$.fn.clipboardCopy = function() { var clip = new ZeroClipboard($(this), { 'moviePath': 'static/lib/ZeroClipboard.swf' }); clip.on('complete', function() { // Resets the animation. var elem = $('#clipboardCopied')[0]; elem.style.display = 'none'; elem.classList.remove('animated'); // Show the notification. setTimeout(function() { elem.style.display = 'inline-block'; elem.classList.add('animated'); }, 10); }); }; function HeaderCtrl($scope, $location, UserService, Restangular) { $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); $scope.signout = function() { var signoutPost = Restangular.one('signout'); signoutPost.customPOST().then(function() { UserService.load(); $location.path('/'); }); }; $scope.appLinkTarget = function() { if ($("div[ng-view]").length === 0) { return "_self"; } return ""; }; $scope.$on('$includeContentLoaded', function() { // THIS IS BAD, MOVE THIS TO A DIRECTIVE $('#repoSearch').typeahead({ name: 'repositories', remote: { url: '/api/find/repository?query=%QUERY', filter: function(data) { var datums = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.repositories.length; ++i) { var repo = data.repositories[i]; datums.push({ 'value': repo.name, 'tokens': [repo.name, repo.namespace], 'repo': repo }); } return datums; } }, template: function (datum) { template = '
'; template += '' template += '' + datum.repo.namespace +'/' + datum.repo.name + '' if (datum.repo.description) { template += '' + getFirstTextLine(datum.repo.description) + '' } template += '
' return template; }, }); $('#repoSearch').on('typeahead:selected', function (e, datum) { $('#repoSearch').typeahead('setQuery', ''); document.location = '/repository/' + datum.repo.namespace + '/' + datum.repo.name }); }); } function SigninCtrl($scope, $location, $timeout, Restangular, KeyService, UserService) { $scope.githubClientId = KeyService.githubClientId; var appendMixpanelId = function() { if (mixpanel.get_distinct_id !== undefined) { $scope.mixpanelDistinctIdClause = "&state=" + mixpanel.get_distinct_id(); } else { // Mixpanel not yet loaded, try again later $timeout(appendMixpanelId, 200); } }; appendMixpanelId(); $scope.signin = function() { var signinPost = Restangular.one('signin'); signinPost.customPOST($scope.user).then(function() { $scope.needsEmailVerification = false; $scope.invalidCredentials = false; // Redirect to the landing page UserService.load(); $location.path('/'); }, function(result) { $scope.needsEmailVerification = result.data.needsEmailVerification; $scope.invalidCredentials = result.data.invalidCredentials; }); }; $scope.sendRecovery = function() { var signinPost = Restangular.one('recovery'); signinPost.customPOST($scope.recovery).then(function() { $scope.invalidEmail = false; $scope.sent = true; }, function(result) { $scope.invalidEmail = true; $scope.sent = false; }); }; $scope.status = 'ready'; }; function PlansCtrl($scope, UserService, PlanService) { // Load the list of plans. PlanService.getPlans(function(plans) { $scope.plans = plans; $scope.status = 'ready'; }); $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); $scope.buyNow = function(plan) { if ($scope.user && !$scope.user.anonymous) { document.location = '/user?plan=' + plan; } else { $('#signinModal').modal({}); } }; } function GuideCtrl($scope) { $scope.status = 'ready'; } function RepoListCtrl($scope, Restangular, UserService) { $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); $scope.loading = true; $scope.public_repositories = null; $scope.private_repositories = null; // Load the list of personal repositories. var repositoryPrivateFetch = Restangular.all('repository/'); repositoryPrivateFetch.getList({'public': false, 'sort': true}).then(function(resp) { $scope.private_repositories = resp.repositories; $scope.loading = !($scope.public_repositories && $scope.private_repositories); }); // Load the list of public repositories. var options = {'public': true, 'private': false, 'sort': true, 'limit': 10}; var repositoryPublicFetch = Restangular.all('repository/'); repositoryPublicFetch.getList(options).then(function(resp) { $scope.public_repositories = resp.repositories; $scope.loading = !($scope.public_repositories && $scope.private_repositories); }); } function LandingCtrl($scope, $timeout, $location, Restangular, UserService, KeyService) { $('.form-signup').popover(); $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { if (!currentUser.anonymous) { $scope.loadMyRepos(); } $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); angulartics.waitForVendorApi(mixpanel, 500, function(loadedMixpanel) { var mixpanelId = loadedMixpanel.get_distinct_id(); $scope.github_state_clause = '&state=' + mixpanelId; }); $scope.githubClientId = KeyService.githubClientId; $scope.awaitingConfirmation = false; $scope.registering = false; $scope.register = function() { $('.form-signup').popover('hide'); $scope.registering = true; var newUserPost = Restangular.one('user/'); newUserPost.customPOST($scope.newUser).then(function() { $scope.awaitingConfirmation = true; $scope.registering = false; mixpanel.alias($scope.newUser.username); }, function(result) { $scope.registering = false; $scope.registerError = result.data.message; $timeout(function() { $('.form-signup').popover('show'); }); }); }; $scope.loadMyRepos = function() { $scope.loadingmyrepos = true; // Load the list of repositories. var params = { 'limit': 5, 'public': false, 'sort': true }; var repositoryFetch = Restangular.all('repository/'); repositoryFetch.getList(params).then(function(resp) { $scope.myrepos = resp.repositories; $scope.loadingmyrepos = false; }); }; $scope.status = 'ready'; browserchrome.update(); } function RepoCtrl($scope, Restangular, $routeParams, $rootScope, $location, $timeout) { $rootScope.title = 'Loading...'; // Watch for changes to the tag parameter. $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function(){ $scope.setTag($location.search().tag, false); }); $scope.updateForDescription = function(content) { $scope.repo.description = content; $scope.repo.put(); }; $scope.parseDate = function(dateString) { return Date.parse(dateString); }; $scope.getTimeSince = function(createdTime) { return moment($scope.parseDate(createdTime)).fromNow(); }; var getDefaultTag = function() { if ($scope.repo === undefined) { return undefined; } else if ($scope.repo.tags.hasOwnProperty('latest')) { return $scope.repo.tags['latest']; } else { for (key in $scope.repo.tags) { return $scope.repo.tags[key]; } } }; $scope.$watch('repo', function() { if ($scope.tree) { $timeout(function() { $scope.tree.notifyResized(); }); } }); var fetchRepository = function() { var repositoryFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name); repositoryFetch.get().then(function(repo) { $rootScope.title = namespace + '/' + name; $scope.repo = repo; $scope.setTag($routeParams.tag); $('#copyClipboard').clipboardCopy(); $scope.loading = false; if (repo.is_building) { startBuildInfoTimer(repo); } }, function() { $scope.repo = null; $scope.loading = false; $rootScope.title = 'Unknown Repository'; }); }; var startBuildInfoTimer = function(repo) { if ($scope.interval) { return; } getBuildInfo(repo); $scope.interval = setInterval(function() { $scope.$apply(function() { getBuildInfo(repo); }); }, 5000); $scope.$on("$destroy", function() { cancelBuildInfoTimer(); }); }; var cancelBuildInfoTimer = function() { if ($scope.interval) { clearInterval($scope.interval); } }; var getBuildInfo = function(repo) { var buildInfo = Restangular.one('repository/' + repo.namespace + '/' + repo.name + '/build/'); buildInfo.get().then(function(resp) { var runningBuilds = []; for (var i = 0; i < resp.builds.length; ++i) { var build = resp.builds[i]; if (build.status != 'complete') { runningBuilds.push(build); } } $scope.buildsInfo = runningBuilds; if (!runningBuilds.length) { // Cancel the build timer. cancelBuildInfoTimer(); // Mark the repo as no longer building. $scope.repo.is_building = false; // Reload the repo information. fetchRepository(); listImages(); } }); }; var listImages = function() { var imageFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/image/'); imageFetch.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.imageHistory = resp.images; // Dispose of any existing tree. if ($scope.tree) { $scope.tree.dispose(); } // Create the new tree. $scope.tree = new ImageHistoryTree(namespace, name, resp.images, getFirstTextLine, $scope.getTimeSince); $scope.tree.draw('image-history-container'); // If we already have a tag, use it if ($scope.currentTag) { $scope.tree.setTag($scope.currentTag.name); } $($scope.tree).bind('tagChanged', function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.setTag(e.tag, true); }); }); $($scope.tree).bind('imageChanged', function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.setImage(e.image); }); }); }); }; $scope.loadImageChanges = function(image) { $scope.currentImageChanges = null; var changesFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/image/' + image.id + '/changes'); changesFetch.get().then(function(changeInfo) { $scope.currentImageChanges = changeInfo; }, function() { $scope.currentImageChanges = {'added': [], 'removed': [], 'changed': []}; }); }; $scope.getMoreCount = function(changes) { if (!changes) { return 0; } var addedDisplayed = Math.min(5, changes.added.length); var removedDisplayed = Math.min(5, changes.removed.length); var changedDisplayed = Math.min(5, changes.changed.length); return (changes.added.length + changes.removed.length + changes.changed.length) - addedDisplayed - removedDisplayed - changedDisplayed; }; $scope.setImage = function(image) { $scope.currentImage = image; $scope.loadImageChanges(image); if ($scope.tree) { $scope.tree.setImage($scope.currentImage.id); } }; $scope.setTag = function(tagName, opt_updateURL) { var repo = $scope.repo; var proposedTag = repo.tags[tagName]; if (!proposedTag) { // We must find a good default for (tagName in repo.tags) { if (!proposedTag || tagName == 'latest') { proposedTag = repo.tags[tagName]; } } } if (proposedTag) { $scope.currentTag = proposedTag; $scope.currentImage = $scope.currentTag.image; $scope.loadImageChanges($scope.currentImage); if ($scope.tree) { $scope.tree.setTag($scope.currentTag.name); } if (opt_updateURL) { $location.search('tag', $scope.currentTag.name); } } }; $scope.getTagCount = function(repo) { if (!repo) { return 0; } var count = 0; for (var tag in repo.tags) { ++count; } return count; }; var namespace = $routeParams.namespace; var name = $routeParams.name; $scope.loading = true; // Fetch the repo. fetchRepository(); // Fetch the image history. listImages(); } function RepoAdminCtrl($scope, Restangular, $routeParams, $rootScope) { $('.info-icon').popover({ 'trigger': 'hover', 'html': true }); $('#copyClipboard').clipboardCopy(); var namespace = $routeParams.namespace; var name = $routeParams.name; $scope.permissions = {'team': [], 'user': []}; $scope.isDownloadSupported = function() { try { return !!new Blob(); } catch(e){} return false; }; $scope.downloadCfg = function(token) { var auth = $.base64.encode("$token:" + token.code); config = { "https://quay.io/v1/": { "auth": auth, "email": "" } }; var file = JSON.stringify(config, null, ' '); var blob = new Blob([file]); saveAs(blob, '.dockercfg'); }; $scope.grantRole = function() { $('#confirmaddoutsideModal').modal('hide'); var entity = $scope.currentAddEntity; $scope.addRole(entity.name, 'read', entity.kind, entity.is_org_member) $scope.currentAddEntity = null; }; $scope.addNewPermission = function(entity) { // Don't allow duplicates. if ($scope.permissions[entity.kind][entity.name]) { return; } if (!entity.is_org_member) { $scope.currentAddEntity = entity; $('#confirmaddoutsideModal').modal('show'); return; } // Need the $scope.apply for both the permission stuff to change and for // the XHR call to be made. $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.addRole(entity.name, 'read', entity.kind, entity.is_org_member) }); }; $scope.deleteRole = function(entityName, kind) { var permissionDelete = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('repository', namespace, name, 'permissions', kind, entityName)); permissionDelete.customDELETE().then(function() { delete $scope.permissions[kind][entityName]; }, function(result) { if (result.status == 409) { $('#onlyadminModal').modal({}); } else { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); } }); }; $scope.addRole = function(entityName, role, kind, is_org_member) { var permission = { 'role': role, 'is_org_member': !!is_org_member }; var permissionPost = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('repository', namespace, name, 'permissions', kind, entityName)); permissionPost.customPOST(permission).then(function() { $scope.permissions[kind][entityName] = permission; }, function(result) { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.roles = [ { 'id': 'read', 'title': 'Read', 'kind': 'success' }, { 'id': 'write', 'title': 'Write', 'kind': 'success' }, { 'id': 'admin', 'title': 'Admin', 'kind': 'primary' } ]; $scope.setRole = function(role, entityName, kind) { var permission = $scope.permissions[kind][entityName]; var currentRole = permission.role; permission.role = role; var permissionPut = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('repository', namespace, name, 'permissions', kind, entityName)); permissionPut.customPUT(permission).then(function() {}, function(result) { if (result.status == 409) { $scope.permissions[kind][entityName] = currentRole; $('#onlyadminModal').modal({}); } else { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); } }); }; $scope.createToken = function() { var friendlyName = { 'friendlyName': $scope.newToken.friendlyName }; var permissionPost = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/tokens/'); permissionPost.customPOST(friendlyName).then(function(newToken) { $scope.newToken.friendlyName = ''; $scope.createTokenForm.$setPristine(); $scope.tokens[newToken.code] = newToken; }); }; $scope.deleteToken = function(tokenCode) { var deleteAction = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/tokens/' + tokenCode); deleteAction.customDELETE().then(function() { delete $scope.tokens[tokenCode]; }); }; $scope.changeTokenAccess = function(tokenCode, newAccess) { var role = { 'role': newAccess }; var deleteAction = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/tokens/' + tokenCode); deleteAction.customPUT(role).then(function(updated) { $scope.tokens[updated.code] = updated; }); }; $scope.showToken = function(tokenCode) { $scope.shownToken = $scope.tokens[tokenCode]; $('#tokenmodal').modal({}); }; $scope.askChangeAccess = function(newAccess) { $('#make' + newAccess + 'Modal').modal({}); }; $scope.changeAccess = function(newAccess) { $('#make' + newAccess + 'Modal').modal('hide'); var visibility = { 'visibility': newAccess }; var visibilityPost = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/changevisibility'); visibilityPost.customPOST(visibility).then(function() { $scope.repo.is_public = newAccess == 'public'; }, function() { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.askDelete = function() { $('#confirmdeleteModal').modal({}); }; $scope.deleteRepo = function() { $('#confirmdeleteModal').modal('hide'); var deleteAction = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name); deleteAction.customDELETE().then(function() { $scope.repo = null; setTimeout(function() { document.location = '/repository/'; }, 1000); }, function() { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.loading = true; var checkLoading = function() { $scope.loading = !($scope.permissions['user'] && $scope.permissions['team'] && $scope.repo && $scope.tokens); }; var fetchPermissions = function(kind) { var permissionsFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/permissions/' + kind + '/'); permissionsFetch.get().then(function(resp) { $rootScope.title = 'Settings - ' + namespace + '/' + name; $scope.permissions[kind] = resp.permissions; checkLoading(); }, function() { $scope.permissions[kind] = null; $rootScope.title = 'Unknown Repository'; $scope.loading = false; }); }; // Fetch the repository information. var repositoryFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name); repositoryFetch.get().then(function(repo) { $scope.repo = repo; $scope.loading = !($scope.permissions && $scope.repo && $scope.tokens); }, function() { $scope.permissions = null; $rootScope.title = 'Unknown Repository'; $scope.loading = false; }); // Fetch the user and team permissions. fetchPermissions('user'); fetchPermissions('team'); // Fetch the tokens. var tokensFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/tokens/'); tokensFetch.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.tokens = resp.tokens; checkLoading(); }, function() { $scope.tokens = null; $scope.loading = false; }); } function UserAdminCtrl($scope, $timeout, Restangular, PlanService, UserService, KeyService, $routeParams) { $scope.$watch(function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.askForPassword = currentUser.askForPassword; if (!currentUser.anonymous) { $scope.user = currentUser; } $scope.loading = false; }, true); // Show the subscribe dialog if a plan was requested. var requested = $routeParams['plan'] if (requested !== undefined && requested !== 'free') { // TODO: this. } $scope.loading = true; $scope.updatingUser = false; $scope.changePasswordSuccess = false; $('.form-change-pw').popover(); $scope.changePassword = function() { $('.form-change-pw').popover('hide'); $scope.updatingUser = true; $scope.changePasswordSuccess = false; var changePasswordPost = Restangular.one('user/'); changePasswordPost.customPUT($scope.user).then(function() { $scope.updatingUser = false; $scope.changePasswordSuccess = true; // Reset the form $scope.user.password = ''; $scope.user.repeatPassword = ''; $scope.changePasswordForm.$setPristine(); // Reload the user. UserService.load(); }, function(result) { $scope.updatingUser = false; $scope.changePasswordError = result.data.message; $timeout(function() { $('.form-change-pw').popover('show'); }); }); }; } function ImageViewCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $rootScope, Restangular) { var namespace = $routeParams.namespace; var name = $routeParams.name; var imageid = $routeParams.image; $('#copyClipboard').clipboardCopy(); $scope.parseDate = function(dateString) { return Date.parse(dateString); }; $scope.getFolder = function(filepath) { var index = filepath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index < 0) { return ''; } return filepath.substr(0, index + 1); }; $scope.getFolders = function(filepath) { var index = filepath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index < 0) { return ''; } return filepath.substr(0, index).split('/'); }; $scope.getFilename = function(filepath) { var index = filepath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index < 0) { return filepath; } return filepath.substr(index + 1); }; $scope.setFolderFilter = function(folderPath, index) { var parts = folderPath.split('/'); parts = parts.slice(0, index + 1); $scope.setFilter(parts.join('/')); }; $scope.setFilter = function(filter) { $scope.search = {}; $scope.search['$'] = filter; document.getElementById('change-filter').value = filter; }; $scope.initializeTree = function() { if ($scope.tree) { return; } $scope.tree = new ImageFileChangeTree($scope.image, $scope.combinedChanges); setTimeout(function() { $scope.tree.draw('changes-tree-container'); }, 10); }; // Fetch the image. var imageFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/image/' + imageid); imageFetch.get().then(function(image) { $scope.loading = false; $scope.repo = { 'name': name, 'namespace': namespace }; $scope.image = image; $rootScope.title = 'View Image - ' + image.id; }, function() { $rootScope.title = 'Unknown Image'; $scope.loading = false; }); // Fetch the image changes. var changesFetch = Restangular.one('repository/' + namespace + '/' + name + '/image/' + imageid + '/changes'); changesFetch.get().then(function(changes) { var combinedChanges = []; var addCombinedChanges = function(c, kind) { for (var i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) { combinedChanges.push({ 'kind': kind, 'file': c[i] }); } }; addCombinedChanges(changes.added, 'added'); addCombinedChanges(changes.removed, 'removed'); addCombinedChanges(changes.changed, 'changed'); $scope.combinedChanges = combinedChanges; $scope.imageChanges = changes; }); } function V1Ctrl($scope, $location, UserService) { $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); } function NewRepoCtrl($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, UserService, Restangular, PlanService) { $scope.$watch( function () { return UserService.currentUser(); }, function (currentUser) { $scope.user = currentUser; }, true); $scope.repo = { 'is_public': 1, 'description': '', 'initialize': false }; $('#couldnotbuildModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { $scope.$apply(function() { $location.path('/repository/' + $scope.created.namespace + '/' + $scope.created.name); }); }); var startBuild = function(repo, fileId) { $scope.building = true; var data = { 'file_id': fileId }; var startBuildCall = Restangular.one('repository/' + repo.namespace + '/' + repo.name + '/build/'); startBuildCall.customPOST(data).then(function(resp) { $location.path('/repository/' + repo.namespace + '/' + repo.name); }, function() { $('#couldnotbuildModal').modal(); }); }; var conductUpload = function(repo, file, url, fileId, mimeType) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('PUT', url, true); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', mimeType); request.onprogress = function(e) { $scope.$apply(function() { var percentLoaded; if (e.lengthComputable) { $scope.upload_progress = (e.loaded / e.total) * 100; } }); }; request.onerror = function() { $scope.$apply(function() { $('#couldnotbuildModal').modal(); }); }; request.onreadystatechange = function() { var state = request.readyState; if (state == 4) { $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.uploading = false; startBuild(repo, fileId); }); return; } }; request.send(file); }; var startFileUpload = function(repo) { $scope.uploading = true; $scope.uploading_progress = 0; var uploader = $('#file-drop')[0]; var file = uploader.files[0]; $scope.upload_file = file.name; var mimeType = file.type || 'application/octet-stream'; var data = { 'mimeType': mimeType }; var getUploadUrl = Restangular.one('filedrop/'); getUploadUrl.customPOST(data).then(function(resp) { conductUpload(repo, file, resp.url, resp.file_id, mimeType); }, function() { $('#couldnotbuildModal').modal(); }); }; var subscribedToPlan = function(sub) { $scope.planChanging = false; $scope.subscription = sub; PlanService.getPlan(sub.plan, function(subscribedPlan) { $scope.subscribedPlan = subscribedPlan; $scope.planRequired = null; // Check to see if the current plan allows for an additional private repository to // be created. var privateAllowed = $scope.subscription.usedPrivateRepos < $scope.subscribedPlan.privateRepos; if (!privateAllowed) { // If not, find the minimum repository that does. PlanService.getMinimumPlan($scope.subscription.usedPrivateRepos + 1, !$scope.isUserNamespace, function(minimum) { $scope.planRequired = minimum; }); } }); }; $scope.createNewRepo = function() { $('#repoName').popover('hide'); var uploader = $('#file-drop')[0]; if ($scope.repo.initialize && uploader.files.length < 1) { $('#missingfileModal').modal(); return; } $scope.creating = true; var repo = $scope.repo; var data = { 'namespace': repo.namespace, 'repository': repo.name, 'visibility': repo.is_public == '1' ? 'public' : 'private', 'description': repo.description }; var createPost = Restangular.one('repository'); createPost.customPOST(data).then(function(created) { $scope.creating = false; $scope.created = created; // Repository created. Start the upload process if applicable. if ($scope.repo.initialize) { startFileUpload(created); return; } // Otherwise, redirect to the repo page. $location.path('/repository/' + created.namespace + '/' + created.name); }, function(result) { $scope.creating = false; $scope.createError = result.data; $timeout(function() { $('#repoName').popover('show'); }); }); }; $scope.upgradePlan = function() { PlanService.showSubscribeDialog($scope, $scope.planRequired.stripeId, null, function() { // Subscribing. $scope.planChanging = true; }, function(plan) { // Subscribed. UserService.resetCurrentSubscription(); subscribedToPlan(plan); }, function() { // Failure. $('#couldnotsubscribeModal').modal(); $scope.planChanging = false; }); }; // Watch the namespace on the repo. If it changes, we update the plan and the public/private // accordingly. $scope.isUserNamespace = true; $scope.$watch('repo.namespace', function(namespace) { // Note: Can initially be undefined. if (!namespace) { return; } var isUserNamespace = (namespace == $scope.user.username); $scope.planRequired = null; $scope.isUserNamespace = isUserNamespace; if (isUserNamespace) { // Load the user's subscription information in case they want to create a private // repository. UserService.getCurrentSubscription(subscribedToPlan, function() { PlanService.getMinimumPlan(1, false, function(minimum) { $scope.planRequired = minimum; }); }); } else { $scope.planRequired = null; var checkPrivateAllowed = Restangular.one('organization/' + namespace + '/private'); checkPrivateAllowed.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.planRequired = resp.privateAllowed ? null : {}; }, function() { $scope.planRequired = {}; }); // Auto-set to private repo. $scope.repo.is_public = '0'; } }); } function OrgViewCtrl($rootScope, $scope, Restangular, $routeParams) { $('.info-icon').popover({ 'trigger': 'hover', 'html': true }); $rootScope.title = 'Loading...'; var orgname = $routeParams.orgname; var loadOrganization = function() { var getOrganization = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname)); getOrganization.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.organization = resp; $scope.loading = false; $rootScope.title = orgname; }, function() { $scope.loading = false; }); }; $scope.teamRoles = [ { 'id': 'member', 'title': 'Member', 'kind': 'default' }, { 'id': 'creator', 'title': 'Creator', 'kind': 'success' }, { 'id': 'admin', 'title': 'Admin', 'kind': 'primary' } ]; $scope.setRole = function(role, teamname) { $scope.organization.teams[teamname].role = role; var updateTeam = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname)); var data = $scope.organization.teams[teamname]; updateTeam.customPUT(data).then(function(resp) { }, function() { $('#cannotChangeTeamModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.createTeamShown = function() { setTimeout(function() { $('#create-team-box').focus(); }, 10); }; $scope.createTeam = function() { var box = $('#create-team-box'); if (box.hasClass('ng-invalid')) { return; } var teamname = box[0].value.toLowerCase(); if (!teamname) { return; } if ($scope.organization.teams[teamname]) { $('#team-' + teamname).removeClass('highlight'); setTimeout(function() { $('#team-' + teamname).addClass('highlight'); }, 10); return; } var createTeam = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname)); var data = { 'name': teamname, 'role': 'member' }; createTeam.customPOST(data).then(function(resp) { $scope.organization.teams[teamname] = resp; }, function() { $('#cannotChangeTeamModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.askDeleteTeam = function(teamname) { $scope.currentDeleteTeam = teamname; $('#confirmdeleteModal').modal({}); }; $scope.deleteTeam = function() { $('#confirmdeleteModal').modal('hide'); if (!$scope.currentDeleteTeam) { return; } var teamname = $scope.currentDeleteTeam; var deleteAction = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname)); deleteAction.customDELETE().then(function() { delete $scope.organization.teams[teamname]; $scope.currentDeleteTeam = null; }, function() { $('#cannotchangeModal').modal({}); $scope.currentDeleteTeam = null; }); }; loadOrganization(); } function OrgAdminCtrl($rootScope, $scope, Restangular, $routeParams, UserService, PlanService) { // Load the list of plans. PlanService.getPlans(function(plans) { $scope.plans = plans.business; }); var orgname = $routeParams.orgname; $scope.orgname = orgname; var loadOrganization = function() { var getOrganization = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname)); getOrganization.get().then(function(resp) { if (resp && resp.is_admin) { $scope.organization = resp; $rootScope.title = orgname + ' (Admin)'; } $scope.loading = false; }, function() { $scope.loading = false; }); }; loadOrganization(); } function TeamViewCtrl($rootScope, $scope, Restangular, $routeParams) { $('.info-icon').popover({ 'trigger': 'hover', 'html': true }); var orgname = $routeParams.orgname; var teamname = $routeParams.teamname; $rootScope.title = 'Loading...'; $scope.loading = true; $scope.teamname = teamname; $scope.addNewMember = function(member) { if ($scope.members[member.name]) { return; } $scope.$apply(function() { var addMember = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname, 'members', member.name)); addMember.customPOST().then(function(resp) { $scope.members[member.name] = resp; }, function() { $('#cannotChangeMembersModal').modal({}); }); }); }; $scope.removeMember = function(username) { var removeMember = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname, 'members', username)); removeMember.customDELETE().then(function(resp) { delete $scope.members[username]; }, function() { $('#cannotChangeMembersModal').modal({}); }); }; $scope.updateForDescription = function(content) { $scope.organization.teams[teamname].description = content; var updateTeam = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname)); var data = $scope.organization.teams[teamname]; updateTeam.customPUT(data).then(function(resp) { }, function() { $('#cannotChangeTeamModal').modal({}); }); }; var loadOrganization = function() { var getOrganization = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname)) getOrganization.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.organization = resp; $scope.team = $scope.organization.teams[teamname]; $scope.loading = !$scope.organization || !$scope.members; }, function() { $scope.organization = null; $scope.members = null; $scope.loading = false; }); }; var loadMembers = function() { var getMembers = Restangular.one(getRestUrl('organization', orgname, 'team', teamname, 'members')); getMembers.get().then(function(resp) { $scope.members = resp.members; $scope.canEditMembers = resp.can_edit; $scope.loading = !$scope.organization || !$scope.members; $rootScope.title = teamname + ' (' + orgname + ')'; }, function() { $scope.organization = null; $scope.members = null; $scope.loading = false; }); }; loadOrganization(); loadMembers(); }