Service keys provide a recognized means of authentication between Quay Enterprise and external services, as well as between external services.
Example services include Quay Security Scanner speaking to a Clair cluster, or Quay Enterprise speaking to its build workers.
All Keys
No Keys
Unapproved Keys
Expired Keys
Showing {{ orderedKeys.entries.length }} of {{ keys.length }} keys
No service keys defined
There are no keys defined for working with external services
Name Service Name Created Expires Approval Status
(Unnamed) Automatically rotated Expiresd Does not expire Approved by Approved via key rotation Awaiting Approval Approve Now Set Friendly Name Change Expiration Time Approve Key Delete Key
Full Key ID
Approval notes
No matching keys found.
Try expanding your filtering terms.
Please choose the new expiration date and time (if any) for the following keys:
  • {{ getKeyTitle(key) }}
If specified, the date and time at which the keys expire. It is highly recommended to have an expiration date.
If specified, the date and time that the key expires. It is highly recommended to have an expiration date.
Are you sure you want to delete the follopwing service keys?
All external services that use these keys for authentication will fail.
Are you sure you want to delete service key {{ getKeyTitle(deleteKeyInfo.key) }}?

All external services that use this key for authentication will fail.
Approve the following service keys?
  • {{ getKeyTitle(key) }}
Enter optional notes for additional human-readable information about why the keys were approved.
Approve service key {{ getKeyTitle(approvalKeyInfo.key) }}?
Enter optional notes for additional human-readable information about why the key was approved.