import hashlib import time from binascii import hexlify from cachetools import lru_cache import bencode import jwt import resumablehashlib from app import app, instance_keys ANNOUNCE_URL = app.config['BITTORRENT_ANNOUNCE_URL'] FILENAME_PEPPER = app.config['BITTORRENT_FILENAME_PEPPER'] REGISTRY_TITLE = app.config['REGISTRY_TITLE'] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _load_private_key(private_key_file_path): with open(private_key_file_path) as private_key_file: return def jwt_from_infodict(infodict): """ Returns an encoded JWT for the given BitTorrent info dict, signed by the local instance's private key. """ digest = hashlib.sha1() digest.update(bencode.bencode(infodict)) return jwt_from_infohash(digest.digest()) def jwt_from_infohash(infohash_digest): """ Returns an encoded JWT for the given BitTorrent infohash, signed by the local instance's private key. """ token_data = { 'iss': instance_keys.service_name, 'aud': ANNOUNCE_URL, 'infohash': hexlify(infohash_digest), } return jwt.encode(token_data, instance_keys.local_private_key, algorithm='RS256', headers={'kid': instance_keys.local_key_id}) def make_torrent(name, webseed, length, piece_length, pieces): info_dict = { 'name': name, 'length': length, 'piece length': piece_length, 'pieces': pieces, 'private': 1, } return bencode.bencode({ 'announce': ANNOUNCE_URL + "?jwt=" + jwt_from_infodict(info_dict), 'url-list': str(webseed), 'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'created by': REGISTRY_TITLE, 'creation date': int(time.time()), 'info': info_dict, }) def public_torrent_filename(blob_uuid): return hashlib.sha256(blob_uuid).hexdigest() def per_user_torrent_filename(user_uuid, blob_uuid): return hashlib.sha256(FILENAME_PEPPER + "||" + blob_uuid + "||" + user_uuid).hexdigest() class PieceHasher(object): """ Utility for computing torrent piece hashes as the data flows through the update method of this class. Users should get the final value by calling final_piece_hashes since new chunks are allocated lazily. """ def __init__(self, piece_size, starting_offset=0, starting_piece_hash_bytes='', hash_fragment_to_resume=None): if not isinstance(starting_offset, (int, long)): raise TypeError('starting_offset must be an integer') elif not isinstance(piece_size, (int, long)): raise TypeError('piece_size must be an integer') self._current_offset = starting_offset self._piece_size = piece_size self._piece_hashes = bytearray(starting_piece_hash_bytes) if hash_fragment_to_resume is None: self._hash_fragment = resumablehashlib.sha1() else: self._hash_fragment = hash_fragment_to_resume def update(self, buf): buf_offset = 0 while buf_offset < len(buf): buf_bytes_to_hash = buf[0:self._piece_length_remaining()] to_hash_len = len(buf_bytes_to_hash) if self._piece_offset() == 0 and to_hash_len > 0 and self._current_offset > 0: # We are opening a new piece self._piece_hashes.extend(self._hash_fragment.digest()) self._hash_fragment = resumablehashlib.sha1() self._hash_fragment.update(buf_bytes_to_hash) self._current_offset += to_hash_len buf_offset += to_hash_len @property def hashed_bytes(self): return self._current_offset def _piece_length_remaining(self): return self._piece_size - (self._current_offset % self._piece_size) def _piece_offset(self): return self._current_offset % self._piece_size @property def piece_hashes(self): return self._piece_hashes @property def hash_fragment(self): return self._hash_fragment def final_piece_hashes(self): return self._piece_hashes + self._hash_fragment.digest()