<div bindonce class="build-log-error-element"> <span class="error-message-container"> <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <span class="error-message" bo-text="error.message"></span> <span ng-if="error.message == 'HTTP code: 403' && getLocalPullInfo().isLocal"> caused by attempting to pull private repository <a href="/repository/{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}">{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}</a> <span ng-if="getLocalPullInfo().login">with inaccessible credentials</span> <span ng-if="!getLocalPullInfo().login">without credentials</span> </span> </span> <div class="alert alert-danger" ng-if="error.message == 'HTTP code: 403' && getLocalPullInfo().isLocal"> <div ng-if="getLocalPullInfo().login"> Note: The credentials <b>{{ getLocalPullInfo().login.username }}</b> for registry <b>{{ getLocalPullInfo().login.registry }}</b> cannot access repository <a href="/repository/{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}">{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}</a>. </div> <div ng-if="!getLocalPullInfo().login"> Note: No robot account is specified for this build. Without such credentials, this pull will always fail. Please setup a new build trigger with a robot account that has access to <a href="/repository/{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}">{{ getLocalPullInfo().repo }}</a> or make that repository public. </div> </div> </div>