When this event occurs
With {{ field.title }} (optional):
{{ field.values[currentEventConfig[field.name]].description }}
{{ field.help_text }}
supports a number of events around repositories (such as push completed), building (build queued, build completed, etc) and security (vulnerability detected). Some events also allow for filtering, for further granular control of when notifications fire.
Then issue a notification
{{ field.title }}:
JSON metadata representing the event will be POSTed to the URL. All requests made to TLS-enabled URLs will be signed with the key.

The contents for each event can be found in the user guide: http://docs.quay.io/guides/notifications.html
{{ field.help_text }}
Once an event has fired, supports a number of notification methods, including various chat systems (Slack, HipChat, etc), notification via e-mail or programatic handling via the firing of a webhook.
With extra configuration
Notification title:
The title for a notification is an optional field for a human-readable title for the notification.