import logging

from peewee import JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, fn

from data.model import config, db_transaction, InvalidImageException
from data.database import (ImageStorage, Image, DerivedImageStorage, ImageStoragePlacement,
                           ImageStorageLocation, ImageStorageTransformation, ImageStorageSignature,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def add_storage_placement(storage, location_name):
  """ Adds a storage placement for the given storage at the given location. """
  location = ImageStorageLocation.get(name=location_name)
  ImageStoragePlacement.create(location=location, storage=storage)

def find_or_create_derived_storage(source, transformation_name, preferred_location):
  existing = find_derived_storage(source, transformation_name)
  if existing is not None:
    return existing

  logger.debug('Creating storage dervied from source: %s', source.uuid)
  trans = ImageStorageTransformation.get(name=transformation_name)
  new_storage = create_storage(preferred_location)
  DerivedImageStorage.create(source=source, derivative=new_storage, transformation=trans)
  return new_storage

def garbage_collect_storage(storage_id_whitelist):
  if len(storage_id_whitelist) == 0:

  def placements_query_to_paths_set(placements_query):
    return {(,
            for placement in placements_query}

  def orphaned_storage_query(select_base_query, candidates, group_by):
    return (select_base_query
            .join(Image, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER)
            .join(DerivedImageStorage, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER,
                  on=( == DerivedImageStorage.derivative))
            .where( << list(candidates))
            .having((fn.Count( == 0) & (fn.Count( == 0)))

  # Note: We remove the derived image storage in its own transaction as a way to reduce the
  # time that the transaction holds on the database indicies. This could result in a derived
  # image storage being deleted for an image storage which is later reused during this time,
  # but since these are caches anyway, it isn't terrible and worth the tradeoff (for now).
  logger.debug('Garbage collecting derived storage from candidates: %s', storage_id_whitelist)
  with db_transaction():
    # Find out which derived storages will be removed, and add them to the whitelist
    # The comma after is VERY important, it makes it a tuple, which is a sequence
    orphaned_from_candidates = list(orphaned_storage_query(,

    if len(orphaned_from_candidates) > 0:
      derived_to_remove = (ImageStorage
                                 on=( == DerivedImageStorage.derivative))
                           .where(DerivedImageStorage.source << orphaned_from_candidates))
      storage_id_whitelist.update({ for derived in derived_to_remove})

      # Remove the dervived image storages with sources of orphaned storages
       .where(DerivedImageStorage.source << orphaned_from_candidates)

  # Note: Both of these deletes must occur in the same transaction (unfortunately) because a
  # storage without any placement is invalid, and a placement cannot exist without a storage.
  # TODO(jake): We might want to allow for null storages on placements, which would allow us to
  # delete the storages, then delete the placements in a non-transaction.
  logger.debug('Garbage collecting storages from candidates: %s', storage_id_whitelist)
  with db_transaction():
    # Track all of the data that should be removed from blob storage
    placements_to_remove = list(orphaned_storage_query(ImageStoragePlacement
                                                       (ImageStorage, ImageStoragePlacement,

    paths_to_remove = placements_query_to_paths_set(placements_to_remove)

    # Remove the placements for orphaned storages
    if len(placements_to_remove) > 0:
      placement_ids_to_remove = [ for placement in placements_to_remove]
      placements_removed = (ImageStoragePlacement
                            .where( << placement_ids_to_remove)
      logger.debug('Removed %s image storage placements', placements_removed)

    # Remove all orphaned storages
    # The comma after is VERY important, it makes it a tuple, which is a sequence
    orphaned_storages = list(orphaned_storage_query(,
    if len(orphaned_storages) > 0:
      storages_removed = (ImageStorage
                          .where( << orphaned_storages)
      logger.debug('Removed %s image storage records', storages_removed)

  # We are going to make the conscious decision to not delete image storage blobs inside
  # transactions.
  # This may end up producing garbage in s3, trading off for higher availability in the database.
  for location_name, image_path in paths_to_remove:
    logger.debug('Removing %s from %s', image_path, location_name){location_name}, image_path)

def create_storage(location_name):
  storage = ImageStorage.create()
  location = ImageStorageLocation.get(name=location_name)
  ImageStoragePlacement.create(location=location, storage=storage)
  storage.locations = {location_name}
  return storage

def find_or_create_storage_signature(storage, signature_kind):
  found = lookup_storage_signature(storage, signature_kind)
  if found is None:
    kind = ImageStorageSignatureKind.get(name=signature_kind)
    found = ImageStorageSignature.create(storage=storage, kind=kind)

  return found

def lookup_storage_signature(storage, signature_kind):
  kind = ImageStorageSignatureKind.get(name=signature_kind)
    return (ImageStorageSignature
                .where( == storage,
                       ImageStorageSignature.kind == kind)
  except ImageStorageSignature.DoesNotExist:
    return None

def find_derived_storage(source, transformation_name):
    found = (ImageStorage
      .select(ImageStorage, DerivedImageStorage)
      .join(DerivedImageStorage, on=( == DerivedImageStorage.derivative))
      .where(DerivedImageStorage.source == source,
    == transformation_name)

    found.locations = { for placement in found.imagestorageplacement_set}
    return found
  except ImageStorage.DoesNotExist:
    return None

def delete_derived_storage_by_uuid(storage_uuid):
    image_storage = get_storage_by_uuid(storage_uuid)
  except InvalidImageException:

  except DerivedImageStorage.DoesNotExist:


def get_storage_by_uuid(storage_uuid):
  placements = list(ImageStoragePlacement
                    .select(ImageStoragePlacement, ImageStorage, ImageStorageLocation)
                    .where(ImageStorage.uuid == storage_uuid))

  if not placements:
    raise InvalidImageException('No storage found with uuid: %s', storage_uuid)

  found = placements[0].storage
  found.locations = { for placement in placements}

  return found