# Yum install the packages we need for python2.7 # on the EC2 box. python27-devel, make and httpd-devel # are required for getting modwsgi setup with python27. packages: yum: python27: [] python27-devel: [] make: [] httpd-devel: [] commands: # The modwsgi version currently installed on the system # is built with support for python2.6 only. This # command compiles and installs modwsgi with python2.7 support. installmodwsgi27: command: '[ -f mod_wsgi-3.4.tar.gz ] && echo "mod_wsgi-3.4 is already installed" || { wget http://modwsgi.googlecode.com/files/mod_wsgi-3.4.tar.gz; tar xzvf mod_wsgi-3.4.tar.gz; cd mod_wsgi-3.4; ./configure --with-python=python27; make; make install; } | iconv -f utf-8 -t us-ascii//TRANSLIT' # When our app is being deployed a virtualenv is setup # automatically for us. This injects the --python=python2.7 # argument into the virtualenv CLI. This tells virtualenv to # use python2.7 instead of the default python2.6. usepython27: command: grep "python2.7" 03deploy.py || sed -i 's/--distribute/--python=python2.7 &/' 03deploy.py cwd: /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre container_commands: # Now that our app is installed using python2.7 we # need to fix some paths that the wsgi configuration # has pointing to python2.6. Copy the default eb wsgi.conf, # check it into git and replace the paths pointing # to python2.6. Check this diff out for the changes required: # https://github.com/leetreveil/elasticbeanstalk-python27/commit/3b3c955cfe686b9df77e0dddaf299ce6e1a20f32 01replacewsgiconf: command: scp /opt/python/ondeck/app/wsgi.conf /opt/python/ondeck/wsgi.conf