import { browser, element, by, $, $$ } from 'protractor'; import { ManageTriggerViewObject } from '../../js/directives/ui/manage-trigger/manage-trigger.view-object'; import { appHost } from '../protractor.conf'; describe("Trigger Creation", () => { const username = 'devtable'; const password = 'password'; var manageTriggerView: ManageTriggerViewObject = new ManageTriggerViewObject(); beforeAll((done) => { browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false); // Sign in browser.get(appHost); $$('a[href="/signin/"]').get(1).click(); $('#signin-username').sendKeys(username); $('#signin-password').sendKeys(password); element(by.partialButtonText('Sign in')).click(); browser.sleep(4000).then(() => done()); }); afterAll(() => { browser.waitForAngularEnabled(true); // TODO(alecmerdler): Delete all created triggers }); describe("for custom git", () => { beforeAll(() => { // Navigate to trigger setup browser.get(`${appHost}/repository/devtable/simple?tab=builds`) }); it("can select custom git repository push as a trigger option", (done) => { element(by.buttonText('Create Build Trigger')).click(); element(by.linkText('Custom Git Repository Push')).click(); browser.sleep(1000); done(); }); it("shows custom git repository section first", () => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['customrepo'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }); it("does not accept invalid custom git repository URL's", () => { manageTriggerView.continue() .then(() => fail('Should not accept empty input for repository URL')) .catch(() => manageTriggerView.enterRepositoryURL('git@some')) .then(() => manageTriggerView.continue()) .then(() => fail('Should not accept invalid input for repository URL')) .catch(() => null); }); it("proceeds to Dockerfile location section when given valid URL", () => { manageTriggerView.enterRepositoryURL(''); manageTriggerView.continue() .then(() => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['dockerfilelocation'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); it("does not accept Dockerfile location that does not end with a filename", () => { manageTriggerView.enterDockerfileLocation('/') .then(() => manageTriggerView.continue()) .then(() => fail('Should not accept Dockerfile location that does not end with a filename')) .catch(() => null); }); it("does not provide Dockerfile location suggestions", () => { manageTriggerView.getDockerfileSuggestions() .then((results) => { expect(results.length).toEqual(0); }); }); it("proceeds to Docker context location section when given a valid Dockerfile location", () => { manageTriggerView.enterDockerfileLocation('/Dockerfile') .then(() => manageTriggerView.continue()) .then(() => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['contextlocation'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); it("does not accept invalid Docker context", () => { manageTriggerView.enterDockerContext('') .then(() => manageTriggerView.continue()) .then(() => fail('Should not acccept invalid Docker context location')) .catch(() => null); }); it("provides suggestions for Docker context based on Dockerfile location", () => { manageTriggerView.getDockerContextSuggestions() .then((results) => { expect(results).toContain('/'); }); }); it("proceeds to robot selection section when given valid Docker context", () => { manageTriggerView.enterDockerContext('/') .then(() => manageTriggerView.continue()) .then(() => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['robot'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); it("allows selection of optional robot account", () => { manageTriggerView.selectRobotAccount(0) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); it("proceeds to verification section", () => { manageTriggerView.continue() .then(() => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['verification'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); it("displays success message after creating the trigger", () => { manageTriggerView.continue() .then(() => { browser.sleep(2000); expect($('h3').getText()).toEqual('Trigger has been successfully activated'); }) .catch(reason => fail(reason)); }); }); describe("for githost", () => { beforeAll(() => { // Navigate to trigger setup browser.get(`${appHost}/repository/devtable/simple?tab=builds`); }); it("can select GitHub repository push as a trigger option", () => { element(by.partialButtonText('Create Build Trigger')).click(); element(by.linkText('GitHub Repository Push')).click(); }); it("redirects to GitHub login page for granting authentication", () => { expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toContain(''); // TODO: Which credentials do we use to login to GitHub? }); xit("shows namespace select section first", () => { expect(manageTriggerView.sections['namespace'].isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }); }); });