import unittest import requests import os import math import random import string import resumablehashlib import binascii import uuid import time import gpgme import Crypto.Random from cachetools import lru_cache from flask import request, jsonify from flask.blueprints import Blueprint from flask.ext.testing import LiveServerTestCase from cryptography.x509 import load_pem_x509_certificate from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from app import app, storage from data.database import close_db_filter, configure from data import model from endpoints.v1 import v1_bp from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp from endpoints.verbs import verbs from endpoints.v2.manifest import SignedManifestBuilder from endpoints.api import api_bp from initdb import wipe_database, initialize_database, populate_database from endpoints.csrf import generate_csrf_token from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from jsonschema import validate as validate_schema from import strictjwt import endpoints.decorated import json import hashlib import logging import bencode import tarfile import shutil from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from cStringIO import StringIO from digest.checksums import compute_simple try: app.register_blueprint(v1_bp, url_prefix='/v1') app.register_blueprint(v2_bp, url_prefix='/v2') app.register_blueprint(verbs, url_prefix='/c1') app.register_blueprint(api_bp, url_prefix='/api') except ValueError: # Blueprint was already registered pass # Add a test blueprint for generating CSRF tokens, setting feature flags and reloading the # DB connection. testbp = Blueprint('testbp', __name__) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @testbp.route('/csrf', methods=['GET']) def generate_csrf(): return generate_csrf_token() @testbp.route('/fakestoragedd/', methods=['POST']) def set_fakestorage_directdownload(enabled): storage.put_content(['local_us'], 'supports_direct_download', enabled) return 'OK' @testbp.route('/feature/', methods=['POST']) def set_feature(feature_name): import features old_value = features._FEATURES[feature_name].value features._FEATURES[feature_name].value = request.get_json()['value'] return jsonify({'old_value': old_value}) @testbp.route('/removeuncompressed/', methods=['POST']) def removeuncompressed(image_id): image = model.image.get_image_by_id('devtable', 'newrepo', image_id) = None return 'OK' @testbp.route('/addtoken', methods=['POST']) def addtoken(): another_token = model.token.create_delegate_token('devtable', 'newrepo', 'my-new-token', 'write') another_token.code = 'somecooltokencode' return 'OK' @testbp.route('/reloadapp', methods=['POST']) def reload_app(): # Close any existing connection. close_db_filter(None) # Reload the database config. configure(app.config) # Reload random after the process split, as it cannot be used uninitialized across forks. Crypto.Random.atfork() return 'OK' app.register_blueprint(testbp, url_prefix='/__test') class TestFeature(object): """ Helper object which temporarily sets the value of a feature flag. """ def __init__(self, test_case, feature_flag, test_value): self.test_case = test_case self.feature_flag = feature_flag self.test_value = test_value self.old_value = None def __enter__(self): result = self.test_case.conduct('POST', '/__test/feature/' + self.feature_flag, data=json.dumps(dict(value=self.test_value)), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) result_data = json.loads(result.text) self.old_value = result_data['old_value'] def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.test_case.conduct('POST', '/__test/feature/' + self.feature_flag, data=json.dumps(dict(value=self.old_value)), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) _PORT_NUMBER = 5001 _CLEAN_DATABASE_PATH = None _JWK = RSAKey(key=RSA.generate(2048)) class FailureCodes: """ Defines tuples representing the HTTP status codes for various errors. The tuple is defined as ('errordescription', V1HTTPStatusCode, V2HTTPStatusCode). """ UNAUTHENTICATED = ('unauthenticated', 401, 401) UNAUTHORIZED = ('unauthorized', 403, 401) INVALID_REGISTRY = ('invalidregistry', 404, 404) DOES_NOT_EXIST = ('doesnotexist', 404, 404) INVALID_REQUEST = ('invalidrequest', 400, 400) def _get_expected_code(expected_failure, version, success_status_code): """ Returns the HTTP status code for the expected failure under the specified protocol version (1 or 2). If none, returns the success status code. """ if not expected_failure: return success_status_code return expected_failure[version] def _get_repo_name(namespace, name): if namespace == '': return name return '%s/%s' % (namespace, name) def _get_full_contents(image_data, additional_fields=False): if 'chunks' in image_data: # Data is just for chunking; no need for a real TAR. return image_data['contents'] layer_data = StringIO() def add_file(name, contents): tar_file_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name) tar_file_info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE tar_file_info.size = len(contents) tar_file =, mode='w|gz') tar_file.addfile(tar_file_info, StringIO(contents)) tar_file.close() add_file('contents', image_data['contents']) if additional_fields: add_file('anotherfile', str(uuid.uuid4())) layer_bytes = layer_data.getvalue() layer_data.close() return layer_bytes def get_new_database_uri(): # If a clean copy of the database has not yet been created, create one now. global _CLEAN_DATABASE_PATH if not _CLEAN_DATABASE_PATH: wipe_database() initialize_database() populate_database() close_db_filter(None) # Save the path of the clean database. _CLEAN_DATABASE_PATH = app.config['TEST_DB_FILE'].name # Create a new temp file to be used as the actual backing database for the test. # Note that we have the close() the file to ensure we can copy to it via shutil. local_db_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) local_db_file.close() # Copy the clean database to the path. shutil.copy2(_CLEAN_DATABASE_PATH, return 'sqlite:///{0}'.format( class RegistryTestCaseMixin(LiveServerTestCase): def create_app(self): global _PORT_NUMBER _PORT_NUMBER = _PORT_NUMBER + 1 if os.environ.get('DEBUG') == 'true': app.config['DEBUG'] = True app.config['TESTING'] = True app.config['LIVESERVER_PORT'] = _PORT_NUMBER app.config['DB_URI'] = get_new_database_uri() return app def setUp(self): self.clearSession() # Tell the remote running app to reload the database and app. By default, the app forks from the # current context and has already loaded the DB config with the *original* DB URL. We call # the remote reload method to force it to pick up the changes to DB_URI set in the create_app # method. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/reloadapp') def clearSession(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.signature = None self.docker_token = 'true' self.jwt = None # Load the CSRF token. self.csrf_token = '' self.csrf_token = self.conduct('GET', '/__test/csrf').text def do_tag(self, namespace, repository, tag, image_id, expected_code=200, auth='sig'): repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/repositories/%s/tags/%s' % (repo_name, tag), data='"%s"' % image_id, expected_code=expected_code, auth=auth) def conduct_api_login(self, username, password): self.conduct('POST', '/api/v1/signin', data=json.dumps(dict(username=username, password=password)), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) def change_repo_visibility(self, namespace, repository, visibility): repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) self.conduct('POST', '/api/v1/repository/%s/changevisibility' % repo_name, data=json.dumps(dict(visibility=visibility)), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) def assertContents(self, image_data, response): if 'chunks' in image_data: return tar = self.assertEquals(tar.extractfile('contents').read(), image_data['contents']) class BaseRegistryMixin(object): def conduct(self, method, url, headers=None, data=None, auth=None, params=None, expected_code=200, json_data=None, user_agent=None): params = params or {} params['_csrf_token'] = self.csrf_token headers = headers or {} auth_tuple = None if user_agent is not None: headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent else: headers['User-Agent'] = 'docker/1.9.1' if self.docker_token: headers['X-Docker-Token'] = self.docker_token if auth == 'sig': if self.signature: headers['Authorization'] = 'token ' + self.signature elif auth == 'jwt': if self.jwt: headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.jwt elif auth: auth_tuple = auth if json_data is not None: data = json.dumps(json_data) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' response = self.session.request(method, self.get_server_url() + url, headers=headers, data=data, auth=auth_tuple, params=params) if response.status_code != expected_code: print response.text if 'www-authenticate' in response.headers: self.signature = response.headers['www-authenticate'] if 'X-Docker-Token' in response.headers: self.docker_token = response.headers['X-Docker-Token'] self.assertEquals(response.status_code, expected_code) return response def _get_default_images(self): return [{'id': 'someid', 'contents': 'somecontent'}] class V1RegistryMixin(BaseRegistryMixin): def v1_ping(self): self.conduct('GET', '/v1/_ping') class V1RegistryPushMixin(V1RegistryMixin): push_version = 'v1' def do_push(self, namespace, repository, username, password, images=None, expect_failure=None, munge_shas=False): images = images or self._get_default_images() auth = (username, password) repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) # Ping! self.v1_ping() # PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/ expected_code = _get_expected_code(expect_failure, 1, 201) self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/repositories/%s/' % repo_name, data=json.dumps(images), auth=auth, expected_code=expected_code) if expected_code != 201: return for image_data in images: image_id = image_data['id'] last_image_id = image_id # PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/json image_json_data = {'id': image_id} if 'size' in image_data: image_json_data['Size'] = image_data['size'] if 'parent' in image_data: image_json_data['parent'] = image_data['parent'] self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/images/%s/json' % image_id, data=json.dumps(image_json_data), auth='sig') # PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/layer layer_bytes = _get_full_contents(image_data) self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/images/%s/layer' % image_id, data=StringIO(layer_bytes), auth='sig') # PUT /v1/images/{imageID}/checksum checksum = compute_simple(StringIO(layer_bytes), json.dumps(image_json_data)) self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/images/%s/checksum' % image_id, headers={'X-Docker-Checksum-Payload': checksum}, auth='sig') # PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/tags/latest self.do_tag(namespace, repository, 'latest', images[-1]['id']) # PUT /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/images self.conduct('PUT', '/v1/repositories/%s/images' % repo_name, expected_code=204, auth='sig') class V1RegistryPullMixin(V1RegistryMixin): pull_version = 'v1' def do_pull(self, namespace, repository, username=None, password='password', expect_failure=None, images=None, munge_shas=False): images = images or self._get_default_images() repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) auth = None if username: auth = (username, password) # Ping! self.v1_ping() prefix = '/v1/repositories/%s/' % repo_name # GET /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/images expected_code = _get_expected_code(expect_failure, 1, 200) self.conduct('GET', prefix + 'images', auth=auth, expected_code=expected_code) if expected_code != 200: return # GET /v1/repositories/{namespace}/{repository}/tags tags_result = json.loads(self.conduct('GET', prefix + 'tags', auth='sig').text) self.assertEquals(1, len(tags_result.values())) # Ensure we do (or do not) have a matching image ID. tag_image_id = tags_result['latest'] known_ids = [item['id'] for item in images] self.assertEquals(not munge_shas, tag_image_id in known_ids) # Retrieve the ancestry of the tag image. image_prefix = '/v1/images/%s/' % tag_image_id ancestors = self.conduct('GET', image_prefix + 'ancestry', auth='sig').json() for index, image_id in enumerate(ancestors): # /v1/images/{imageID}/{ancestry, json, layer} image_prefix = '/v1/images/%s/' % image_id self.conduct('GET', image_prefix + 'ancestry', auth='sig') response = self.conduct('GET', image_prefix + 'json', auth='sig') self.assertEquals(image_id, response.json()['id']) response = self.conduct('GET', image_prefix + 'layer', auth='sig') # Ensure we can parse the layer bytes and that they contain the contents. self.assertContents(images[len(images) - index - 1], response) class V2RegistryMixin(BaseRegistryMixin): MANIFEST_SCHEMA = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'name': { 'type': 'string', }, 'tag': { 'type': 'string', }, 'signatures': { 'type': 'array', 'itemType': { 'type': 'object', }, }, 'fsLayers': { 'type': 'array', 'itemType': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'blobSum': { 'type': 'string', }, }, 'required': 'blobSum', }, }, 'history': { 'type': 'array', 'itemType': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'v1Compatibility': { 'type': 'object', }, }, 'required': ['v1Compatibility'], }, }, }, 'required': ['name', 'tag', 'fsLayers', 'history', 'signatures'], } def v2_ping(self): response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/', expected_code=200 if self.jwt else 401, auth='jwt') self.assertEquals(response.headers['Docker-Distribution-API-Version'], 'registry/2.0') def do_auth(self, username, password, namespace, repository, expected_code=200, scopes=[]): auth = None if username and password: auth = (username, password) repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) params = { 'account': username, 'service': app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'], } if scopes: params['scope'] = 'repository:%s:%s' % (repo_name, ','.join(scopes)) response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/auth', params=params, auth=auth, expected_code=expected_code) if expected_code == 200: response_json = json.loads(response.text) self.assertIsNotNone(response_json.get('token')) self.jwt = response_json['token'] return response class V2RegistryPushMixin(V2RegistryMixin): push_version = 'v2' def do_push(self, namespace, repository, username, password, images=None, tag_name=None, cancel=False, invalid=False, expect_failure=None, scopes=None, munge_shas=False): images = images or self._get_default_images() repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) # Ping! self.v2_ping() # Auth. If the expected failure is an invalid registry, in V2 we'll receive that error from # the auth endpoint first, rather than just the V2 requests below. expected_auth_code = 200 if expect_failure == FailureCodes.INVALID_REGISTRY: expected_auth_code = 400 self.do_auth(username, password, namespace, repository, scopes=scopes or ['push', 'pull'], expected_code=expected_auth_code) if expected_auth_code != 200: return # Build a fake manifest. tag_name = tag_name or 'latest' builder = SignedManifestBuilder(namespace, repository, tag_name) full_contents = {} for image_data in reversed(images): full_contents[image_data['id']] = _get_full_contents(image_data, additional_fields=munge_shas) checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256(full_contents[image_data['id']]).hexdigest() if invalid: checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256('foobarbaz').hexdigest() builder.add_layer(checksum, json.dumps(image_data)) expected_code = _get_expected_code(expect_failure, 2, 404) # Build the manifest. manifest = # Push the image's layers. checksums = {} for image_data in reversed(images): image_id = image_data['id'] layer_bytes = full_contents[image_data['id']] chunks = image_data.get('chunks') # Layer data should not yet exist. checksum = 'sha256:' + hashlib.sha256(layer_bytes).hexdigest() self.conduct('HEAD', '/v2/%s/blobs/%s' % (repo_name, checksum), expected_code=404, auth='jwt') # If we expected a non-404 status code, then the HEAD operation has failed and we cannot # continue performing the push. if expected_code != 404: return # Start a new upload of the layer data. response = self.conduct('POST', '/v2/%s/blobs/uploads/' % repo_name, expected_code=202, auth='jwt') upload_uuid = response.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] location = response.headers['Location'][len(self.get_server_url()):] # PATCH the image data into the layer. if chunks is None: self.conduct('PATCH', location, data=layer_bytes, expected_code=204, auth='jwt') else: for chunk in chunks: if len(chunk) == 3: (start_byte, end_byte, expected_code) = chunk else: (start_byte, end_byte) = chunk expected_code = 204 contents_chunk = layer_bytes[start_byte:end_byte] self.conduct('PATCH', location, data=contents_chunk, expected_code=expected_code, auth='jwt', headers={'Range': 'bytes=%s-%s' % (start_byte, end_byte)}) if expected_code != 204: return # Retrieve the upload status at each point. status_url = '/v2/%s/blobs/uploads/%s' % (repo_name, upload_uuid) response = self.conduct('GET', status_url, expected_code=204, auth='jwt', headers=dict(host=self.get_server_url())) self.assertEquals(response.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'], upload_uuid) self.assertEquals(response.headers['Range'], "bytes=0-%s" % end_byte) if cancel: self.conduct('DELETE', location, params=dict(digest=checksum), expected_code=204, auth='jwt') # Ensure the upload was canceled. status_url = '/v2/%s/blobs/uploads/%s' % (repo_name, upload_uuid) self.conduct('GET', status_url, expected_code=404, auth='jwt', headers=dict(host=self.get_server_url())) return # Finish the layer upload with a PUT. response = self.conduct('PUT', location, params=dict(digest=checksum), expected_code=201, auth='jwt') self.assertEquals(response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest'], checksum) checksums[image_id] = checksum # Ensure the layer exists now. response = self.conduct('HEAD', '/v2/%s/blobs/%s' % (repo_name, checksum), expected_code=200, auth='jwt') self.assertEquals(response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest'], checksum) self.assertEquals(response.headers['Content-Length'], str(len(layer_bytes))) # Write the manifest. If we expect it to be invalid, we expect a 404 code. Otherwise, we expect # a 202 response for success. put_code = 404 if invalid else 202 self.conduct('PUT', '/v2/%s/manifests/%s' % (repo_name, tag_name), data=manifest.bytes, expected_code=put_code, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, auth='jwt') return checksums, manifest.digest class V2RegistryPullMixin(V2RegistryMixin): pull_version = 'v2' def do_pull(self, namespace, repository, username=None, password='password', expect_failure=None, manifest_id=None, images=None, munge_shas=False): images = images or self._get_default_images() repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) # Ping! self.v2_ping() # Auth. If the failure expected is unauthenticated, then the auth endpoint will 401 before # we reach any of the registry operations. expected_auth_code = 200 if expect_failure == FailureCodes.UNAUTHENTICATED: expected_auth_code = 401 self.do_auth(username, password, namespace, repository, scopes=['pull'], expected_code=expected_auth_code) if expected_auth_code != 200: return # Retrieve the manifest for the tag or digest. manifest_id = manifest_id or 'latest' expected_code = _get_expected_code(expect_failure, 2, 200) response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/%s/manifests/%s' % (repo_name, manifest_id), auth='jwt', expected_code=expected_code) if expected_code != 200: return manifest_data = json.loads(response.text) # Ensure the manifest returned by us is valid. validate_schema(manifest_data, V2RegistryMixin.MANIFEST_SCHEMA) # Verify the layers. blobs = {} for index, layer in enumerate(reversed(manifest_data['fsLayers'])): blob_id = layer['blobSum'] result = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/%s/blobs/%s' % (repo_name, blob_id), expected_code=200, auth='jwt') blobs[blob_id] = result.content self.assertContents(images[index], result) # Verify the V1 metadata is present for each expected image. found_v1_layers = set() history = manifest_data['history'] for entry in history: v1_history = json.loads(entry['v1Compatibility']) found_v1_layers.add(v1_history['id']) for image in images: self.assertIn(image['id'], found_v1_layers) return blobs class V1RegistryLoginMixin(object): def do_login(self, username, password, scope, expect_success=True): data = { 'username': username, 'password': password, } response = self.conduct('POST', '/v1/users/', json_data=data, expected_code=400) if expect_success: self.assertEquals(response.text, '"Username or email already exists"') else: self.assertNotEquals(response.text, '"Username or email already exists"') class V2RegistryLoginMixin(object): def do_login(self, username, password, scope, expect_success=True, expected_failure_code=401): params = { 'account': username, 'scope': scope, 'service': app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'], } if expect_success: expected_code = 200 else: expected_code = expected_failure_code auth = None if username and password: auth = (username, password) response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/auth', params=params, auth=auth, expected_code=expected_code) return response class RegistryTestsMixin(object): def test_push_same_ids_different_sha(self): if self.push_version == 'v1': # No SHAs to munge in V1. return images = [ { 'id': 'baseid', 'contents': 'The base image', }, { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image', 'parent': 'baseid', }, ] # Push a new repository. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images) # Push a the repository again, but with different SHAs. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images, munge_shas=True) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images, munge_shas=True) def test_push_same_ids_different_sha_with_unicode(self): if self.push_version == 'v1': # No SHAs to munge in V1. return images = [ { 'id': 'baseid', 'contents': 'The base image', }, { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'The latest image', 'unicode': u'the Pawe\xc5\x82 Kami\xc5\x84ski image', 'parent': 'baseid', }, ] # Push a new repository. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images) # Push a the repository again, but with different SHAs. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images, munge_shas=True) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images=images, munge_shas=True) def test_push_pull_logging(self): # Push a new repository. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') # Retrieve the logs and ensure the push was added. self.conduct_api_login('public', 'password') result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/public/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals(1, len(logs)) self.assertEquals('push_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('public', logs[0]['performer']['name']) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') # Retrieve the logs and ensure the pull was added. result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/public/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals(2, len(logs)) self.assertEquals('pull_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('public', logs[0]['performer']['name']) def test_push_pull_logging_byrobot(self): # Lookup the robot's password. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') resp = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/organization/buynlarge/robots/ownerbot') robot_token = json.loads(resp.text)['token'] # Push a new repository. self.do_push('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'buynlarge+ownerbot', robot_token) # Retrieve the logs and ensure the push was added. result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/buynlarge/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals(1, len(logs)) self.assertEquals('push_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('buynlarge+ownerbot', logs[0]['performer']['name']) # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'buynlarge+ownerbot', robot_token) # Retrieve the logs and ensure the pull was added. result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/buynlarge/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals(2, len(logs)) self.assertEquals('pull_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('buynlarge+ownerbot', logs[0]['performer']['name']) def test_push_pull_logging_bytoken(self): # Push the repository. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') # Add a token. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/addtoken') # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', '$token', 'somecooltokencode') # Retrieve the logs and ensure the pull was added. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/devtable/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals('pull_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('my-new-token', logs[0]['metadata']['token']) def test_push_pull_logging_byoauth(self): # Push the repository. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') # Pull the repository. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', '$oauthtoken', 'test') # Retrieve the logs and ensure the pull was added. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') result = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/repository/devtable/newrepo/logs') logs = result.json()['logs'] self.assertEquals(2, len(logs)) self.assertEquals('pull_repo', logs[0]['kind']) self.assertEquals('devtable', logs[0]['performer']['name']) self.assertEquals(1, logs[0]['metadata']['oauth_token_id']) def test_pull_publicrepo_anonymous(self): # Add a new repository under the public user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo anonymously, which should fail (since it is # private) self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) # Make the repository public. self.conduct_api_login('public', 'password') self.change_repo_visibility('public', 'newrepo', 'public') self.clearSession() # Pull the repository anonymously, which should succeed because the repository is public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo') def test_pull_publicrepo_devtable(self): # Add a new repository under the public user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo as devtable, which should fail as it belongs # to public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) # Make the repository public. self.conduct_api_login('public', 'password') self.change_repo_visibility('public', 'newrepo', 'public') self.clearSession() # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_pull_private_repo(self): # Add a new repository under the devtable user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo as public, which should fail as it belongs # to devtable. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is owned by # devtable. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_public_no_anonymous_access_with_auth(self): # Turn off anonymous access. with TestFeature(self, 'ANONYMOUS_ACCESS', False): # Add a new repository under the public user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo as devtable, which should fail as it belongs # to public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) # Make the repository public. self.conduct_api_login('public', 'password') self.change_repo_visibility('public', 'newrepo', 'public') self.clearSession() # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_private_no_anonymous_access(self): # Turn off anonymous access. with TestFeature(self, 'ANONYMOUS_ACCESS', False): # Add a new repository under the public user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo as devtable, which should fail as it belongs # to public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) # Pull the repository as public, which should succeed because the repository is owned by public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') def test_public_no_anonymous_access_no_auth(self): # Turn off anonymous access. with TestFeature(self, 'ANONYMOUS_ACCESS', False): # Add a new repository under the public user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') self.clearSession() # First try to pull the (currently private) repo as anonymous, which should fail as it # is private. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHENTICATED) # Make the repository public. self.conduct_api_login('public', 'password') self.change_repo_visibility('public', 'newrepo', 'public') self.clearSession() # Try again to pull the (currently public) repo as anonymous, which should fail as # anonymous access is disabled. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', expect_failure=FailureCodes.UNAUTHENTICATED) # Pull the repository as public, which should succeed because the repository is owned by public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password') # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is public. self.do_pull('public', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_create_repo_creator_user(self): self.do_push('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'creator', 'password') # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is owned by the # org. self.do_pull('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_create_repo_robot_owner(self): # Lookup the robot's password. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') resp = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/organization/buynlarge/robots/ownerbot') robot_token = json.loads(resp.text)['token'] self.do_push('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'buynlarge+ownerbot', robot_token) # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is owned by the # org. self.do_pull('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_create_repo_robot_creator(self): # Lookup the robot's password. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') resp = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/organization/buynlarge/robots/creatorbot') robot_token = json.loads(resp.text)['token'] self.do_push('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'buynlarge+creatorbot', robot_token) # Pull the repository as devtable, which should succeed because the repository is owned by the # org. self.do_pull('buynlarge', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_library_repo(self): self.do_push('', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') self.do_pull('', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') self.do_pull('library', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') def test_library_disabled(self): with TestFeature(self, 'LIBRARY_SUPPORT', False): self.do_push('library', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') self.do_pull('library', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') class V1RegistryTests(V1RegistryPullMixin, V1RegistryPushMixin, RegistryTestsMixin, RegistryTestCaseMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V1 registry. """ def test_push_reponame_with_slashes(self): # Attempt to add a repository name with slashes. This should fail as we do not support it. images = [{ 'id': 'onlyimagehere', 'contents': 'somecontents', }] self.do_push('public', 'newrepo/somesubrepo', 'public', 'password', images, expect_failure=FailureCodes.INVALID_REGISTRY) def test_push_unicode_metadata(self): self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') images = [{ 'id': 'onlyimagehere', 'comment': 'Pawe\xc5\x82 Kami\xc5\x84ski '.decode('utf-8'), 'contents': 'somecontents', }] self.do_push('devtable', 'unicodetest', 'devtable', 'password', images) self.do_pull('devtable', 'unicodetest', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) def test_tag_validation(self): image_id = 'onlyimagehere' images = [{ 'id': image_id, 'contents': 'somecontents', }] self.do_push('public', 'newrepo', 'public', 'password', images) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', '1', image_id) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', 'x' * 128, image_id) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', '', image_id, expected_code=404) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', 'x' * 129, image_id, expected_code=400) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', '.fail', image_id, expected_code=400) self.do_tag('public', 'newrepo', '-fail', image_id, expected_code=400) class V2RegistryTests(V2RegistryPullMixin, V2RegistryPushMixin, RegistryTestsMixin, RegistryTestCaseMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V2 registry. """ def test_invalid_blob(self): namespace = 'devtable' repository = 'somerepo' tag_name = 'sometag' repo_name = _get_repo_name(namespace, repository) self.v2_ping() self.do_auth('devtable', 'password', namespace, repository, scopes=['push', 'pull']) # Build a fake manifest. builder = SignedManifestBuilder(namespace, repository, tag_name) builder.add_layer('sha256:' + hashlib.sha256('invalid').hexdigest(), json.dumps({'id': 'foo'})) manifest = response = self.conduct('PUT', '/v2/%s/manifests/%s' % (repo_name, tag_name), data=manifest.bytes, expected_code=404, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, auth='jwt') self.assertEquals('BLOB_UNKNOWN', response.json()['errors'][0]['code']) def test_delete_manifest(self): # Push a new repo with the latest tag. (_, digest) = self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') # Ensure the pull works. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') # Conduct auth for the write scope. self.do_auth('devtable', 'password', 'devtable', 'newrepo', scopes=['push']) # Delete the digest. self.conduct('DELETE', '/v2/devtable/newrepo/manifests/' + digest, auth='jwt', expected_code=202) # Ensure the tag no longer exists. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.DOES_NOT_EXIST) def test_push_only_push_scope(self): images = [{ 'id': 'onlyimagehere', 'contents': 'foobar', }] self.do_push('devtable', 'somenewrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images, scopes=['push']) def test_push_reponame_with_slashes(self): # Attempt to add a repository name with slashes. This should fail as we do not support it. images = [{ 'id': 'onlyimagehere', 'contents': 'somecontents', }] self.do_push('public', 'newrepo/somesubrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images, expect_failure=FailureCodes.INVALID_REGISTRY) def test_invalid_push(self): self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', invalid=True) def test_cancel_push(self): self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', cancel=True) def test_pull_by_checksum(self): # Add a new repository under the user, so we have a real repository to pull. _, digest = self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') # Attempt to pull by digest. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', manifest_id=digest) def test_pull_invalid_image_tag(self): # Add a new repository under the user, so we have a real repository to pull. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password') self.clearSession() # Attempt to pull the invalid tag. self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', manifest_id='invalid', expect_failure=FailureCodes.INVALID_REGISTRY) def test_partial_upload_below_5mb(self): chunksize = 1024 * 1024 * 2 size = chunksize * 3 contents = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(size)) chunk_count = int(math.ceil((len(contents) * 1.0) / chunksize)) chunks = [(index * chunksize, (index + 1)*chunksize) for index in range(chunk_count)] images = [ { 'id':'someid', 'contents': contents, 'chunks': chunks } ] # Push the chunked upload. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) # Pull the image back and verify the contents. blobs = self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) self.assertEquals(len(blobs.items()), 1) self.assertEquals(blobs.items()[0][1], contents) def test_partial_upload_way_below_5mb(self): size = 1024 contents = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(size)) chunks = [(0, 100), (100, size)] images = [ { 'id':'someid', 'contents': contents, 'chunks': chunks } ] # Push the chunked upload. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) # Pull the image back and verify the contents. blobs = self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) self.assertEquals(len(blobs.items()), 1) self.assertEquals(blobs.items()[0][1], contents) def test_partial_upload_resend_below_5mb(self): size = 150 contents = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(size)) chunks = [(0, 100), (10, size)] images = [ { 'id':'someid', 'contents': contents, 'chunks': chunks } ] # Push the chunked upload. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) # Pull the image back and verify the contents. blobs = self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) self.assertEquals(len(blobs.items()), 1) self.assertEquals(blobs.items()[0][1], contents) def test_partial_upload_try_resend_with_gap(self): size = 150 contents = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(size)) chunks = [(0, 100), (101, size, 416)] images = [ { 'id':'someid', 'contents': contents, 'chunks': chunks } ] # Attempt to push the chunked upload, which should fail. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) def test_multiple_layers_invalid(self): # Attempt to push a manifest with an image depending on an unknown base layer. images = [ { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image', 'parent': 'baseid', } ] self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images, expect_failure=FailureCodes.INVALID_REQUEST) def test_multiple_layers(self): # Push a manifest with multiple layers. images = [ { 'id': 'baseid', 'contents': 'The base image', }, { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image', 'parent': 'baseid', }, ] self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) def test_invalid_regname(self): self.do_push('devtable', 'this/is/a/repo', 'devtable', 'password', expect_failure=FailureCodes.INVALID_REGISTRY) def test_multiple_tags(self): latest_images = [ { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image' } ] foobar_images = [ { 'id': 'foobarid', 'contents': 'the foobar image', } ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=latest_images, tag_name='latest') self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=foobar_images, tag_name='foobar') # Retrieve the tags. response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/devtable/newrepo/tags/list', auth='jwt', expected_code=200) data = json.loads(response.text) self.assertEquals(data['name'], "devtable/newrepo") self.assertIn('latest', data['tags']) self.assertIn('foobar', data['tags']) # Retrieve the tags with pagination. response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/devtable/newrepo/tags/list', auth='jwt', params=dict(n=1), expected_code=200) data = json.loads(response.text) self.assertEquals(data['name'], "devtable/newrepo") self.assertEquals(len(data['tags']), 1) # Try to get tags before a repo exists. response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/devtable/doesnotexist/tags/list', auth='jwt', expected_code=401) # Assert 401s to non-auth endpoints also get the WWW-Authenticate header. self.assertIn('WWW-Authenticate', response.headers) def test_one_five_blacklist(self): self.conduct('GET', '/v2/', expected_code=404, user_agent='Go 1.1 package http') def test_catalog(self): # Look for public repositories and ensure all are public. response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/_catalog') data = response.json() self.assertTrue(len(data['repositories']) > 0) for reponame in data['repositories']: self.assertTrue(reponame.find('public/') == 0) # Perform auth and lookup the catalog again. self.do_auth('devtable', 'password', 'devtable', 'simple') response = self.conduct('GET', '/v2/_catalog', params=dict(n=2), auth='jwt') data = response.json() self.assertEquals(len(data['repositories']), 2) # Ensure we have a next link. self.assertIsNotNone(response.headers.get('Link')) # Request with the next link. link_url = response.headers.get('Link').split(';')[0] v2_index = link_url.find('/v2/') relative_url = link_url[v2_index:] next_response = self.conduct('GET', relative_url, auth='jwt') next_data = next_response.json() self.assertEquals(len(next_data['repositories']), 2) self.assertNotEquals(next_data['repositories'], data['repositories']) class V1PushV2PullRegistryTests(V2RegistryPullMixin, V1RegistryPushMixin, RegistryTestsMixin, RegistryTestCaseMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V1 push, V2 pull registry. """ def test_multiple_tag_with_pull(self): """ Tagging the same exact V1 tag multiple times and then pulling with V2. """ images = self._get_default_images() self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) self.do_tag('devtable', 'newrepo', 'latest', images[0]['id'], auth=('devtable', 'password')) self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) class V1PullV2PushRegistryTests(V1RegistryPullMixin, V2RegistryPushMixin, RegistryTestsMixin, RegistryTestCaseMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V1 pull, V2 push registry. """ class TorrentTestMixin(V2RegistryPullMixin): """ Mixin of tests for torrent support. """ def get_torrent(self, blobsum): # Enable direct download URLs in fake storage. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/fakestoragedd/true') response = self.conduct('GET', '/c1/torrent/devtable/newrepo/blobs/' + blobsum, auth=('devtable', 'password')) # Disable direct download URLs in fake storage. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/fakestoragedd/false') return response.content def test_get_basic_torrent(self): initial_images = [ { 'id': 'initialid', 'contents': 'the initial image', }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=initial_images) # Retrieve the manifest for the tag. blobs = self.do_pull('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', manifest_id='latest', images=initial_images) self.assertEquals(1, len(list(blobs.keys()))) blobsum = list(blobs.keys())[0] # Retrieve the torrent for the tag. torrent = self.get_torrent(blobsum) contents = bencode.bdecode(torrent) # Ensure that there is a webseed. self.assertEquals(contents['url-list'], 'http://somefakeurl') # Ensure there is an announce and some pieces. self.assertIsNotNone(contents.get('info', {}).get('pieces')) self.assertIsNotNone(contents.get('announce')) sha = resumablehashlib.sha1() sha.update(blobs[blobsum]) expected = binascii.hexlify(sha.digest()) found = binascii.hexlify(contents['info']['pieces']) self.assertEquals(expected, found) class TorrentV1PushTests(RegistryTestCaseMixin, TorrentTestMixin, V1RegistryPushMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Torrent tests via V1 push. """ pass class TorrentV2PushTests(RegistryTestCaseMixin, TorrentTestMixin, V2RegistryPushMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Torrent tests via V2 push. """ pass class ACIConversionTests(RegistryTestCaseMixin, V1RegistryPushMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for registry ACI conversion. """ def get_converted_image(self): response = self.conduct('GET', '/c1/aci/localhost:5000/devtable/newrepo/latest/aci/linux/amd64/', auth='sig') tar = return tar, response.content def get_converted_signature(self): # Give time for the signature to be written before continuing. time.sleep(1) response = self.conduct('GET', '/c1/aci/localhost:5000/devtable/newrepo/latest/aci.asc/linux/amd64/', auth='sig') return response.content def _verify_signature(self, signature, converted): sig_bytes = StringIO(signature) content_bytes = StringIO(converted) ctx = gpgme.Context() sigs = ctx.verify(sig_bytes, content_bytes, None) self.assertEqual(len(sigs), 1) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].summary, 0) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].fpr, '07692864E17025DD1BEA88E44632047EEEB32221') self.assertEqual(sigs[0].status, None) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].notations, []) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].exp_timestamp, 0) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].wrong_key_usage, False) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].validity, gpgme.VALIDITY_UNKNOWN) self.assertEqual(sigs[0].validity_reason, None) def test_basic_conversion(self): initial_images = [ { 'id': 'initialid', 'contents': 'the initial image', }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=initial_images) # Pull the squashed version of the tag. tar, converted = self.get_converted_image() signature = self.get_converted_signature() # Verify the manifest. self.assertEquals(['manifest', 'rootfs', 'rootfs/contents'], tar.getnames()) manifest = json.loads(tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('manifest')).read()) expected_manifest = { "acKind": "ImageManifest", "app": { "environment": [], "mountPoints": [], "group": "root", "user": "root", "workingDirectory": "/", "exec": [], "isolators": [], "eventHandlers": [], "ports": [], "annotations": [ {"name": "created", "value": ""}, {"name": "homepage", "value": "http://localhost:5000/devtable/newrepo:latest"}, {"name": "", "value": "fa916d5ca4da5348628dfffcfc943288a0cca521cd21a6d2981a85ec1d7f7a3a"} ] }, "labels": [ {"name": "version", "value": "latest"}, {"name": "arch", "value": "amd64"}, {"name": "os", "value": "linux"} ], "acVersion": "0.6.1", "name": "localhost/devtable/newrepo" } self.assertEquals(manifest, expected_manifest) self.assertEquals('the initial image', tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('rootfs/contents')).read()) # Verify the signature. self._verify_signature(signature, converted) def test_multilayer_conversion(self): images = [ { 'id': 'baseid', 'contents': 'The base image', }, { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image', 'parent': 'baseid', } ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) # Pull the squashed version of the tag. tar, converted = self.get_converted_image() signature = self.get_converted_signature() self.assertEquals(['manifest', 'rootfs', 'rootfs/contents'], tar.getnames()) self.assertEquals('the latest image', tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('rootfs/contents')).read()) # Verify the signature. self._verify_signature(signature, converted) class SquashingTests(RegistryTestCaseMixin, V1RegistryPushMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for registry squashing. """ def get_squashed_image(self): response = self.conduct('GET', '/c1/squash/devtable/newrepo/latest', auth='sig') tar = return tar, response.content def test_squashed_changes(self): initial_images = [ { 'id': 'initialid', 'contents': 'the initial image', }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=initial_images) initial_image_id = '91081df45b58dc62dd207441785eef2b895f0383fbe601c99a3cf643c79957dc' # Pull the squashed version of the tag. tar, _ = self.get_squashed_image() self.assertTrue(initial_image_id in tar.getnames()) # Change the images. updated_images = [ { 'id': 'updatedid', 'contents': 'the updated image', }, ] self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=updated_images) updated_image_id = '38df4bd4cdffc6b7d656dbd2813c73e864f2d362ad887c999ac315224ad281ac' # Pull the squashed version of the tag and ensure it has changed. tar, _ = self.get_squashed_image() self.assertTrue(updated_image_id in tar.getnames()) def test_estimated_squashing(self): initial_images = [ { 'id': 'initialid', 'contents': 'the initial image', 'size': 2002, }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=initial_images) # NULL out the uncompressed size to force estimation. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/removeuncompressed/initialid') # Pull the squashed version of the tag. initial_image_id = '91081df45b58dc62dd207441785eef2b895f0383fbe601c99a3cf643c79957dc' tar, _ = self.get_squashed_image() self.assertTrue(initial_image_id in tar.getnames()) def test_multilayer_squashing(self): images = [ { 'id': 'baseid', 'contents': 'The base image', }, { 'id': 'latestid', 'contents': 'the latest image', 'parent': 'baseid', }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=images) # Pull the squashed version of the tag. expected_image_id = 'bd590ae79fba5ebc6550aaf016c0bd0f49b1d78178e0f83e0ca1c56c2bb7e7bf' expected_names = ['repositories', expected_image_id, '%s/json' % expected_image_id, '%s/VERSION' % expected_image_id, '%s/layer.tar' % expected_image_id] tar, _ = self.get_squashed_image() self.assertEquals(expected_names, tar.getnames()) self.assertEquals('1.0', tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('%s/VERSION' % expected_image_id)).read()) json_data = (tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('%s/json' % expected_image_id)).read()) # Ensure the JSON loads and parses. result = json.loads(json_data) self.assertEquals(expected_image_id, result['id']) # Ensure that the "image_name" file refers to the latest image, as it is the top layer. layer_tar ='%s/layer.tar' % expected_image_id))) image_contents = layer_tar.extractfile(layer_tar.getmember('contents')).read() self.assertEquals('the latest image', image_contents) def test_squashed_torrent(self): initial_images = [ { 'id': 'initialid', 'contents': 'the initial image', }, ] # Create the repo. self.do_push('devtable', 'newrepo', 'devtable', 'password', images=initial_images) initial_image_id = '91081df45b58dc62dd207441785eef2b895f0383fbe601c99a3cf643c79957dc' # Try to pull the torrent of the squashed image. This should fail with a 404 since the # squashed image doesn't yet exist. self.conduct('GET', '/c1/squash/devtable/newrepo/latest', auth=('devtable', 'password'), headers=dict(accept='application/x-bittorrent'), expected_code=406) # Pull the squashed version of the tag. tar, squashed = self.get_squashed_image() self.assertTrue(initial_image_id in tar.getnames()) # Enable direct download URLs in fake storage. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/fakestoragedd/true') # Pull the torrent. response = self.conduct('GET', '/c1/squash/devtable/newrepo/latest', auth=('devtable', 'password'), headers=dict(accept='application/x-bittorrent')) # Disable direct download URLs in fake storage. self.conduct('POST', '/__test/fakestoragedd/false') # Ensure the torrent is valid. contents = bencode.bdecode(response.content) # Ensure that there is a webseed. self.assertEquals(contents['url-list'], 'http://somefakeurl') # Ensure there is an announce and some pieces. self.assertIsNotNone(contents.get('info', {}).get('pieces')) self.assertIsNotNone(contents.get('announce')) # Ensure the SHA1 matches the generated tar. sha = resumablehashlib.sha1() sha.update(squashed) expected = binascii.hexlify(sha.digest()) found = binascii.hexlify(contents['info']['pieces']) self.assertEquals(expected, found) class LoginTests(object): """ Generic tests for registry login. """ def test_invalid_username_knownrepo(self): self.do_login('invaliduser', 'somepassword', expect_success=False, scope='repository:devtable/simple:pull') def test_invalid_password_knownrepo(self): self.do_login('devtable', 'somepassword', expect_success=False, scope='repository:devtable/simple:pull') def test_validuser_knownrepo(self): self.do_login('devtable', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/simple:pull') def test_validuser_encryptedpass(self): # Generate an encrypted password. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') resp = self.conduct('POST', '/api/v1/user/clientkey', json_data=dict(password='password')) encryptedpassword = resp.json()['key'] self.do_login('devtable', encryptedpassword, expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/simple:pull') def test_robotkey(self): # Lookup the robot's password. self.conduct_api_login('devtable', 'password') resp = self.conduct('GET', '/api/v1/user/robots/dtrobot') robot_token = resp.json()['token'] self.do_login('devtable+dtrobot', robot_token, expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/complex:pull') def test_oauth(self): self.do_login('$oauthtoken', 'test', expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/complex:pull') class V1LoginTests(V1RegistryLoginMixin, LoginTests, RegistryTestCaseMixin, BaseRegistryMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V1 login. """ pass # No additional tests. class V2LoginTests(V2RegistryLoginMixin, LoginTests, RegistryTestCaseMixin, BaseRegistryMixin, LiveServerTestCase): """ Tests for V2 login. """ @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def load_public_key(certificate_file_path): with open(certificate_file_path) as cert_file: cert_obj = load_pem_x509_certificate(, default_backend()) return cert_obj.public_key() def do_logincheck(self, username, password, scope, expected_actions=[], expect_success=True, **kwargs): response = self.do_login(username, password, scope, expect_success=expect_success, **kwargs) if not expect_success: return # Validate the returned JWT. encoded = response.json()['token'] expected_issuer = app.config['JWT_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER'] audience = app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'] max_signed_s = app.config.get('JWT_AUTH_MAX_FRESH_S', 3660) certificate_file_path = app.config['JWT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_PATH'] public_key = V2LoginTests.load_public_key(certificate_file_path) max_exp = strictjwt.exp_max_s_option(max_signed_s) payload = strictjwt.decode(encoded, public_key, algorithms=['RS256'], audience=audience, issuer=expected_issuer, options=max_exp) if scope is None: self.assertEquals(0, len(payload['access'])) else: self.assertEquals(1, len(payload['access'])) self.assertEquals(payload['access'][0]['actions'], expected_actions) def test_nouser_noscope(self): self.do_logincheck('', '', expect_success=False, scope=None) def test_validuser_unknownrepo(self): self.do_logincheck('devtable', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:invalidnamespace/simple:pull', expected_actions=[]) def test_validuser_unknownnamespacerepo(self): self.do_logincheck('devtable', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/newrepo:push', expected_actions=['push']) def test_validuser_noaccess(self): self.do_logincheck('public', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:devtable/simple:pull', expected_actions=[]) def test_validuser_withendpoint(self): self.do_logincheck('devtable', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:localhost:5000/devtable/simple:pull,push', expected_actions=['push', 'pull']) def test_validuser_invalid_endpoint(self): self.do_logincheck('public', 'password', expect_success=False, expected_failure_code=400, scope=',push', expected_actions=[]) def test_validuser_malformed_endpoint(self): self.do_logincheck('public', 'password', expect_success=False, expected_failure_code=400, scope='repository:localhost:5000/registryroot/devtable/simple:pull,push', expected_actions=[]) def test_validuser_noscope(self): self.do_logincheck('public', 'password', expect_success=True, scope=None) def test_invaliduser_noscope(self): self.do_logincheck('invaliduser', 'invalidpass', expect_success=False, scope=None) def test_invalidpassword_noscope(self): self.do_logincheck('public', 'invalidpass', expect_success=False, scope=None) def test_oauth_noaccess(self): self.do_logincheck('$oauthtoken', 'test', expect_success=True, scope='repository:freshuser/unknownrepo:pull,push', expected_actions=[]) def test_oauth_public(self): self.do_logincheck('$oauthtoken', 'test', expect_success=True, scope='repository:public/publicrepo:pull,push', expected_actions=['pull']) def test_nouser_pull_publicrepo(self): self.do_logincheck('', '', expect_success=True, scope='repository:public/publicrepo:pull', expected_actions=['pull']) def test_nouser_push_publicrepo(self): self.do_logincheck('', '', expect_success=True, scope='repository:public/publicrepo:push', expected_actions=[]) def test_library_invaliduser(self): self.do_logincheck('invaliduser', 'password', expect_success=False, scope='repository:librepo:pull,push') def test_library_noaccess(self): self.do_logincheck('freshuser', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:librepo:pull,push', expected_actions=[]) def test_library_access(self): self.do_logincheck('devtable', 'password', expect_success=True, scope='repository:librepo:pull,push', expected_actions=['push', 'pull']) def test_nouser_pushpull_publicrepo(self): # Note: Docker 1.8.3 will ask for both push and pull scopes at all times. For public pulls # with no credentials, we were returning a 401. This test makes sure we get back just a pull # token. self.do_logincheck('', '', expect_success=True, scope='repository:public/publicrepo:pull,push', expected_actions=['pull']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()