from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from six import add_metaclass

class Repository(namedtuple('Repository', ['namespace_name', 'name'])):
  Repository represents a repository.

class Notification(
    namedtuple('Notification', [
      'uuid', 'event_name', 'method_name', 'event_config_dict', 'method_config_dict',
  Notification represents a registered notification of some kind.

class NotificationWorkerDataInterface(object):
  Interface that represents all data store interactions required by the notification worker.

  def get_enabled_notification(self, notification_uuid):
    """ Returns an *enabled* notification with the given UUID, or None if none. """

  def reset_number_of_failures_to_zero(self, notification):
    """ Resets the number of failures for the given notification back to zero. """

  def increment_notification_failure_count(self, notification):
    """ Increments the number of failures on the given notification. """

  def create_notification_for_testing(self, target_username, method_name=None, method_config=None):
    """ Creates a notification for testing. """

  def user_has_local_notifications(self, target_username):
    """ Returns whether there are any Quay-local notifications for the given user. """