<div class="jumbotron landing">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row messages">
      <div class="col-md-7">
        <div ng-show="user.anonymous">
          <h1>Secure hosting for <b>private</b> Docker<a class="disclaimer-link" href="/disclaimer" target="_self">*</a> repositories</h1>
          <h3>Use the Docker images <b>your team</b> needs with the safety of <b>private</b> repositories</h3>
          <div class="sellcall"><a href="/plans/">Private repository plans starting at $12/mo</a></div>

        <div ng-show="!user.anonymous">
          <span class="namespace-selector" user="user" namespace="namespace" ng-show="user.organizations"></span>

          <div class="resource-view" resource="my_repositories">
            <!-- Repos -->
            <div ng-show="my_repositories.value.length > 0">
              <h2>Top Repositories</h2>            
              <div class="repo-listing" ng-repeat="repository in my_repositories.value">
                <span class="repo-circle no-background" repo="repository"></span>
                <a ng-href="/repository/{{ repository.namespace }}/{{ repository.name }}">{{repository.namespace}}/{{repository.name}}</a>
                <div class="markdown-view description" content="repository.description" first-line-only="true"></div>

            <!-- No Repos -->
            <div ng-show="my_repositories.value.length == 0">
              <div class="sub-message" style="margin-top: 20px">
                <span ng-show="namespace != user.username">You don't have access to any repositories in this organization yet.</span>
                <span ng-show="namespace == user.username">You don't have any repositories yet!</span>
                <div class="options">
                  <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/repository/">Browse all repositories</a>
                  <a class="btn btn-success" href="/new/" ng-show="canCreateRepo(namespace)">Create a new repository</a>
      </div> <!-- col -->

      <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-1">
        <div ng-show="user.anonymous">
          <div class="signup-form"></div>
        <div ng-show="!user.anonymous" class="user-welcome">
          <img class="gravatar" src="//www.gravatar.com/avatar/{{ user.gravatar }}?s=128&d=identicon" />
          <div class="sub-message">Welcome <b>{{ user.username }}</b>!</div>
          <a ng-show="my_repositories.value" class="btn btn-primary" href="/repository/">Browse all repositories</a>
          <a class="btn btn-success" href="/new/">Create a new repository</a>
      </div> <!-- col -->
    </div> <!-- row -->

    <div class="row" ng-show="user.anonymous">
      <div class="col-md-4 shoutout">
        <i class="fa fa-lock"></i>
        <span class="shoutout-expand">
          Your data is transferred using <strong>SSL at all times</strong> and <strong>encrypted</strong> when at rest. More information available in our <a href="/security/">security guide</a>

      <div class="col-md-4 shoutout">
        <i class="fa fa-group"></i>
        <span class="shoutout-expand">
          Have to share a repository? No problem! Share with anyone you choose

      <div class="col-md-4 shoutout">
        <i class="fa fa-cloud"></i>
        <b>Cloud Hosted</b>
        <span class="shoutout-expand">
          Accessible from anywhere, anytime
    </div> <!-- row -->
  </div> <!-- container -->
</div> <!-- jumbotron -->

<div class="product-tour container" ng-show="user.anonymous">
  <div class="tour-header row">
    <div class="tour-shoutout-header"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-down"></i></div>
    <div class="tour-shoutout">Take a tour of Quay</div>

  <div class="tour-section row">
    <div class="col-md-7"><img src="/static/img/user-home.png" title="User Home - Quay.io" data-screenshot-url="https://quay.io/" class="img-responsive"></div>
    <div class="col-md-5">
      <div class="tour-section-title">Customized for you</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">
        Your personal home screen shows those repositories most important to you, ordered by recent activity.
      <div class="tour-section-description">Keep up to date on the status of those repositories you deem important.</div>

  <div class="tour-section row">
    <div class="col-md-7 col-md-push-5"><img src="/static/img/repo-view.png" title="Repository View - Quay.io" data-screenshot-url="https://quay.io/repository/devtable/complex" class="img-responsive"></div>
    <div class="col-md-5 col-md-pull-7">
      <div class="tour-section-title">Useful views of respositories</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">
        Each repository is presented with the maximum amount of useful information, including its image history, <b>markdown</b>-based description, and tags.

  <div class="tour-section row">
    <div class="col-md-7"><img src="/static/img/repo-changes.png" title="View Image - Quay.io" data-screenshot-url="https://quay.io/repository/devtable/image/..." class="img-responsive"></div>
    <div class="col-md-5">
      <div class="tour-section-title">Docker diff in the cloud</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">
        We wanted to know what was changing in each image of our repositories just as much as you do. So we added diffs. Now you can see exactly which files were <b>added</b>, <b>changed</b>, or <b>removed</b> for each image. We've also provided two awesome ways to view your changes, either in a filterable list, or in a drill down tree view.
  <div class="tour-section row">
    <div class="col-md-7 col-md-push-5"><img src="/static/img/repo-admin.png" title="Repository Admin - Quay.io" data-screenshot-url="https://quay.io/repository/devtable/complex/admin" class="img-responsive"></div>
    <div class="col-md-5 col-md-pull-7">
      <div class="tour-section-title">Share at your control</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">
        Share any repository with as many (or as few) users as you choose.
      <div class="tour-section-description">Need a repository only for your team? Easily <b>share</b> with your team members.</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">Need finer grain control? Mark a user as <b>read-only</b> or <b>read/write</b>.</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">Have a build script or a deploy process that needs access? Generate an <b>access token</b> to grant revocable access for pushing or pulling.</div>
      <div class="tour-section-description">Want to share with the world? Make your repository <b>fully public</b>.</div>