import base64
import os

from config_app.config_util.config.fileprovider import FileConfigProvider
from config_app.config_util.config.testprovider import TestConfigProvider
from config_app.config_util.config.TransientDirectoryProvider import TransientDirectoryProvider
from util.config.validator import EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY, EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY_PREFIX

def get_config_provider(config_volume, yaml_filename, py_filename, testing=False):
  """ Loads and returns the config provider for the current environment. """

  if testing:
    return TestConfigProvider()

  return TransientDirectoryProvider(config_volume, yaml_filename, py_filename)

def get_config_as_kube_secret(config_path):
  data = {}

  # Kubernetes secrets don't have sub-directories, so for the extra_ca_certs dir
  # we have to put the extra certs in with a prefix, and then one of our init scripts
  # ( will expand the prefixed certs into the equivalent directory
  # so that they'll be installed correctly on startup by the certs_install script
  certs_dir = os.path.join(config_path,  EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY)
  if os.path.exists(certs_dir):
    for extra_cert in os.listdir(certs_dir):
      with open(os.path.join(certs_dir, extra_cert)) as f:
        data[EXTRA_CA_DIRECTORY_PREFIX + extra_cert] = base64.b64encode(

  for name in os.listdir(config_path):
    file_path = os.path.join(config_path, name)
    if not os.path.isdir(file_path):
      with open(file_path) as f:
        data[name] = base64.b64encode(

  return data