import requests import os.path from data.buildlogs import BuildLogs from data.userevent import UserEventBuilder def build_requests_session(): sess = requests.Session() adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100) sess.mount('http://', adapter) sess.mount('https://', adapter) return sess # The set of configuration key names that will be accessible in the client. Since these # values are sent to the frontend, DO NOT PLACE ANY SECRETS OR KEYS in this list. CLIENT_WHITELIST = ['SERVER_HOSTNAME', 'PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME', 'MIXPANEL_KEY', 'STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY', 'ENTERPRISE_LOGO_URL', 'SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN', 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'REGISTRY_TITLE', 'REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT', 'CONTACT_INFO', 'AVATAR_KIND', 'LOCAL_OAUTH_HANDLER', 'DOCUMENTATION_LOCATION', 'DOCUMENTATION_METADATA', 'SETUP_COMPLETE'] def frontend_visible_config(config_dict): visible_dict = {} for name in CLIENT_WHITELIST: if name.lower().find('secret') >= 0: raise Exception('Cannot whitelist secrets: %s' % name) if name in config_dict: visible_dict[name] = config_dict.get(name, None) return visible_dict class DefaultConfig(object): # Flask config JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR = False SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False LOGGING_LEVEL = 'DEBUG' SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT = 0 PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'http' SERVER_HOSTNAME = 'localhost:5000' REGISTRY_TITLE = 'Quay Enterprise' REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT = 'Quay Enterprise' CONTACT_INFO = [ '', 'irc://', 'tel:+1-888-930-3475', '', ] # Mail config MAIL_SERVER = '' MAIL_USE_TLS = True MAIL_PORT = 587 MAIL_USERNAME = None MAIL_PASSWORD = None MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = '' MAIL_FAIL_SILENTLY = False TESTING = True # DB config DB_URI = 'sqlite:///test/data/test.db' DB_CONNECTION_ARGS = { 'threadlocals': True, 'autorollback': True, } @staticmethod def create_transaction(db): return db.transaction() DB_TRANSACTION_FACTORY = create_transaction # If true, CDN URLs will be used for our external dependencies, rather than the local # copies. USE_CDN = True # Authentication AUTHENTICATION_TYPE = 'Database' # Build logs BUILDLOGS_REDIS = {'host': 'localhost'} BUILDLOGS_OPTIONS = [] # Real-time user events USER_EVENTS_REDIS = {'host': 'localhost'} # Stripe config BILLING_TYPE = 'FakeStripe' # Analytics ANALYTICS_TYPE = 'FakeAnalytics' # Build Queue Metrics QUEUE_METRICS_TYPE = 'Null' # Exception logging EXCEPTION_LOG_TYPE = 'FakeSentry' SENTRY_DSN = None SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN = None # Github Config GITHUB_LOGIN_CONFIG = None GITHUB_TRIGGER_CONFIG = None # Google Config. GOOGLE_LOGIN_CONFIG = None # Bitbucket Config. BITBUCKET_TRIGGER_CONFIG = None # Requests based HTTP client with a large request pool HTTPCLIENT = build_requests_session() # Status tag config STATUS_TAGS = {} for tag_name in ['building', 'failed', 'none', 'ready']: tag_path = os.path.join('buildstatus', tag_name + '.svg') with open(tag_path) as tag_svg: STATUS_TAGS[tag_name] = NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_NAME = 'notification' DIFFS_QUEUE_NAME = 'imagediff' DOCKERFILE_BUILD_QUEUE_NAME = 'dockerfilebuild' REPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME = 'imagestoragereplication' # Super user config. Note: This MUST BE an empty list for the default config. SUPER_USERS = [] # Feature Flag: Whether super users are supported. FEATURE_SUPER_USERS = True # Feature Flag: Whether to allow anonymous users to browse and pull public repositories. FEATURE_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS = True # Feature Flag: Whether billing is required. FEATURE_BILLING = False # Feature Flag: Whether user accounts automatically have usage log access. FEATURE_USER_LOG_ACCESS = False # Feature Flag: Whether GitHub login is supported. FEATURE_GITHUB_LOGIN = False # Feature Flag: Whether Google login is supported. FEATURE_GOOGLE_LOGIN = False # Feature Flag: Whther Dex login is supported. FEATURE_DEX_LOGIN = False # Feature flag, whether to enable olark chat FEATURE_OLARK_CHAT = False # Feature Flag: Whether to support GitHub build triggers. FEATURE_GITHUB_BUILD = False # Feature Flag: Whether to support Bitbucket build triggers. FEATURE_BITBUCKET_BUILD = False # Feature Flag: Whether to support GitLab build triggers. FEATURE_GITLAB_BUILD = False # Feature Flag: Dockerfile build support. FEATURE_BUILD_SUPPORT = True # Feature Flag: Whether emails are enabled. FEATURE_MAILING = True # Feature Flag: Whether users can be created (by non-super users). FEATURE_USER_CREATION = True # Feature Flag: Whether users can be renamed FEATURE_USER_RENAME = False # Feature Flag: Whether non-encrypted passwords (as opposed to encrypted tokens) can be used for # basic auth. FEATURE_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTED_BASIC_AUTH = False # Feature Flag: Whether to automatically replicate between storage engines. FEATURE_STORAGE_REPLICATION = False # Feature Flag: Whether users can directly login to the UI. FEATURE_DIRECT_LOGIN = True # Feature Flag: Whether the v2/ endpoint is visible FEATURE_ADVERTISE_V2 = True BUILD_MANAGER = ('enterprise', {}) DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG = { 'local_eu': ['LocalStorage', {'storage_path': 'test/data/registry/eu'}], 'local_us': ['LocalStorage', {'storage_path': 'test/data/registry/us'}], } DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE = ['local_us'] DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS = ['local_us'] # Health checker. HEALTH_CHECKER = ('LocalHealthCheck', {}) # Userfiles USERFILES_LOCATION = 'local_us' USERFILES_PATH = 'userfiles/' # Build logs archive LOG_ARCHIVE_LOCATION = 'local_us' LOG_ARCHIVE_PATH = 'logarchive/' # For enterprise: MAXIMUM_REPOSITORY_USAGE = 20 # System logs. SYSTEM_LOGS_PATH = "/var/log/" SYSTEM_LOGS_FILE = "/var/log/syslog" SYSTEM_SERVICES_PATH = "conf/init/service/" # Services that should not be shown in the logs view. SYSTEM_SERVICE_BLACKLIST = [] # Temporary tag expiration in seconds, this may actually be longer based on GC policy PUSH_TEMP_TAG_EXPIRATION_SEC = 60 * 60 # One hour per layer # Signed registry grant token expiration in seconds SIGNED_GRANT_EXPIRATION_SEC = 60 * 60 * 24 # One day to complete a push/pull # Registry v2 JWT Auth config JWT_AUTH_MAX_FRESH_S = 60 * 60 + 60 # At most signed for one hour, accounting for clock skew JWT_AUTH_TOKEN_ISSUER = 'quay-test-issuer' JWT_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_PATH = 'conf/selfsigned/jwt.crt' JWT_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = 'conf/selfsigned/jwt.key.insecure' # The URL endpoint to which we redirect OAuth when generating a token locally. LOCAL_OAUTH_HANDLER = '/oauth/localapp' # The various avatar background colors. AVATAR_KIND = 'local' AVATAR_COLORS = ['#969696', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#1f77b4', '#17becf', '#9edae5', '#393b79', '#5254a3', '#6b6ecf', '#9c9ede', '#9ecae1', '#31a354', '#b5cf6b', '#a1d99b', '#8c6d31', '#ad494a', '#e7ba52', '#a55194'] # The location of the Quay documentation. DOCUMENTATION_LOCATION = '' DOCUMENTATION_METADATA = '' # Experiment: Async garbage collection EXP_ASYNC_GARBAGE_COLLECTION = [] # Security scanner FEATURE_SECURITY_SCANNER = False SECURITY_SCANNER = { 'ENDPOINT': '', 'ENGINE_VERSION_TARGET': 1, 'API_VERSION': 'v1', 'API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS': 10, }