<div class="container">
  <div ng-show="!user.anonymous && user.verified">
    <h3>Welcome <b>{{ user.username }}</b>. Your account is fully activated!</h3>

    <div style="margin-top: 20px;">
      <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="/repository/">Browse all repositories</a>
  <div ng-show="!user.anonymous && !user.verified">
    <h3>Welcome <b>{{ user.username }}</b>. Your account is pending email confirmation.</h3>
    <p>Please check your inbox (and potentially your spam folder) for an email from <a href="mailto:support@quay.io">support@quay.io</a></p>
  <div ng-show="user.anonymous">
    <h3>Docker sent me here. What do I need to do?</h3>
      <a href="/signin">Sign In</a> to check the activation status of your account. If you have already activated
      your account previously, then you do not need to do anything further.