<div class="config-certificates-field-element">
  <div class="resource-view" resource="certificatesResource" error-message="'Could not load certificates list'">
    <!-- File -->
    <div class="co-alert co-alert-warning" ng-if="certInfo.status == 'file'">
        <code>extra_ca_certs</code> is a single file and cannot be processed by this tool. If a valid and appended list of certificates, they will be installed on container startup.

    <div ng-if="certInfo.status != 'file'">
        <div class="description">
          <p>This section lists any custom or self-signed SSL certificates that are installed in the <span class="registry-name"></span> container on startup after being read from the <code>extra_ca_certs</code> directory in the configuration volume.
          Custom certificates are typically used in place of publicly signed certificates for corporate-internal services.
          <p>Please <strong>make sure</strong> that all custom names used for downstream services (such as Clair) are listed in the certificates below.</p>

        <table class="config-table" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
            <td>Upload certificates:</td>
              <div class="file-upload-box"
                     select-message="Select custom certificate to add to configuration. Must be in PEM format and end extension '.crt'"
                     files-selected="handleCertsSelected(files, callback)"

        <table class="co-table">
            <td>Certificate Filename</td>
            <td>Names Handled</td>
            <td class="options-col"></td>
          <tr ng-repeat="certificate in certInfo.certs" ng-if="!certsUploading">
            <td>{{ certificate.path }}</td>
            <td class="cert-status">
              <div ng-if="certificate.error" class="red">
                <i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i>
                Error: {{ certificate.error }}
              <div ng-if="certificate.expired" class="orange">
                <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>
                Certificate is expired
              <div ng-if="!certificate.error && !certificate.expired" class="green">
                <i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i>
                Certificate is valid
              <div class="empty" ng-if="!certificate.names">(None)</div>
              <a class="dns-name" ng-href="http://{{ name }}" ng-repeat="name in certificate.names" ng-safenewtab>{{ name }}</a>
            <td class="options-col">
              <span class="cor-options-menu">
                <span class="cor-option" option-click="deleteCert(certificate.path)">
                  <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Delete Certificate
        <div ng-if="certsUploading" style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center;">
          <div class="cor-loader-inline"></div>
          Uploading, validating and updating certificate(s)
        <div class="empty" ng-if="!certInfo.certs.length && !certsUploading" style="margin-top: 20px;">
          <div class="empty-primary-msg">No custom certificates found.</div>