/** * An element which displays a message when the maximum number of private repositories has been * reached. */ angular.module('quay').directive('repoCountChecker', function () { var directiveDefinitionObject = { priority: 0, templateUrl: '/static/directives/repo-count-checker.html', replace: false, transclude: true, restrict: 'C', scope: { 'namespace': '=namespace', 'planRequired': '=planRequired', 'isEnabled': '=isEnabled' }, controller: function($scope, $element, ApiService, UserService, PlanService, Features) { var refresh = function() { $scope.planRequired = null; if (!$scope.isEnabled || !$scope.namespace || !Features.BILLING) { return; } $scope.checkingPlan = true; $scope.isUserNamespace = UserService.isUserNamespace($scope.namespace); ApiService.getPrivateAllowed($scope.isUserNamespace ? null : $scope.namespace).then(function(resp) { $scope.checkingPlan = false; if (resp['privateAllowed']) { $scope.planRequired = null; return; } if (resp['privateCount'] == null) { // Organization where we are not the admin. $scope.planRequired = {}; return; } // Otherwise, lookup the matching plan. PlanService.getMinimumPlan(resp['privateCount'] + 1, !$scope.isUserNamespace, function(minimum) { $scope.planRequired = minimum; }); }); }; var subscribedToPlan = function(sub) { $scope.planChanging = false; $scope.subscription = sub; PlanService.getPlan(sub.plan, function(subscribedPlan) { $scope.subscribedPlan = subscribedPlan; refresh(); }); }; $scope.$watch('namespace', refresh); $scope.$watch('isEnabled', refresh); $scope.upgradePlan = function() { var callbacks = { 'started': function() { $scope.planChanging = true; }, 'opened': function() { $scope.planChanging = true; }, 'closed': function() { $scope.planChanging = false; }, 'success': subscribedToPlan, 'failure': function(resp) { $('#couldnotsubscribeModal').modal(); $scope.planChanging = false; } }; var isUserNamespace = UserService.isUserNamespace($scope.namespace); var namespace = isUserNamespace ? null : $scope.namespace; PlanService.changePlan($scope, namespace, $scope.planRequired.stripeId, callbacks); }; } }; return directiveDefinitionObject; });