<div class="dockerfile-build-form-element">
  <div class="cor-loader" ng-show="building"></div>
  <div ng-show="uploading">
    <span class="message">Uploading file {{ upload_file }}</span>
    <div class="progress progress-striped active">
      <div class="progress-bar"  role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="{{ upload_progress }}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="{{ 'width: ' + upload_progress + '%' }}">

  <div ng-show="!uploading && !building">
      <dt>Dockerfile or <code>.tar.gz</code> or <code>.zip</code>:</dt>
        <div class="co-alert co-alert-danger" ng-if="dockerfileState == 'error'">
          {{ dockerfileError }}

        <input id="file-drop" class="file-drop" type="file" files-changed="handleFilesChanged(files)">
        <div class="help-text">Note: If an archive, the Dockerfile must be in the root directory.</div>
        <div ng-if="dockerfileState == 'loading'">
         Reading Dockerfile: <span class="cor-loader-inline"></span>

    <dl ng-show="privateBaseRepository">
      <dt>Base Image Pull Credentials:</dt>
        <div class="co-alert co-alert-warning"
             ng-if="currentRobotHasPermission === false">
          Warning: Robot account <strong>{{ pullEntity.name }}</strong> does not have
          read permission on repository <strong>{{ privateBaseRepository }}</strong>, so
          this build will fail with an authorization error.
        <div class="entity-search" namespace="repository.namespace"
             placeholder="'Select robot account for pulling'"
        <div class="help-text">
          The selected Dockerfile contains a <code>FROM</code> that refers to the private
          <span class="registry-name"></span> repository <strong>{{ privateBaseRepository }}</strong>.
          A robot account with read access to that repository is required for the build.