import {Component, Inject, OnDestroy } from 'ng-metadata/core'; import {AngularPollChannel, PollHandle} from "../../services/services.types"; const templateUrl = require('./kube-deploy-modal.component.html'); const styleUrl = require('./kube-deploy-modal.css'); // The response from the API about deployment rollout status type DeploymentRollout = { status: 'available' | 'progressing' | 'failed', message: string }; type DeploymentStatus = { name: string, numPods: number, message?: string, pollHandler?: PollHandle, } const DEPLOYMENT_POLL_SLEEPTIME = 5000; /* 5 seconds */ @Component({ selector: 'kube-deploy-modal', templateUrl, styleUrls: [ styleUrl ], }) export class KubeDeployModalComponent implements OnDestroy { private state : 'loadingDeployments' | 'readyToDeploy' | 'deployingConfiguration' | 'cyclingDeployments' | 'deployed' | 'error'; private errorMessage: string; private offerRollback: boolean; private deploymentsStatus: DeploymentStatus[] = []; private deploymentsCycled: number = 0; private onDestroyListeners: Function[] = []; constructor(@Inject('ApiService') private ApiService, @Inject('AngularPollChannel') private AngularPollChannel: AngularPollChannel) { this.state = 'loadingDeployments'; ApiService.scGetNumDeployments().then(resp => { this.deploymentsStatus = => ({ name:, numPods: dep.spec.replicas })); this.state = 'readyToDeploy'; }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `There are no Quay deployments active in this namespace. \ Please check that you are running this \ tool in the same namespace as the Quay Enterprise application\ Associated error message: ${err.toString()}`; }) } // Call all listeners of the onDestroy ngOnDestroy(): any { this.onDestroyListeners.forEach(fn => { fn() }); } deployConfiguration(): void { this.ApiService.scDeployConfiguration().then(() => { this.state = 'deployingConfiguration'; const deploymentNames: string[] = =>; this.ApiService.scCycleQEDeployments({ deploymentNames }).then(() => { this.state = 'cyclingDeployments'; this.watchDeployments(); }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `Could not cycle the deployments with the new configuration. Error: ${err.toString()}`; }) }).catch(err => { this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `Could not deploy the configuration. Error: ${err.toString()}`; }) } watchDeployments(): void { this.deploymentsStatus.forEach(deployment => { const pollChannel = this.AngularPollChannel.create( { // Have to mock the scope object for the poll channel since we're calling into angular1 code // We register the onDestroy function to be called later when this object is destroyed '$on': (_, onDestruction) => { this.onDestroyListeners.push(onDestruction) } }, this.getDeploymentStatus(deployment), DEPLOYMENT_POLL_SLEEPTIME); pollChannel.start(); }); } // Query each deployment every 5s, and stop polling once it's either available or failed getDeploymentStatus(deployment: DeploymentStatus): (boolean) => void { return (continue_callback: (shouldContinue: boolean) => void) => { const params = { 'deployment': }; this.ApiService.scGetDeploymentRolloutStatus(null, params).then((deploymentRollout: DeploymentRollout) => { if (deploymentRollout.status === 'available') { continue_callback(false); this.deploymentsCycled++; if (this.deploymentsCycled === this.deploymentsStatus.length) { this.state = 'deployed'; } } else if (deploymentRollout.status === 'progressing') { continue_callback(true); deployment.message = deploymentRollout.message; } else { // deployment rollout failed this.state = 'error'; continue_callback(false); deployment.message = deploymentRollout.message; this.errorMessage = `Could not cycle deployments: ${deploymentRollout.message}`; this.offerRollback = true; } }).catch(err => { continue_callback(false); this.state = 'error'; this.errorMessage = `Could not cycle the deployments with the new configuration. Error: ${err.toString()}`; this.offerRollback = true; }); } } }