Enterprise Logo URL: |
Enter the full URL to your company's logo.
Contact Information: |
Information to show in the Contact Page. If none specified, CoreOS contact information
is displayed.
User Creation: |
If enabled, user accounts can be created by anyone.
Users can always be created in the users panel under this superuser view.
Build Support: |
If enabled, users can submit Dockerfiles to be built and pushed by the Enterprise Registry.
Note: Build workers are required for this feature.
See Adding Build Workers for instructions on how to setup build workers.
Server Hostname: |
The HTTP host (and optionally the port number if a non-standard HTTP/HTTPS port) of the location
where the registry will be accessible on the network
SSL: |
A valid SSL certificate and private key files are required to use this option.
A redis key-value store is required for real-time events and build logs.
Redis Hostname: | |
Redis port: |
Access to this port and hostname must be allowed from all hosts running
the enterprise registry
Redis password: |
Registry images can be stored either locally or in a remote storage system. A remote storage system is required for high-avaliability systems.
Storage Engine: | |
Storage Path: | |
Access Key: | |
Secret Key: | |
Bucket Name: | |
Access Key: | |
Secret Key: | |
Bucket Name: | |
Hostname: | |
Is Secure: |
Access Key: |
RADOS Documentation
for more information
Secret Key: | |
Bucket Name: |
Valid e-mail server configuration is required for notification e-mails and the ability of users to reset their passwords.
SMTP Server: | |||||
SMTP Server Port: | |||||
TLS: |
Mail Sender: |
E-mail address from which all e-mails are sent. If not specified,
support@quay.io will be used.
Authentication: |
Authentication for the registry can be handled by either the registry itself or LDAP. External authentication providers (such as Github) can be used on top of this choice.
Authentication: |
Administrator DN: | |
Base DN: | |
Administrator Password: | |
E-mail Attribute: | |
UID Attribute: | |
User RDN: |
If enabled, users can use Github or Github Enterprise to authenticate to the registry.
Note: A registered Github (Enterprise) OAuth application is required. View instructions on how to Create an OAuth Application in GitHub
Github: | |
Github Endpoint: |
The Github Enterprise endpoint.
OAuth Client ID: | |
OAuth Client Secret: |
If enabled, users can use Google to authenticate to the registry.
Note: A registered Google OAuth application is required. Visit the Google Developer Console to register an application.
OAuth Client ID: | |
OAuth Client Secret: |
If enabled, users can setup Github or Github Enterprise triggers to invoke Registry builds.
Note: A registered Github (Enterprise) OAuth application (separate from Github Authentication) is required. View instructions on how to Create an OAuth Application in GitHub
Github: | |
Github Endpoint: |
The Github Enterprise endpoint.
OAuth Client ID: | |
OAuth Client Secret: |