import redis
import json

class BuildLogs(object):
  ERROR = 'error'
  COMMAND = 'command'
  PHASE = 'phase'

  def __init__(self, redis_host):
    self._redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_host)

  def _logs_key(build_id):
    return 'builds/%s/logs' % build_id

  def append_log_entry(self, build_id, log_obj):
    Appends the serialized form of log_obj to the end of the log entry list
    and returns the new length of the list.
    return self._redis.rpush(self._logs_key(build_id), json.dumps(log_obj))

  def append_log_message(self, build_id, log_message, log_type=None):
    Wraps the message in an envelope and push it to the end of the log entry
    list and returns the index at which it was inserted.
    log_obj = {
      'message': log_message

    if log_type:
      log_obj['type'] = log_type

    return self._redis.rpush(self._logs_key(build_id), json.dumps(log_obj)) - 1

  def get_log_entries(self, build_id, start_index):
    Returns a tuple of the current length of the list and an iterable of the
    requested log entries.
    llen = self._redis.llen(self._logs_key(build_id))
    log_entries = self._redis.lrange(self._logs_key(build_id), start_index, -1)
    return (llen, (json.loads(entry) for entry in log_entries))

  def _status_key(build_id):
    return 'builds/%s/status' % build_id

  def set_status(self, build_id, status_obj):
    Sets the status key for this build to json serialized form of the supplied
    self._redis.set(self._status_key(build_id), json.dumps(status_obj))

  def get_status(self, build_id):
    Loads the status information for the specified build id.
    fetched = self._redis.get(self._status_key(build_id))
    return json.loads(fetched) if fetched else None