import os
import psutil

def get_worker_count(worker_kind_name, multiplier, minimum=None, maximum=None):
  """ Returns the number of gunicorn workers to run for the given worker kind,
      based on a combination of environment variable, multiplier, minimum (if any),
      and number of accessible CPU cores.
  minimum = minimum or multiplier
  maximum = maximum or (multiplier * multiplier)

  # Check for an override via an environment variable.
  override_value = os.environ.get('WORKER_COUNT_' + worker_kind_name.upper())
  if override_value is not None:
    return max(override_value, minimum)

  override_value = os.environ.get('WORKER_COUNT')
  if override_value is not None:
    return max(override_value, minimum)

  # Load the number of CPU cores via affinity, and use that to calculate the
  # number of workers to run.
  p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())

    cpu_count = len(p.cpu_affinity())
  except AttributeError:
    # cpu_affinity isn't supported on this platform. Assume 2.
    cpu_count = 2

  return  min(max(cpu_count * multiplier, minimum), maximum)