import logging import os import uuid import threading import boto.ec2 import requests import cachetools import trollius import datetime import release import socket from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment from trollius import coroutine, From, Return, get_event_loop from functools import partial from buildman.asyncutil import AsyncWrapper from container_cloud_config import CloudConfigContext from app import metric_queue, app logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ONE_HOUR = 60*60 _TAG_RETRY_COUNT = 3 # Number of times to retry adding tags. _TAG_RETRY_SLEEP = 2 # Number of seconds to wait between tag retries. ENV = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('buildman/templates')) TEMPLATE = ENV.get_template('cloudconfig.yaml') CloudConfigContext().populate_jinja_environment(ENV) class ExecutorException(Exception): """ Exception raised when there is a problem starting or stopping a builder. """ pass class BuilderExecutor(object): def __init__(self, executor_config, manager_hostname): """ Interface which can be plugged into the EphemeralNodeManager to provide a strategy for starting and stopping builders. """ self.executor_config = executor_config self.manager_hostname = manager_hostname default_websocket_scheme = 'wss' if app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] == 'https' else 'ws' self.websocket_scheme = executor_config.get("WEBSOCKET_SCHEME", default_websocket_scheme) @coroutine def start_builder(self, realm, token, build_uuid): """ Create a builder with the specified config. Returns a unique id which can be used to manage the builder. """ raise NotImplementedError @coroutine def stop_builder(self, builder_id): """ Stop a builder which is currently running. """ raise NotImplementedError def allowed_for_namespace(self, namespace): """ Returns true if this executor can be used for builds in the given namespace. """ namespace_whitelist = self.executor_config.get('NAMESPACE_WHITELIST') if namespace_whitelist is not None: return namespace in namespace_whitelist return True @property def minimum_retry_threshold(self): """ Returns the minimum number of retries required for this executor to be used or 0 if none. """ return self.executor_config.get('MINIMUM_RETRY_THRESHOLD', 0) def generate_cloud_config(self, realm, token, coreos_channel, manager_hostname, quay_username=None, quay_password=None): if quay_username is None: quay_username = self.executor_config['QUAY_USERNAME'] if quay_password is None: quay_password = self.executor_config['QUAY_PASSWORD'] return TEMPLATE.render( realm=realm, token=token, quay_username=quay_username, quay_password=quay_password, manager_hostname=manager_hostname, websocket_scheme=self.websocket_scheme, coreos_channel=coreos_channel, worker_tag=self.executor_config['WORKER_TAG'], logentries_token=self.executor_config.get('LOGENTRIES_TOKEN', None), volume_size=self.executor_config.get('VOLUME_SIZE', '42G'), ) class EC2Executor(BuilderExecutor): """ Implementation of BuilderExecutor which uses libcloud to start machines on a variety of cloud providers. """ COREOS_STACK_URL = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._loop = get_event_loop() super(EC2Executor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_conn(self): """ Creates an ec2 connection which can be used to manage instances. """ return AsyncWrapper(boto.ec2.connect_to_region( self.executor_config['EC2_REGION'], aws_access_key_id=self.executor_config['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'], aws_secret_access_key=self.executor_config['AWS_SECRET_KEY'], )) @classmethod @cachetools.ttl_cache(ttl=ONE_HOUR) def _get_coreos_ami(cls, ec2_region, coreos_channel): """ Retrieve the CoreOS AMI id from the canonical listing. """ stack_list_string = requests.get(EC2Executor.COREOS_STACK_URL % coreos_channel).text stack_amis = dict([stack.split('=') for stack in stack_list_string.split('|')]) return stack_amis[ec2_region] @coroutine def start_builder(self, realm, token, build_uuid): region = self.executor_config['EC2_REGION'] channel = self.executor_config.get('COREOS_CHANNEL', 'stable') coreos_ami = self.executor_config.get('COREOS_AMI', None) if coreos_ami is None: get_ami_callable = partial(self._get_coreos_ami, region, channel) coreos_ami = yield From(self._loop.run_in_executor(None, get_ami_callable)) user_data = self.generate_cloud_config(realm, token, channel, self.manager_hostname) logger.debug('Generated cloud config for build %s: %s', build_uuid, user_data) ec2_conn = self._get_conn() ssd_root_ebs = boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceType( size=int(self.executor_config.get('BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE', 48)), volume_type='gp2', delete_on_termination=True, ) block_devices = boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping() block_devices['/dev/xvda'] = ssd_root_ebs interfaces = None if self.executor_config.get('EC2_VPC_SUBNET_ID', None) is not None: interface = boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceSpecification( subnet_id=self.executor_config['EC2_VPC_SUBNET_ID'], groups=self.executor_config['EC2_SECURITY_GROUP_IDS'], associate_public_ip_address=True, ) interfaces = boto.ec2.networkinterface.NetworkInterfaceCollection(interface) try: reservation = yield From(ec2_conn.run_instances( coreos_ami, instance_type=self.executor_config['EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE'], key_name=self.executor_config.get('EC2_KEY_NAME', None), user_data=user_data, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior='terminate', block_device_map=block_devices, network_interfaces=interfaces, )) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as ec2e: logger.exception('Unable to spawn builder instance') metric_queue.put_deprecated('EC2BuildStartFailure', 1, unit='Count') metric_queue.ephemeral_build_worker_failure.Inc(labelvalues=[build_uuid]) raise ec2e if not reservation.instances: raise ExecutorException('Unable to spawn builder instance.') elif len(reservation.instances) != 1: raise ExecutorException('EC2 started wrong number of instances!') launched = AsyncWrapper(reservation.instances[0]) # Sleep a few seconds to wait for AWS to spawn the instance. yield From(trollius.sleep(_TAG_RETRY_SLEEP)) # Tag the instance with its metadata. for i in range(0, _TAG_RETRY_COUNT): try: yield From(launched.add_tags({ 'Name': 'Quay Ephemeral Builder', 'Realm': realm, 'Token': token, 'BuildUUID': build_uuid, })) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as ec2e: if ec2e.error_code == 'InvalidInstanceID.NotFound': if i < _TAG_RETRY_COUNT - 1: logger.warning('Failed to write EC2 tags for instance %s for build %s (attempt #%s)',, build_uuid, i) yield From(trollius.sleep(_TAG_RETRY_SLEEP)) continue raise ExecutorException('Unable to find builder instance.') logger.exception('Failed to write EC2 tags (attempt #%s)', i) logger.debug('Machine with ID %s started for build %s',, build_uuid) raise Return( @coroutine def stop_builder(self, builder_id): try: ec2_conn = self._get_conn() terminated_instances = yield From(ec2_conn.terminate_instances([builder_id])) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as ec2e: if ec2e.error_code == 'InvalidInstanceID.NotFound': logger.debug('Instance %s already terminated', builder_id) return logger.exception('Exception when trying to terminate instance %s', builder_id) raise if builder_id not in [ for si in terminated_instances]: raise ExecutorException('Unable to terminate instance: %s' % builder_id) class PopenExecutor(BuilderExecutor): """ Implementation of BuilderExecutor which uses Popen to fork a quay-builder process. """ def __init__(self, executor_config, manager_hostname): self._jobs = {} super(PopenExecutor, self).__init__(executor_config, manager_hostname) """ Executor which uses Popen to fork a quay-builder process. """ @coroutine def start_builder(self, realm, token, build_uuid): # Now start a machine for this job, adding the machine id to the etcd information logger.debug('Forking process for build') import subprocess ws_host = os.environ.get("BUILDMAN_WS_HOST", "localhost") ws_port = os.environ.get("BUILDMAN_WS_PORT", "8787") builder_env = { 'TOKEN': token, 'REALM': realm, 'ENDPOINT': 'ws://%s:%s' % (ws_host, ws_port), 'DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY': os.environ.get('DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY', ''), 'DOCKER_CERT_PATH': os.environ.get('DOCKER_CERT_PATH', ''), 'DOCKER_HOST': os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST', ''), } logpipe = LogPipe(logging.INFO) spawned = subprocess.Popen('/Users/jake/bin/quay-builder', stdout=logpipe, stderr=logpipe, env=builder_env) builder_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._jobs[builder_id] = (spawned, logpipe) logger.debug('Builder spawned with id: %s', builder_id) raise Return(builder_id) @coroutine def stop_builder(self, builder_id): if builder_id not in self._jobs: raise ExecutorException('Builder id not being tracked by executor.') logger.debug('Killing builder with id: %s', builder_id) spawned, logpipe = self._jobs[builder_id] if spawned.poll() is None: spawned.kill() logpipe.close() class KubernetesExecutor(BuilderExecutor): """ Executes build jobs by creating Kubernetes jobs which run a qemu-kvm virtual machine in a pod """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KubernetesExecutor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._loop = get_event_loop() self.namespace = self.executor_config.get('BUILDER_NAMESPACE', 'builder') self.image = self.executor_config.get('BUILDER_VM_CONTAINER_IMAGE', '') @coroutine def _request(self, method, path, **kwargs): request_options = dict(kwargs) tls_cert = self.executor_config.get('K8S_API_TLS_CERT') tls_key = self.executor_config.get('K8S_API_TLS_KEY') tls_ca = self.executor_config.get('K8S_API_TLS_CA') if 'timeout' not in request_options: request_options['timeout'] = self.executor_config.get("K8S_API_TIMEOUT", 20) if tls_cert and tls_key: scheme = 'https' request_options['cert'] = (tls_cert, tls_key) if tls_ca: request_options['verify'] = tls_ca else: scheme = 'http' server = self.executor_config.get('K8S_API_SERVER', 'localhost:8080') url = '%s://%s%s' % (scheme, server, path) logger.debug('Executor config: %s', self.executor_config) logger.debug('Kubernetes request: %s %s: %s', method, url, request_options) res = requests.request(method, url, **request_options) logger.debug('Kubernetes response: %s: %s', res.status_code, res.text) raise Return(res) def _jobs_path(self): return '/apis/batch/v1/namespaces/%s/jobs' % self.namespace def _job_path(self, build_uuid): return '%s/%s' % (self._jobs_path(), build_uuid) def _job_resource(self, build_uuid, user_data, coreos_channel='stable'): vm_memory_limit = self.executor_config.get('VM_MEMORY_LIMIT', '8G') # Max values for this container container_limits = { 'memory' : self.executor_config.get('CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT', '8Gi'), 'cpu' : self.executor_config.get('CONTAINER_CPU_LIMIT', "2"), } # Minimum acceptable free resources for this container to "fit" in a quota container_requests = { 'memory' : self.executor_config.get('CONTAINER_MEMORY_REQUEST', '8Gi'), 'cpu' : self.executor_config.get('CONTAINER_CPU_REQUEST', "2"), } release_sha = release.GIT_HEAD or 'none' if ' ' in release_sha: release_sha = 'HEAD' return { 'apiVersion': 'batch/v1', 'kind': 'Job', 'metadata': { 'namespace': self.namespace, 'generateName': build_uuid, 'labels': { 'build': build_uuid, 'time':'%Y-%m-%d-%H'), 'manager': socket.gethostname(), 'quay-sha': release_sha, }, }, 'spec' : { 'activeDeadlineSeconds': self.executor_config.get('MAXIMUM_JOB_TIME', 7200), 'template': { 'metadata': { 'labels': { 'build': build_uuid, 'time':'%Y-%m-%d-%H'), 'manager': socket.gethostname(), 'quay-sha': release_sha, }, }, 'spec': { 'containers': [ { 'name': 'builder', 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'image': self.image, 'securityContext': {'privileged': True}, 'env': [ {'name': 'USERDATA', 'value': user_data}, {'name': 'VM_MEMORY', 'value': vm_memory_limit}, ], 'limits' : container_limits, 'requests' : container_requests, }, ], 'imagePullSecrets': [{'name': 'builder'}], 'restartPolicy': 'Never', }, }, }, } @coroutine def start_builder(self, realm, token, build_uuid): # generate resource channel = self.executor_config.get('COREOS_CHANNEL', 'stable') user_data = self.generate_cloud_config(realm, token, channel, self.manager_hostname) resource = self._job_resource(build_uuid, user_data, channel) logger.debug('Generated kubernetes resource:\n%s', resource) # schedule create_job = yield From(self._request('POST', self._jobs_path(), json=resource)) if int(create_job.status_code / 100) != 2: raise ExecutorException('Failed to create job: %s: %s: %s' % (build_uuid, create_job.status_code, create_job.text)) job = create_job.json() raise Return(job['metadata']['name']) @coroutine def stop_builder(self, builder_id): pods_path = '/api/v1/namespaces/%s/pods' % self.namespace # Delete the pod(s) for the job. selectorString = "job-name=%s" % builder_id try: yield From(self._request('DELETE', pods_path, params=dict(labelSelector=selectorString))) except: logger.exception("Failed to send delete pod call for job %s", builder_id) # Delete the job itself. try: yield From(self._request('DELETE', self._job_path(builder_id))) except: logger.exception('Failed to send delete job call for job %s', builder_id) class LogPipe(threading.Thread): """ Adapted from """ def __init__(self, level): """Setup the object with a logger and a loglevel and start the thread """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = False self.level = level self.fd_read, self.fd_write = os.pipe() self.pipe_reader = os.fdopen(self.fd_read) self.start() def fileno(self): """Return the write file descriptor of the pipe """ return self.fd_write def run(self): """Run the thread, logging everything. """ for line in iter(self.pipe_reader.readline, ''): logging.log(self.level, line.strip('\n')) self.pipe_reader.close() def close(self): """Close the write end of the pipe. """ os.close(self.fd_write)