import json import copy import uuid import urlparse from contextlib import contextmanager from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock, all_requests from util.secscan.api import UNKNOWN_PARENT_LAYER_ERROR_MSG, compute_layer_id @contextmanager def fake_security_scanner(hostname='fakesecurityscanner'): """ Context manager which yields a fake security scanner. All requests made to the given hostname (default: fakesecurityscanner) will be handled by the fake. """ scanner = FakeSecurityScanner(hostname) with HTTMock(*(scanner.get_endpoints())): yield scanner class FakeSecurityScanner(object): """ Implements a fake security scanner (with somewhat real responses) for testing API calls and responses. """ def __init__(self, hostname, index_version=1): self.hostname = hostname self.index_version = index_version self.layers = {} self.notifications = {} self.layer_vulns = {} self.ok_layer_id = None self.fail_layer_id = None self.internal_error_layer_id = None self.error_layer_id = None def set_ok_layer_id(self, ok_layer_id): """ Sets a layer ID that, if encountered when the analyze call is made, causes a 200 to be immediately returned. """ self.ok_layer_id = ok_layer_id def set_fail_layer_id(self, fail_layer_id): """ Sets a layer ID that, if encountered when the analyze call is made, causes a 422 to be raised. """ self.fail_layer_id = fail_layer_id def set_internal_error_layer_id(self, internal_error_layer_id): """ Sets a layer ID that, if encountered when the analyze call is made, causes a 500 to be raised. """ self.internal_error_layer_id = internal_error_layer_id def set_error_layer_id(self, error_layer_id): """ Sets a layer ID that, if encountered when the analyze call is made, causes a 400 to be raised. """ self.error_layer_id = error_layer_id def has_layer(self, layer_id): """ Returns true if the layer with the given ID has been analyzed. """ return layer_id in self.layers def has_notification(self, notification_id): """ Returns whether a notification with the given ID is found in the scanner. """ return notification_id in self.notifications def add_notification(self, old_layer_ids, new_layer_ids, old_vuln, new_vuln, max_per_page=100, indexed_old_layer_ids=None, indexed_new_layer_ids=None): """ Adds a new notification over the given sets of layer IDs and vulnerability information, returning the structural data of the notification created. """ notification_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if old_vuln is None: old_vuln = dict(new_vuln) self.notifications[notification_id] = dict(old_layer_ids=old_layer_ids, new_layer_ids=new_layer_ids, old_vuln=old_vuln, new_vuln=new_vuln, max_per_page=max_per_page, indexed_old_layer_ids=indexed_old_layer_ids, indexed_new_layer_ids=indexed_new_layer_ids) return self._get_notification_data(notification_id, 0, 100) def layer_id(self, layer): """ Returns the Quay Security Scanner layer ID for the given layer (Image row). """ return compute_layer_id(layer) def add_layer(self, layer_id): """ Adds a layer to the security scanner, with no features or vulnerabilities. """ self.layers[layer_id] = { "Name": layer_id, "Format": "Docker", "IndexedByVersion": self.index_version, } def remove_layer(self, layer_id): """ Removes a layer from the security scanner. """ self.layers.pop(layer_id, None) def set_vulns(self, layer_id, vulns): """ Sets the vulnerabilities for the layer with the given ID to those given. """ self.layer_vulns[layer_id] = vulns # Since this call may occur before the layer is "anaylzed", we only add the data # to the layer itself if present. if self.layers.get(layer_id): layer = self.layers[layer_id] layer['Features'] = layer.get('Features', []) layer['Features'].append({ "Name": 'somefeature', "Namespace": 'somenamespace', "Version": 'someversion', "Vulnerabilities": self.layer_vulns[layer_id], }) def _get_notification_data(self, notification_id, page, limit): """ Returns the structural data for the notification with the given ID, paginated using the given page and limit. """ notification = self.notifications[notification_id] limit = min(limit, notification['max_per_page']) notification_data = { "Name": notification_id, "Created": "1456247389", "Notified": "1456246708", "Limit": limit, } start_index = (page*limit) end_index = ((page+1)*limit) has_additional_page = False if notification.get('old_vuln'): old_layer_ids = notification['old_layer_ids'] old_layer_ids = old_layer_ids[start_index:end_index] has_additional_page = has_additional_page or bool(len(old_layer_ids[end_index-1:])) notification_data['Old'] = { 'Vulnerability': notification['old_vuln'], 'LayersIntroducingVulnerability': old_layer_ids, } if notification.get('indexed_old_layer_ids', None): indexed_old_layer_ids = notification['indexed_old_layer_ids'][start_index:end_index] notification_data['Old']['OrderedLayersIntroducingVulnerability'] = indexed_old_layer_ids if notification.get('new_vuln'): new_layer_ids = notification['new_layer_ids'] new_layer_ids = new_layer_ids[start_index:end_index] has_additional_page = has_additional_page or bool(len(new_layer_ids[end_index-1:])) notification_data['New'] = { 'Vulnerability': notification['new_vuln'], 'LayersIntroducingVulnerability': new_layer_ids, } if notification.get('indexed_new_layer_ids', None): indexed_new_layer_ids = notification['indexed_new_layer_ids'][start_index:end_index] notification_data['New']['OrderedLayersIntroducingVulnerability'] = indexed_new_layer_ids if has_additional_page: notification_data['NextPage'] = str(page+1) return notification_data def get_endpoints(self): """ Returns the HTTMock endpoint definitions for the fake security scanner. """ @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?' + self.hostname, path=r'/v1/layers/(.+)', method='GET') def get_layer_mock(url, request): layer_id = url.path[len('/v1/layers/'):] if layer_id == self.ok_layer_id: return { 'status_code': 200, 'content': json.dumps({'Layer': {}}), } if layer_id == self.internal_error_layer_id: return { 'status_code': 500, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Internal server error'}}), } if not layer_id in self.layers: return { 'status_code': 404, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Unknown layer'}}), } layer_data = copy.deepcopy(self.layers[layer_id]) has_vulns = request.url.find('vulnerabilities') > 0 has_features = request.url.find('features') > 0 if not has_vulns and not has_features: layer_data.pop('Features', None) return { 'status_code': 200, 'content': json.dumps({'Layer': layer_data}), } @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?' + self.hostname, path=r'/v1/layers/(.+)', method='DELETE') def remove_layer_mock(url, _): layer_id = url.path[len('/v1/layers/'):] if not layer_id in self.layers: return { 'status_code': 404, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Unknown layer'}}), } self.layers.pop(layer_id) return { 'status_code': 204, 'content': '', } @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?' + self.hostname, path=r'/v1/layers', method='POST') def post_layer_mock(_, request): body_data = json.loads(request.body) if not 'Layer' in body_data: return {'status_code': 400, 'content': 'Missing body'} layer = body_data['Layer'] if not 'Path' in layer: return {'status_code': 400, 'content': 'Missing Path'} if not 'Name' in layer: return {'status_code': 400, 'content': 'Missing Name'} if not 'Format' in layer: return {'status_code': 400, 'content': 'Missing Format'} if layer['Name'] == self.internal_error_layer_id: return { 'status_code': 500, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Internal server error'}}), } if layer['Name'] == self.fail_layer_id: return { 'status_code': 422, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Cannot analyze'}}), } if layer['Name'] == self.error_layer_id: return { 'status_code': 400, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Some sort of error'}}), } parent_id = layer.get('ParentName', None) parent_layer = None if parent_id is not None: parent_layer = self.layers.get(parent_id, None) if parent_layer is None: return { 'status_code': 400, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': UNKNOWN_PARENT_LAYER_ERROR_MSG}}), } self.add_layer(layer['Name']) if parent_layer is not None: self.layers[layer['Name']]['ParentName'] = parent_id # If vulnerabilities have already been registered with this layer, call set_vulns to make sure # their data is added to the layer's data. if self.layer_vulns.get(layer['Name']): self.set_vulns(layer['Name'], self.layer_vulns[layer['Name']]) return { 'status_code': 201, 'content': json.dumps({ "Layer": self.layers[layer['Name']], }), } @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?' + self.hostname, path=r'/v1/notifications/(.+)$', method='DELETE') def delete_notification(url, _): notification_id = url.path[len('/v1/notifications/'):] if notification_id not in self.notifications: return { 'status_code': 404, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Unknown notification'}}), } self.notifications.pop(notification_id) return { 'status_code': 204, 'content': '', } @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?' + self.hostname, path=r'/v1/notifications/(.+)$', method='GET') def get_notification(url, _): notification_id = url.path[len('/v1/notifications/'):] if notification_id not in self.notifications: return { 'status_code': 404, 'content': json.dumps({'Error': {'Message': 'Unknown notification'}}), } query_params = urlparse.parse_qs(url.query) limit = int(query_params.get('limit', [2])[0]) page = int(query_params.get('page', [0])[0]) notification_data = self._get_notification_data(notification_id, page, limit) response = {'Notification': notification_data} return { 'status_code': 200, 'content': json.dumps(response), } @all_requests def response_content(url, _): return { 'status_code': 500, 'content': '', } return [get_layer_mock, post_layer_mock, remove_layer_mock, get_notification, delete_notification, response_content]