""" List, create and manage repositories. """ import logging import datetime import features from datetime import timedelta, datetime from flask import request, abort from data import model from endpoints.api import (truthy_bool, format_date, nickname, log_action, validate_json_request, require_repo_read, require_repo_write, require_repo_admin, RepositoryParamResource, resource, query_param, parse_args, ApiResource, request_error, require_scope, path_param, page_support, parse_args, query_param, truthy_bool) from endpoints.exception import Unauthorized, NotFound, InvalidRequest, ExceedsLicenseException from endpoints.api.billing import lookup_allowed_private_repos, get_namespace_plan from endpoints.api.subscribe import check_repository_usage from auth.permissions import (ModifyRepositoryPermission, AdministerRepositoryPermission, CreateRepositoryPermission) from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user from auth import scopes from util.names import REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) REPOS_PER_PAGE = 100 MAX_DAYS_IN_3_MONTHS = 92 def check_allowed_private_repos(namespace): """ Checks to see if the given namespace has reached its private repository limit. If so, raises a ExceedsLicenseException. """ # Not enabled if billing is disabled. if not features.BILLING: return if not lookup_allowed_private_repos(namespace): raise ExceedsLicenseException() @resource('/v1/repository') class RepositoryList(ApiResource): """Operations for creating and listing repositories.""" schemas = { 'NewRepo': { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Description of a new repository', 'required': [ 'repository', 'visibility', 'description', ], 'properties': { 'repository': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Repository name', }, 'visibility': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Visibility which the repository will start with', 'enum': [ 'public', 'private', ], }, 'namespace': { 'type': 'string', 'description': ('Namespace in which the repository should be created. If omitted, the ' 'username of the caller is used'), }, 'description': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Markdown encoded description for the repository', }, }, }, } @require_scope(scopes.CREATE_REPO) @nickname('createRepo') @validate_json_request('NewRepo') def post(self): """Create a new repository.""" owner = get_authenticated_user() req = request.get_json() if owner is None and 'namespace' not in 'req': raise InvalidRequest('Must provide a namespace or must be logged in.') namespace_name = req['namespace'] if 'namespace' in req else owner.username permission = CreateRepositoryPermission(namespace_name) if permission.can(): repository_name = req['repository'] visibility = req['visibility'] existing = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name) if existing: raise request_error(message='Repository already exists') visibility = req['visibility'] if visibility == 'private': check_allowed_private_repos(namespace_name) # Verify that the repository name is valid. if not REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX.match(repository_name): raise InvalidRequest('Invalid repository name') repo = model.repository.create_repository(namespace_name, repository_name, owner, visibility) repo.description = req['description'] repo.save() log_action('create_repo', namespace_name, {'repo': repository_name, 'namespace': namespace_name}, repo=repo) return { 'namespace': namespace_name, 'name': repository_name }, 201 raise Unauthorized() @require_scope(scopes.READ_REPO) @nickname('listRepos') @parse_args() @query_param('namespace', 'Filters the repositories returned to this namespace', type=str) @query_param('starred', 'Filters the repositories returned to those starred by the user', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @query_param('public', 'Adds any repositories visible to the user by virtue of being public', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @query_param('last_modified', 'Whether to include when the repository was last modified.', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @query_param('popularity', 'Whether to include the repository\'s popularity metric.', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @page_support() def get(self, page_token, parsed_args): """ Fetch the list of repositories visible to the current user under a variety of situations. """ # Ensure that the user requests either filtered by a namespace, only starred repositories, # or public repositories. This ensures that the user is not requesting *all* visible repos, # which can cause a surge in DB CPU usage. if not parsed_args['namespace'] and not parsed_args['starred'] and not parsed_args['public']: raise InvalidRequest('namespace, starred or public are required for this API call') user = get_authenticated_user() username = user.username if user else None repo_query = None # Lookup the requested repositories (either starred or non-starred.) if parsed_args['starred']: if not username: # No repositories should be returned, as there is no user. abort(400) repo_query = model.repository.get_user_starred_repositories(user) else: repo_query = model.repository.get_visible_repositories(username=username, include_public=parsed_args['public'], namespace=parsed_args['namespace']) # Note: We only limit repositories when there isn't a namespace or starred filter, as they # result in far smaller queries. if not parsed_args['namespace'] and not parsed_args['starred']: repos, next_page_token = model.modelutil.paginate(repo_query, repo_query.c, page_token=page_token, limit=REPOS_PER_PAGE, id_field='rid') else: repos = list(repo_query) next_page_token = None # Collect the IDs of the repositories found for subequent lookup of popularity # and/or last modified. if parsed_args['last_modified'] or parsed_args['popularity']: repository_ids = [repo.id for repo in repos] if parsed_args['last_modified']: last_modified_map = model.repository.get_when_last_modified(repository_ids) if parsed_args['popularity']: action_sum_map = model.log.get_repositories_action_sums(repository_ids) # Collect the IDs of the repositories that are starred for the user, so we can mark them # in the returned results. star_set = set() if username: starred_repos = model.repository.get_user_starred_repositories(user) star_set = {starred.id for starred in starred_repos} def repo_view(repo_obj): repo = { 'namespace': repo_obj.namespace_user.username, 'name': repo_obj.name, 'description': repo_obj.description, 'is_public': repo_obj.visibility_id == model.repository.get_public_repo_visibility().id, } repo_id = repo_obj.id if parsed_args['last_modified']: repo['last_modified'] = last_modified_map.get(repo_id) if parsed_args['popularity']: repo['popularity'] = action_sum_map.get(repo_id, 0) if username: repo['is_starred'] = repo_id in star_set return repo return { 'repositories': [repo_view(repo) for repo in repos] }, next_page_token @resource('/v1/repository/') @path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name') class Repository(RepositoryParamResource): """Operations for managing a specific repository.""" schemas = { 'RepoUpdate': { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Fields which can be updated in a repository.', 'required': [ 'description', ], 'properties': { 'description': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Markdown encoded description for the repository', }, } } } @parse_args() @query_param('includeStats', 'Whether to include action statistics', type=truthy_bool, default=False) @require_repo_read @nickname('getRepo') def get(self, namespace, repository, parsed_args): """Fetch the specified repository.""" logger.debug('Get repo: %s/%s' % (namespace, repository)) def tag_view(tag): tag_info = { 'name': tag.name, 'image_id': tag.image.docker_image_id, 'size': tag.image.aggregate_size } if tag.lifetime_start_ts > 0: last_modified = format_date(datetime.fromtimestamp(tag.lifetime_start_ts)) tag_info['last_modified'] = last_modified return tag_info repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace, repository) stats = None if repo: tags = model.tag.list_repository_tags(namespace, repository, include_storage=True) tag_dict = {tag.name: tag_view(tag) for tag in tags} can_write = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository).can() can_admin = AdministerRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository).can() is_starred = (model.repository.repository_is_starred(get_authenticated_user(), repo) if get_authenticated_user() else False) is_public = model.repository.is_repository_public(repo) if parsed_args['includeStats']: stats = [] found_dates = {} start_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=MAX_DAYS_IN_3_MONTHS) counts = model.log.get_repository_action_counts(repo, start_date) for count in counts: stats.append({ 'date': count.date.isoformat(), 'count': count.count, }) found_dates['%s/%s' % (count.date.month, count.date.day)] = True # Fill in any missing stats with zeros. for day in range(1, MAX_DAYS_IN_3_MONTHS): day_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=day) key = '%s/%s' % (day_date.month, day_date.day) if not key in found_dates: stats.append({ 'date': day_date.date().isoformat(), 'count': 0, }) repo_data = { 'namespace': namespace, 'name': repository, 'description': repo.description, 'tags': tag_dict, 'can_write': can_write, 'can_admin': can_admin, 'is_public': is_public, 'is_organization': repo.namespace_user.organization, 'is_starred': is_starred, 'status_token': repo.badge_token if not is_public else '', } if stats is not None: repo_data['stats'] = stats return repo_data raise NotFound() @require_repo_write @nickname('updateRepo') @validate_json_request('RepoUpdate') def put(self, namespace, repository): """ Update the description in the specified repository. """ repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace, repository) if repo: values = request.get_json() repo.description = values['description'] repo.save() log_action('set_repo_description', namespace, {'repo': repository, 'description': values['description']}, repo=repo) return { 'success': True } raise NotFound() @require_repo_admin @nickname('deleteRepository') def delete(self, namespace, repository): """ Delete a repository. """ model.repository.purge_repository(namespace, repository) user = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace) if features.BILLING: plan = get_namespace_plan(namespace) check_repository_usage(user, plan) log_action('delete_repo', namespace, {'repo': repository, 'namespace': namespace}) return 'Deleted', 204 @resource('/v1/repository//changevisibility') @path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name') class RepositoryVisibility(RepositoryParamResource): """ Custom verb for changing the visibility of the repository. """ schemas = { 'ChangeVisibility': { 'type': 'object', 'description': 'Change the visibility for the repository.', 'required': [ 'visibility', ], 'properties': { 'visibility': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Visibility which the repository will start with', 'enum': [ 'public', 'private', ], }, } } } @require_repo_admin @nickname('changeRepoVisibility') @validate_json_request('ChangeVisibility') def post(self, namespace, repository): """ Change the visibility of a repository. """ repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace, repository) if repo: values = request.get_json() visibility = values['visibility'] if visibility == 'private': check_allowed_private_repos(namespace) model.repository.set_repository_visibility(repo, visibility) log_action('change_repo_visibility', namespace, {'repo': repository, 'visibility': values['visibility']}, repo=repo) return {'success': True}