#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e echo "> Starting certs install test" # Set up all locations needed for the test QUAYPATH=${QUAYPATH:-"."} SCRIPT_LOCATION=${SCRIPT_LOCATION:-"/quay-registry/conf/init"} # Parameters: (quay config dir, certifcate dir, number of certs expected). function call_script_and_check_num_certs { QUAYCONFIG=$1 CERTDIR=$2 ${SCRIPT_LOCATION}/certs_install.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install $3 certs" exit 1; fi certs_found=$(ls /usr/local/share/ca-certificates | wc -l) if [ ${certs_found} -ne "$3" ]; then echo "Expected there to be $3 in ca-certificates, found $certs_found" exit 1 fi } # Create a dummy cert we can test to install echo '{"CN":"CA","key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | cfssl gencert -initca - | cfssljson -bare test # Create temp dirs we can test with WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d` CERTS_WORKDIR=`mktemp -d` # deletes the temp directory function cleanup { rm -rf "$WORK_DIR" rm -rf "$CERTS_WORKDIR" rm test.pem rm test-key.pem } # register the cleanup function to be called on the EXIT signal trap cleanup EXIT # Test calling with empty directory to not fail call_script_and_check_num_certs ${WORK_DIR} ${CERTS_WORKDIR} 0 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install certs with no files in the directory" exit 1 fi # Move an ldap cert into the temp directory and test that installation cp test.pem ${WORK_DIR}/ldap.crt call_script_and_check_num_certs ${WORK_DIR} ${CERTS_WORKDIR} 1 # Move 1 cert to extra cert dir and test cp test.pem ${CERTS_WORKDIR}/cert1.crt call_script_and_check_num_certs ${WORK_DIR} ${CERTS_WORKDIR} 2 # Move another cert to extra cer dir and test all three exist cp test.pem ${CERTS_WORKDIR}/cert2.crt call_script_and_check_num_certs ${WORK_DIR} ${CERTS_WORKDIR} 3 echo "> Certs install script test succeeded" exit 0