import { MarkdownViewComponent } from './markdown-view.component'; import { SimpleChanges } from 'ng-metadata/core'; import { Converter, ConverterOptions } from 'showdown'; import { Mock } from 'ts-mocks'; import Spy = jasmine.Spy; describe("MarkdownViewComponent", () => { var component: MarkdownViewComponent; var markdownConverterMock: Mock; var $sceMock: Mock; var $sanitizeMock: ng.sanitize.ISanitizeService; beforeEach(() => { markdownConverterMock = new Mock(); $sceMock = new Mock(); $sanitizeMock = jasmine.createSpy('$sanitizeSpy').and.callFake((html: string) => html); component = new MarkdownViewComponent((options: ConverterOptions) => markdownConverterMock.Object, $sceMock.Object, $sanitizeMock); }); describe("ngOnChanges", () => { var changes: SimpleChanges; var markdown: string; var expectedPlaceholder: string; var markdownChars: string[]; beforeEach(() => { changes = {}; markdown = `## Heading\n Code line\n\n- Item\n> Quote\`code snippet\`\n\nThis is my project!`; expectedPlaceholder = `


`; markdownChars = ['#', '-', '>', '`']; markdownConverterMock.setup(mock => mock.makeHtml).is((text) => text); $sceMock.setup(mock => mock.trustAsHtml).is((html) => html); }); it("calls markdown converter to convert content to HTML when content is changed", () => { changes['content'] = {currentValue: markdown, previousValue: '', isFirstChange: () => false}; component.ngOnChanges(changes); expect((markdownConverterMock.Object.makeHtml).calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(changes['content'].currentValue); }); it("only converts first line of content to HTML if flag is set when content is changed", () => { component.firstLineOnly = true; changes['content'] = {currentValue: markdown, previousValue: '', isFirstChange: () => false}; component.ngOnChanges(changes); const expectedHtml: string = markdown.split('\n') .filter(line => line.indexOf(' ') != 0) .filter(line => line.trim().length != 0) .filter(line => markdownChars.indexOf(line.trim()[0]) == -1)[0]; expect((markdownConverterMock.Object.makeHtml).calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(expectedHtml); }); it("sets converted HTML to be a placeholder if flag is set and content is empty", () => { component.placeholderNeeded = true; changes['content'] = {currentValue: '', previousValue: '', isFirstChange: () => false}; component.ngOnChanges(changes); expect((markdownConverterMock.Object.makeHtml)).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(($sceMock.Object.trustAsHtml).calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(expectedPlaceholder); }); it("sets converted HTML to empty string if placeholder flag is false and content is empty", () => { changes['content'] = {currentValue: '', previousValue: '', isFirstChange: () => false}; component.ngOnChanges(changes); expect((markdownConverterMock.Object.makeHtml).calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(changes['content'].currentValue); }); it("calls $sanitize service to sanitize changed HTML content", () => { changes['content'] = {currentValue: markdown, previousValue: '', isFirstChange: () => false}; component.ngOnChanges(changes); expect(($sanitizeMock).calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toEqual(changes['content'].currentValue); }); }); });