Secure hosting for private docker containers

Use the docker images your team needs with the safety of private storage

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Secure Store your private docker containers securely where only you and your team can access it
Shareable Have to share a container? No problem! Share with anyone you choose
Cloud Hosted Accessible from anywhere, anytime
Why use Quay
Customized for you
Your personal home screen shows those repositories most important to you, ordered by recent activity.
Keep up to date on the status of those repositories you deem important.
Useful views of respositories
Each repository is presented with the maximum amount of useful information, including its image history, markdown-based description, and tags.
Share at your control
Share any repository with as many (or as few) users as you choose.
Want to share with the world? Make your repository public.
Need a repository only for your team? Share with your team members.
Need finer grain control? Mark a user as read-only or read/write.