/** * Displays a panel for converting the current user to an organization. */ angular.module('quay').directive('convertUserToOrg', function () { var directiveDefinitionObject = { priority: 0, templateUrl: '/static/directives/convert-user-to-org.html', replace: false, transclude: true, restrict: 'C', scope: { 'user': '=user' }, controller: function($scope, $element, Features, PlanService, Config, ApiService, CookieService, UserService) { $scope.convertStep = 0; $scope.org = {}; $scope.loading = false; $scope.showConvertForm = function() { if (Features.BILLING) { PlanService.getMatchingBusinessPlan(function(plan) { $scope.org.plan = plan; }); PlanService.getPlans(function(plans) { $scope.orgPlans = plans; }); } $scope.convertStep = 1; }; $scope.convertToOrg = function() { $('#reallyconvertModal').modal({}); }; $scope.reallyConvert = function() { if (Config.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE != 'Database') { return; } $scope.loading = true; var data = { 'adminUser': $scope.org.adminUser, 'adminPassword': $scope.org.adminPassword, 'plan': $scope.org.plan ? $scope.org.plan.stripeId : '' }; ApiService.convertUserToOrganization(data).then(function(resp) { CookieService.putPermanent('quay.namespace', $scope.user.username); UserService.load(); $location.path('/'); }, function(resp) { $scope.loading = false; if (resp.data.reason == 'invaliduser') { $('#invalidadminModal').modal({}); } else { $('#cannotconvertModal').modal({}); } }); }; } }; return directiveDefinitionObject; });