angular.module("angular-tour", []) .provider('AngularTour', function() { this.$get = ['$document', '$rootScope', '$compile', '$location', function($document, $rootScope, $compile, $location) { $rootScope.angular_tour_current = null; function _start(tour, opt_stepIndex, opt_existingScope) { tour.initialStep = opt_stepIndex || tour.initialStep || 0; tour.tourScope = opt_existingScope || null; $rootScope.angular_tour_current = tour; } function _stop() { $rootScope.angular_tour_current = null; } return { start: _start, stop: _stop }; }]; }) .directive('angularTourUi', function() { var directiveDefinitionObject = { priority: 0, templateUrl: '/static/directives/angular-tour-ui.html', replace: false, transclude: false, restrict: 'C', scope: { 'tour': '=tour', 'inline': '=inline', }, controller: function($rootScope, $scope, $element, $location, $interval, AngularTour) { var createNewScope = function(initialScope) { var tourScope = jQuery.extend({}, initialScope || {}); tourScope['_replaceData'] = function(s) { if (typeof s != 'string') { return s; } for (var key in tourScope) { if (key[0] == '_') { continue; } if (tourScope.hasOwnProperty(key)) { s = s.replace('{{' + key + '}}', tourScope[key]); } } return s; }; return tourScope; }; $scope.stepIndex = 0; $scope.step = null; $scope.interval = null; $scope.tourScope = null; var getElement = function() { if (typeof $scope.step['element'] == 'function') { return $($scope.step['element'](tourScope)); } return $($scope.tourScope._replaceData($scope.step['element'])); }; var checkSignal = function() { return $scope.step['signal'] && $scope.step['signal']($scope.tourScope); }; var teardownSignal = function() { if (!$scope.step) { return; } var signal = $scope.step['signal']; if (signal && signal.$teardown) { signal.$teardown($scope.tourScope); } }; var setupSignal = function() { if (!$scope.step) { return; } var signal = $scope.step['signal']; if (signal && signal.$setup) { signal.$setup($scope.tourScope); } }; var checkSignalTimer = function() { if (!$scope.step || !$scope.tourScope) { stopSignalTimer(); return; } if (checkSignal()) { $; } }; var stopSignalTimer = function() { if (!$scope.interval) { return; } $interval.cancel($scope.interval); $scope.interval = null; }; var startSignalTimer = function() { $scope.interval = $interval(checkSignalTimer, 500); }; var closeDomHighlight = function() { if (!$scope.step) { return; } var element = getElement($scope.tourScope); element.spotlight('close'); }; var updateDomHighlight = function() { var element = getElement(); if (!element.length) { return; } element.spotlight({ opacity: .5, speed: 400, color: '#333', animate: true, easing: 'linear', exitEvent: 'mouseenter', exitEventAppliesToElement: true, paddingX: 1, paddingY: 1 }); }; $scope.setStepIndex = function(stepIndex) { // Close existing spotlight and signal timer. teardownSignal(); closeDomHighlight(); stopSignalTimer(); // Check if there is a next step. if (!$scope.tour || stepIndex >= $scope.tour.steps.length) { $scope.step = null; $scope.hasNextStep = false; return; } $scope.step = $scope.tour.steps[stepIndex]; // If the signal is already true, then skip this step entirely. setupSignal(); if (checkSignal()) { $scope.setStepIndex(stepIndex + 1); return; } $scope.stepIndex = stepIndex; $scope.hasNextStep = stepIndex < $scope.tour.steps.length - 1; // Need the timeout here to ensure the click event does not // hide the spotlight, and it has to be longer than the hide // spotlight animation timing. setTimeout(function() { updateDomHighlight(); }, 500); // Start listening for signals to move the tour forward. if ($scope.step.signal) { startSignalTimer(); } }; $scope.stop = function() { closeDomHighlight(); $scope.tour = null; AngularTour.stop(); }; $ = function() { $scope.setStepIndex($scope.stepIndex + 1); }; $scope.$watch('tour', function(tour) { stopSignalTimer(); if (tour) { // Set the tour scope. if (tour.tourScope) { $scope.tourScope = tour.tourScope; } else { $scope.tourScope = $scope.tour.tourScope = createNewScope(tour.initialScope); } // Set the initial step. $scope.setStepIndex(tour.initialStep || 0); } }); // If this is an inline tour, then we need to monitor the page to determine when // to transition it to an overlay tour. if ($scope.inline) { var counter = 0; var unbind = $rootScope.$watch(function() { return $location.path(); }, function(location) { // Since this callback fires for the first page display, we only unbind it // after the second call. if (counter == 1) { // Unbind the listener. unbind(); // Teardown any existing signal listener. teardownSignal(); // If there is an active tour, transition it over to the overlay. if ($scope.tour && $scope.step && $scope.step['overlayable']) { AngularTour.start($scope.tour, $scope.stepIndex, $scope.tourScope); $scope.tour = null; } } counter++; }); } } }; return directiveDefinitionObject; }) .factory('AngularTourSignals', ['$location', function($location) { var signals = {}; // Signal: When the page location matches the given path. signals.matchesLocation = function(locationPath) { return function(tourScope) { return $location.path() == tourScope._replaceData(locationPath); }; }; // Signal: When an element is found in the page's DOM. signals.elementAvaliable = function(elementPath) { return function(tourScope) { return $(tourScope._replaceData(elementPath)).length > 0; }; }; // Signal: When a server-side event matches the predicate. signals.serverEvent = function(url, matcher) { var checker = function(tourScope) { return checker.$message && matcher(checker.$message, tourScope); }; checker.$message = null; checker.$setup = function(tourScope) { var fullUrl = tourScope._replaceData(url); checker.$source = new EventSource(fullUrl); checker.$source.onmessage = function(e) { checker.$message = JSON.parse(; }; }; checker.$teardown = function() { if (checker.$source) { checker.$source.close(); } }; return checker; }; return signals; }]);