import logging import base64 import urllib from urlparse import urlparse from flask import abort, request from jsonschema import validate, ValidationError from import (generate_bearer_token, decode_bearer_token, InvalidBearerTokenException) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PROXY_STORAGE_MAX_LIFETIME_S = 30 # Seconds STORAGE_PROXY_SUBJECT = 'storageproxy' STORAGE_PROXY_ACCESS_TYPE = 'storageproxy' ACCESS_SCHEMA = { 'type': 'array', 'description': 'List of access granted to the subject', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'required': [ 'type', 'scheme', 'host', 'uri', ], 'properties': { 'type': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'We only allow storage proxy permissions', 'enum': [ 'storageproxy', ], }, 'scheme': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The scheme for the storage URL being proxied' }, 'host': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The hostname for the storage URL being proxied' }, 'uri': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The URI path for the storage URL being proxied' }, }, }, } class DownloadProxy(object): """ Helper class to enable proxying of direct download URLs for storage via the registry's local NGINX. """ def __init__(self, app, instance_keys): = app self.instance_keys = instance_keys app.add_url_rule('/_storage_proxy_auth', '_storage_proxy_auth', self._validate_proxy_url) def proxy_download_url(self, download_url): """ Returns a URL to proxy the specified blob download URL. """ # Parse the URL to be downloaded into its components (host, path, scheme). parsed = urlparse(download_url) path = parsed.path if parsed.query: path = path + '?' + parsed.query if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] access = { 'type': STORAGE_PROXY_ACCESS_TYPE, 'uri': path, 'host': parsed.netloc, 'scheme': parsed.scheme, } # Generate a JWT that signs access to this URL. This JWT will be passed back to the registry # code when the download commences. Note that we don't add any context here, as it isn't # needed. server_hostname =['SERVER_HOSTNAME'] token = generate_bearer_token(server_hostname, STORAGE_PROXY_SUBJECT, {}, [access], PROXY_STORAGE_MAX_LIFETIME_S, self.instance_keys) url_scheme =['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] server_hostname =['SERVER_HOSTNAME'] # The proxy path is of the form: # http(s)://registry_server/_storage_proxy/{token}/{scheme}/{hostname}/rest/of/path/here encoded_token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(token) proxy_url = '%s://%s/_storage_proxy/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (url_scheme, server_hostname, encoded_token, parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, path) logger.debug('Proxying via URL %s', proxy_url) return proxy_url def _validate_proxy_url(self): original_uri = request.headers.get('X-Original-URI', None) if not original_uri: logger.error('Missing original URI: %s', request.headers) abort(401) if not original_uri.startswith('/_storage_proxy/'): logger.error('Unknown storage proxy path: %s', original_uri) abort(401) # The proxy path is of the form: # /_storage_proxy/{token}/{scheme}/{hostname}/rest/of/path/here without_prefix = original_uri[len('/_storage_proxy/'):] parts = without_prefix.split('/', 3) if len(parts) != 4: logger.error('Invalid storage proxy path (found %s parts): %s', len(parts), without_prefix) abort(401) encoded_token, scheme, host, uri = parts try: token = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(encoded_token)) except ValueError: logger.exception('Could not decode proxy token') abort(401) except TypeError: logger.exception('Could not decode proxy token') abort(401) logger.debug('Got token %s for storage proxy auth request %s with parts %s', token, original_uri, parts) # Decode the bearer token. try: decoded = decode_bearer_token(token, self.instance_keys, except InvalidBearerTokenException: logger.exception('Invalid token for storage proxy') abort(401) # Ensure it is for the proxy. if decoded['sub'] != STORAGE_PROXY_SUBJECT: logger.exception('Invalid subject %s for storage proxy auth', decoded['subject']) abort(401) # Validate that the access matches the token format. access = decoded.get('access', {}) try: validate(access, ACCESS_SCHEMA) except ValidationError: logger.exception('We should not be minting invalid credentials: %s', access) abort(401) # For now, we only expect a single access credential. if len(access) != 1: logger.exception('We should not be minting invalid credentials: %s', access) abort(401) # Ensure the signed access matches the requested URL's pieces. granted_access = access[0] if granted_access['scheme'] != scheme: logger.exception('Mismatch in scheme. %s expected, %s found', granted_access['scheme'], scheme) abort(401) if granted_access['host'] != host: logger.exception('Mismatch in host. %s expected, %s found', granted_access['host'], host) abort(401) if granted_access['uri'] != uri: logger.exception('Mismatch in uri. %s expected, %s found', granted_access['uri'], uri) abort(401) return 'OK'