = parse_namespace_repository(kwargs[incoming_repo_kwarg], app.config['LIBRARY_NAMESPACE'], include_tag=include_tag, allow_library=features.LIBRARY_SUPPORT) except ImplicitLibraryNamespaceNotAllowed: abort(400, message='A namespace must be specified explicitly') del kwargs[incoming_repo_kwarg] kwargs[ns_kwarg_name] = repo_name_components[0] kwargs[repo_kwarg_name] = repo_name_components[1] if include_tag: kwargs[tag_kwarg_name] = repo_name_components[2] return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return inner def param_required(param_name, allow_body=False): """ Marks a route as requiring a parameter with the given name to exist in the request's arguments or (if allow_body=True) in its body values. If the parameter is not present, the request will fail with a 400. """ def wrapper(wrapped): @wraps(wrapped) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if param_name not in request.args: if not allow_body or param_name not in request.values: abort(400, message='Required param: %s' % param_name) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return decorated return wrapper def anon_allowed(func): """ Marks a method to allow anonymous access where it would otherwise be disallowed. """ func.__anon_allowed = True return func def anon_protect(func): """ Marks a method as requiring some form of valid user auth before it can be executed. """ func.__anon_protected = True return check_anon_protection(func) def check_anon_protection(func): """ Validates a method as requiring some form of valid user auth before it can be executed. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Skip if anonymous access is allowed. if features.ANONYMOUS_ACCESS or '__anon_allowed' in dir(func): return func(*args, **kwargs) # Check for validated context. If none exists, fail with a 401. if get_authenticated_context() and not get_authenticated_context().is_anonymous: return func(*args, **kwargs) abort(401, message='Anonymous access is not allowed') return wrapper def route_show_if(value): """ Adds/shows the decorated route if the given value is True. """ def decorator(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not value: abort(404) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function return decorator def require_xhr_from_browser(func): """ Requires that API GET calls made from browsers are made via XHR, in order to prevent reflected text attacks. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if app.config.get('BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY', False): if request.method == 'GET' and request.user_agent.browser: has_xhr_header = request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest' if not has_xhr_header and not app.config.get('DEBUGGING') == True: logger.warning('Disallowed possible RTA to URL %s with user agent %s', request.path, request.user_agent) abort(400, message='API calls must be invoked with an X-Requested-With header ' + 'if called from a browser') return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def check_region_blacklisted(error_class=None, namespace_name_kwarg=None): """ Decorator which checks if the incoming request is from a region geo IP blocked for the current namespace. The first argument to the wrapped function must be the namespace name. """ def wrapper(wrapped): @wraps(wrapped) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if namespace_name_kwarg: namespace_name = kwargs[namespace_name_kwarg] else: namespace_name = args[0] region_blacklist = registry_model.get_cached_namespace_region_blacklist(model_cache, namespace_name) if region_blacklist: # Resolve the IP information and block if on the namespace's blacklist. remote_addr = request.remote_addr if os.getenv('TEST', 'false').lower() == 'true': remote_addr = request.headers.get('X-Override-Remote-Addr-For-Testing', remote_addr) resolved_ip_info = ip_resolver.resolve_ip(remote_addr) logger.debug('Resolved IP information for IP %s: %s', remote_addr, resolved_ip_info) if (resolved_ip_info and resolved_ip_info.country_iso_code and resolved_ip_info.country_iso_code in region_blacklist): if error_class: raise error_class() abort(403, 'Pulls of this data have been restricted geographically') return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) return decorated return wrapper