(function() { /** * Application listing page. Shows all applications for all visibile namespaces. */ angular.module('quayPages').config(['pages', function(pages) { pages.create('app-list', 'app-list.html', AppListCtrl, { 'newLayout': true, 'title': 'Applications', 'description': 'View and manage applications' }) }]); function AppListCtrl($scope, $sanitize, $q, Restangular, UserService, ApiService, Features, StateService) { $scope.namespace = null; $scope.page = 1; $scope.publicPageCount = null; $scope.allRepositories = {}; $scope.loading = true; $scope.resources = []; $scope.Features = Features; $scope.inReadOnlyMode = StateService.inReadOnlyMode(); // When loading the UserService, if the user is logged in, create a list of // relevant namespaces and collect the relevant repositories. UserService.updateUserIn($scope, function(user) { $scope.loading = false; if (!user.anonymous) { // Add our user to our list of namespaces. $scope.namespaces = [{ 'name': user.username, 'avatar': user.avatar }]; // Add each org to our list of namespaces. user.organizations.map(function(org) { $scope.namespaces.push({ 'name': org.name, 'avatar': org.avatar }); }); // Load the repos. loadRepos(); } }); $scope.isOrganization = function(namespace) { return !!UserService.getOrganization(namespace); }; // Finds a duplicate repo if it exists. If it doesn't, inserts the repo. var findDuplicateRepo = function(repo) { var found = $scope.allRepositories[repo.namespace + '/' + repo.name]; if (found) { return found; } else { $scope.allRepositories[repo.namespace + '/' + repo.name] = repo; return repo; } }; var loadRepos = function() { if (!$scope.user || $scope.user.anonymous || $scope.namespaces.length == 0) { return; } $scope.namespaces.map(function(namespace) { var options = { 'namespace': namespace.name, 'last_modified': true, 'popularity': true, 'repo_kind': 'application', 'public': true, }; namespace.repositories = ApiService.listReposAsResource().withOptions(options).get(function(resp) { return resp.repositories.map(findDuplicateRepo); }); $scope.resources.push(namespace.repositories); }); }; } })();