import { Component, Inject, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, HostListener, OnDestroy } from 'ng-metadata/core'; import { MarkdownSymbol, BrowserPlatform } from './markdown.module'; import './markdown-editor.component.css'; /** * An editing interface for Markdown content. */ @Component({ selector: 'markdown-editor', templateUrl: require('./markdown-editor.component.html'), }) export class MarkdownEditorComponent implements OnDestroy { @Input('<') public content: string; @Output() public save: EventEmitter<{editedContent: string}> = new EventEmitter(); @Output() public discard: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // Textarea is public for testability, should not be directly accessed @ViewChild('#markdown-textarea') public textarea: ng.IAugmentedJQuery; private editMode: EditMode = "write"; constructor(@Inject('$document') private $document: ng.IDocumentService, @Inject('$window') private $window: ng.IWindowService, @Inject('BrowserPlatform') private browserPlatform: BrowserPlatform) { this.$window.onbeforeunload = this.onBeforeUnload.bind(this); } @HostListener('window:beforeunload', []) public onBeforeUnload(): boolean { return false; } public ngOnDestroy(): void { this.$window.onbeforeunload = () => null; } public changeEditMode(newMode: EditMode): void { this.editMode = newMode; } public insertSymbol(event: {symbol: MarkdownSymbol}): void { this.textarea.focus(); const startPos: number = this.textarea.prop('selectionStart'); const endPos: number = this.textarea.prop('selectionEnd'); const innerText: string = this.textarea.val().slice(startPos, endPos); var shiftBy: number = 0; var characters: string = ''; switch (event.symbol) { case 'heading1': characters = '# '; shiftBy = 2; break; case 'heading2': characters = '## '; shiftBy = 3; break; case 'heading3': characters = '### '; shiftBy = 4; break; case 'bold': characters = '****'; shiftBy = 2; break; case 'italics': characters = '__'; shiftBy = 1; break; case 'bulleted-list': characters = '- '; shiftBy = 2; break; case 'numbered-list': characters = '1. '; shiftBy = 3; break; case 'quote': characters = '> '; shiftBy = 2; break; case 'link': characters = '[](url)'; shiftBy = 1; break; case 'code': characters = '``'; shiftBy = 1; break; } const cursorPos: number = startPos + shiftBy; if (startPos != endPos) { this.insertText(`${characters.slice(0, shiftBy)}${innerText}${characters.slice(shiftBy, characters.length)}`, startPos, endPos); } else { this.insertText(characters, startPos, endPos); } this.textarea.prop('selectionStart', cursorPos); this.textarea.prop('selectionEnd', cursorPos); } public saveChanges(): void {{editedContent: this.content}); } public discardChanges(): void { if (this.$window.confirm(`Are you sure you want to discard your changes?`)) { this.discard.emit({}); } } public get currentEditMode(): EditMode { return this.editMode; } /** * Insert text in such a way that the browser adds it to the 'undo' stack. This has different feature support * depending on the platform. */ private insertText(text: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): void { if (this.browserPlatform === 'firefox') { // FIXME: Ctrl-Z highlights previous text this.textarea.val(this.textarea.val().substr(0, startPos) + text + this.textarea.val().substr(endPos, this.textarea.val().length)); } else { // TODO: Test other platforms (IE...) this.$document[0].execCommand('insertText', false, text); } } } /** * Type representing the current editing mode. */ export type EditMode = "write" | "preview";