import { BuildServiceImpl } from './build.service.impl'; describe("BuildServiceImpl", () => { var buildServiceImpl: BuildServiceImpl; var build: {phase: string}; beforeEach(() => { buildServiceImpl = new BuildServiceImpl(); build = {phase: ""}; }); describe("isActive", () => { var phases: string[]; beforeEach(() => { phases = ['complete', 'error', 'expired', 'cancelled']; }); it("returns false if given build's phase matches an inactive phase", () => { phases.forEach((phase: string) => { build.phase = phase; expect(buildServiceImpl.isActive(build)).toBe(false); }); }); it("returns true if given build's phase does not match inactive phases", () => { build.phase = 'initializing'; expect(buildServiceImpl.isActive(build)).toBe(true); }); }); describe("getBuildMessage", () => { var buildMessages: {phase: string, message: string}[]; beforeEach(() => { buildMessages = [ {phase: null, message: ""}, {phase: 'cannot_load', message: 'Cannot load build status'}, {phase: 'starting', message: 'Starting Dockerfile build'}, {phase: 'initializing', message: 'Starting Dockerfile build'}, {phase: 'waiting', message: 'Waiting for available build worker'}, {phase: 'unpacking', message: 'Unpacking build package'}, {phase: 'pulling', message: 'Pulling base image'}, {phase: 'building', message: 'Building image from Dockerfile'}, {phase: 'checking-cache', message: 'Looking up cached images'}, {phase: 'priming-cache', message: 'Priming cache for build'}, {phase: 'build-scheduled', message: 'Preparing build node'}, {phase: 'pushing', message: 'Pushing image built from Dockerfile'}, {phase: 'complete', message: 'Dockerfile build completed and pushed'}, {phase: 'error', message: 'Dockerfile build failed'}, {phase: 'expired', message: 'Build did not complete after 3 attempts. Re-submit this build to try again.'}, {phase: 'internalerror', message: 'An internal system error occurred while building; the build will be retried in the next few minutes.'}, {phase: 'cancelled', message: 'This build was previously cancelled.'}, ]; }); it("returns the correct message for the given phase", () => { buildMessages.forEach((buildMessage) => { expect(buildServiceImpl.getBuildMessage(buildMessage.phase)).toEqual(buildMessage.message, buildMessage); }); }); it("throws an error if given phase is not supported", () => { var phase: string = "not-a-phase"; try { buildServiceImpl.getBuildMessage(phase); fail("Should throw error"); } catch (error) { expect(error.message).toEqual(`Invalid build phase: ${phase.toString()}`); } }); }); });