import time
import jwt

from cachetools import lru_cache

ANONYMOUS_SUB = '(anonymous)'

def generate_jwt_object(audience, subject, context, access, lifetime_s, app_config):
  """ Generates a compact encoded JWT with the values specified.
  token_data = {
    'iss': app_config['JWT_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER'],
    'aud': audience,
    'nbf': int(time.time()),
    'iat': int(time.time()),
    'exp': int(time.time() + lifetime_s),
    'sub': subject,
    'access': access,
    'context': context,

  certificate = _load_certificate_bytes(app_config['JWT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_PATH'])

  token_headers = {
    'x5c': [certificate],

  private_key = _load_private_key(app_config['JWT_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH'])

  return jwt.encode(token_data, private_key, 'RS256', headers=token_headers)

def build_context_and_subject(user, token, oauthtoken):
  """ Builds the custom context field for the JWT signed token and returns it,
      along with the subject for the JWT signed token. """
  if oauthtoken:
    context = {
      'kind': 'oauth',
      'user': user.username,
      'oauth': oauthtoken.uuid,

    return (context, user.username)

  if user:
    context = {
      'kind': 'user',
      'user': user.username,
    return (context, user.username)

  if token:
    context = {
      'kind': 'token',
      'token': token.code,
    return (context, None)

  context = {
    'kind': 'anonymous',
  return (context, ANONYMOUS_SUB)

def _load_certificate_bytes(certificate_file_path):
  with open(certificate_file_path) as cert_file:
    cert_lines = cert_file.readlines()[1:-1]
    return ''.join([cert_line.rstrip('\n') for cert_line in cert_lines])

def _load_private_key(private_key_file_path):
  with open(private_key_file_path) as private_key_file: