import logging import logging.config import requests import features import time import os import random import json from endpoints.notificationhelper import spawn_notification from collections import defaultdict from sys import exc_info from peewee import JOIN_LEFT_OUTER from app import app, storage, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, secscan_endpoint from workers.worker import Worker from data.database import (Image, ImageStorage, ImageStorageLocation, ImageStoragePlacement, db_random_func, UseThenDisconnect, RepositoryTag, Repository, ExternalNotificationEvent, RepositoryNotification) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BATCH_SIZE = 20 INDEXING_INTERVAL = 10 API_METHOD_INSERT = '/v1/layers' API_METHOD_VERSION = '/v1/versions/engine' def _get_image_to_export(version): Parent = Image.alias() ParentImageStorage = ImageStorage.alias() rimages = [] # Without parent candidates = (Image .select(, Image.docker_image_id, ImageStorage.uuid) .join(ImageStorage) .where(Image.security_indexed_engine < version, Image.parent >> None, ImageStorage.uploading == False) .limit(BATCH_SIZE*10) .alias('candidates')) images = (Image .select(, candidates.c.docker_image_id, candidates.c.uuid) .from_(candidates) .order_by(db_random_func()) .tuples() .limit(BATCH_SIZE)) for image in images: rimages.append({'image_id': image[0], 'docker_image_id': image[1], 'storage_uuid': image[2], 'parent_docker_image_id': None, 'parent_storage_uuid': None}) # With analyzed parent candidates = (Image .select(, Image.docker_image_id, ImageStorage.uuid, Parent.docker_image_id.alias('parent_docker_image_id'), ParentImageStorage.uuid.alias('parent_storage_uuid')) .join(Parent, on=(Image.parent == .join(ParentImageStorage, on=( == .switch(Image) .join(ImageStorage) .where(Image.security_indexed_engine < version, Parent.security_indexed == True, Parent.security_indexed_engine >= version, ImageStorage.uploading == False) .limit(BATCH_SIZE*10) .alias('candidates')) images = (Image .select(, candidates.c.docker_image_id, candidates.c.uuid, candidates.c.parent_docker_image_id, candidates.c.parent_storage_uuid) .from_(candidates) .order_by(db_random_func()) .tuples() .limit(BATCH_SIZE)) for image in images: rimages.append({'image_id': image[0], 'docker_image_id': image[1], 'storage_uuid': image[2], 'parent_docker_image_id': image[3], 'parent_storage_uuid': image[4]}) # Re-shuffle, otherwise the images without parents will always be on the top random.shuffle(rimages) return rimages def _get_storage_locations(uuid): query = (ImageStoragePlacement .select() .join(ImageStorageLocation) .switch(ImageStoragePlacement) .join(ImageStorage, JOIN_LEFT_OUTER) .where(ImageStorage.uuid == uuid)) return query.get() locations = list() for location in query: locations.append( return locations def _update_image(image, indexed, version): query = (Image .select() .join(ImageStorage) .where(Image.docker_image_id == image['docker_image_id'], ImageStorage.uuid == image['storage_uuid'])) updated_images = list() for row in query: updated_images.append( (Image .update(security_indexed=indexed, security_indexed_engine=version) .where( << updated_images) .execute()) class SecurityWorker(Worker): def __init__(self): super(SecurityWorker, self).__init__() if self._load_configuration(): self.add_operation(self._index_images, INDEXING_INTERVAL) def _load_configuration(self): # Load configuration config = app.config.get('SECURITY_SCANNER') if (not config or not 'ENDPOINT' in config or not 'ENGINE_VERSION_TARGET' in config or not 'DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE' in app.config): logger.exception('No configuration found for the security worker') return False self._api = config['ENDPOINT'] self._target_version = config['ENGINE_VERSION_TARGET'] self._default_storage_locations = app.config['DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE'] self._ca = False self._cert = None if 'CA_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME' in config: self._ca = os.path.join(OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, config['CA_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME']) if not os.path.isfile(self._ca): logger.exception('Could not find configured CA file') return False if 'PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME' in config and 'PUBLIC_KEY_FILENAME' in config: self._cert = ( os.path.join(OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, config['PUBLIC_KEY_FILENAME']), os.path.join(OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY, config['PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME']), ) if not os.path.isfile(self._cert[0]) or not os.path.isfile(self._cert[1]): logger.exception('Could not find configured key pair files') return False return True def _index_images(self): logger.debug('Starting indexing') with UseThenDisconnect(app.config): while True: logger.debug('Looking up images to index') # Get images to analyze try: images = _get_image_to_export(self._target_version) if not images: logger.debug('No more image to analyze') return except Image.DoesNotExist: logger.debug('No more image to analyze') return logger.debug('Found images to index: %s', images) for img in images: # Get layer storage URL path = storage.image_layer_path(img['storage_uuid']) locations = self._default_storage_locations if not storage.exists(locations, path): locations = _get_storage_locations(img['storage_uuid']) if not storage.exists(locations, path): logger.warning('Could not find a valid location to download layer %s', img['docker_image_id']+'.'+img['storage_uuid']) _update_image(img, False, self._target_version) continue uri = storage.get_direct_download_url(locations, path) if uri == None: # Local storage hack uri = path # Forge request request = { 'ID': img['docker_image_id']+'.'+img['storage_uuid'], 'Path': uri } if img['parent_docker_image_id'] is not None and img['parent_storage_uuid'] is not None: request['ParentID'] = img['parent_docker_image_id']+'.'+img['parent_storage_uuid'] # Post request try:'Analyzing %s', request['ID']) # Using invalid certificates doesn't return proper errors because of # httpResponse = + API_METHOD_INSERT, json=request, cert=self._cert, verify=self._ca) except: logger.exception('An exception occurred when analyzing layer ID %s : %s', request['ID'], exc_info()[0]) return try: jsonResponse = httpResponse.json() except: logger.exception('An exception occurred when analyzing layer ID %s : the response is \ not valid JSON (%s)', request['ID'], httpResponse.text) return if httpResponse.status_code != 201: if 'Message' in jsonResponse: if 'OS and/or package manager are not supported' in jsonResponse['Message']: # The current engine could not index this layer logger.warning('A warning event occurred when analyzing layer ID %s : %s', request['ID'], jsonResponse['Message']) # Hopefully, there is no version lower than the target one running _update_image(img, False, self._target_version) else: logger.exception('An exception occurred when analyzing layer ID %s : %d %s', request['ID'], httpResponse.status_code, jsonResponse['Message']) return else: logger.exception('An exception occurred when analyzing layer ID %s : %d', request['ID'], httpResponse.status_code) return # The layer has been successfully indexed api_version = jsonResponse['Version'] if api_version < self._target_version: logger.warning('An engine runs on version %d but the target version is %d') logger.debug('Layer %s analyzed successfully', request['ID']) _update_image(img, True, api_version) # TODO(jschorr): Put this in a proper place, properly comment, unify with the # callback code, etc. try: logger.debug('Loading vulnerabilities for layer %s', img['image_id']) response = secscan_endpoint.call_api('layers/%s/vulnerabilities', request['ID']) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.debug('Timeout when calling Sec') continue except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.debug('Connection error when calling Sec') continue logger.debug('Got response %s for vulnerabilities for layer %s', response.status_code, img['image_id']) if response.status_code == 404: continue sec_data = json.loads(response.text) logger.debug('Got response vulnerabilities for layer %s: %s', img['image_id'], sec_data) if not sec_data['Vulnerabilities']: continue event = ExternalNotificationEvent.get(name='vulnerability_found') matching = (RepositoryTag .select(RepositoryTag, Repository) .distinct() .join(Repository) .join(RepositoryNotification) .where(RepositoryNotification.event == event, RepositoryTag.image == img['image_id'])) repository_map = defaultdict(list) for tag in matching: repository_map[tag.repository_id].append(tag) for repository_id in repository_map: tags = repository_map[repository_id] for vuln in sec_data['Vulnerabilities']: event_data = { 'tags': [ for tag in tags], 'vulnerability': { 'id': vuln['ID'], 'description': vuln['Description'], 'link': vuln['Link'], 'priority': vuln['Priority'], }, } spawn_notification(tags[0].repository, 'vulnerability_found', event_data) if __name__ == '__main__': if not features.SECURITY_SCANNER: logger.debug('Security scanner disabled; skipping') while True: time.sleep(100000) logging.config.fileConfig('conf/logging_debug.conf', disable_existing_loggers=False) worker = SecurityWorker() worker.start()