import json from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from six import add_metaclass from tzlocal import get_localzone from app import avatar, superusers from buildtrigger.basehandler import BuildTriggerHandler from data import model from endpoints.api import format_date from util.morecollections import AttrDict def user_view(user): return { 'name': user.username, 'kind': 'user', 'is_robot': user.robot, } class BuildTrigger( namedtuple('BuildTrigger', ['uuid', 'service_name', 'pull_robot', 'can_read', 'can_admin', 'for_build'])): """ BuildTrigger represent a trigger that is associated with a build :type uuid: string :type service_name: string :type pull_robot: User :type can_read: boolean :type can_admin: boolean :type for_build: boolean """ def to_dict(self): if not self.uuid: return None build_trigger = BuildTriggerHandler.get_handler(self) build_source = build_trigger.config.get('build_source') repo_url = build_trigger.get_repository_url() if build_source else None can_read = self.can_read or self.can_admin trigger_data = { 'id': self.uuid, 'service': self.service_name, 'is_active': build_trigger.is_active(), 'build_source': build_source if can_read else None, 'repository_url': repo_url if can_read else None, 'config': build_trigger.config if self.can_admin else {}, 'can_invoke': self.can_admin, } if not self.for_build and self.can_admin and self.pull_robot: trigger_data['pull_robot'] = user_view(self.pull_robot) return trigger_data class RepositoryBuild(namedtuple('RepositoryBuild', ['uuid', 'logs_archived', 'repository_namespace_user_username', 'repository_name', 'can_write', 'can_read', 'pull_robot', 'resource_key', 'trigger', 'display_name', 'started', 'job_config', 'phase', 'status', 'error', 'archive_url'])): """ RepositoryBuild represents a build associated with a repostiory :type uuid: string :type logs_archived: boolean :type repository_namespace_user_username: string :type repository_name: string :type can_write: boolean :type can_write: boolean :type pull_robot: User :type resource_key: string :type trigger: Trigger :type display_name: string :type started: boolean :type job_config: {Any -> Any} :type phase: string :type status: string :type error: string :type archive_url: string """ def to_dict(self): resp = { 'id': self.uuid, 'phase': self.phase, 'started': format_date(self.started), 'display_name': self.display_name, 'status': self.status or {}, 'subdirectory': self.job_config.get('build_subdir', ''), 'dockerfile_path': self.job_config.get('build_subdir', ''), 'context': self.job_config.get('context', ''), 'tags': self.job_config.get('docker_tags', []), 'manual_user': self.job_config.get('manual_user', None), 'is_writer': self.can_write, 'trigger': self.trigger.to_dict(), 'trigger_metadata': self.job_config.get('trigger_metadata', None) if self.can_read else None, 'resource_key': self.resource_key, 'pull_robot': user_view(self.pull_robot) if self.pull_robot else None, 'repository': { 'namespace': self.repository_namespace_user_username, 'name': self.repository_name }, 'error': self.error, } if self.can_write: if self.resource_key is not None: resp['archive_url'] = self.archive_url elif self.job_config.get('archive_url', None): resp['archive_url'] = self.job_config['archive_url'] return resp class Approval(namedtuple('Approval', ['approver', 'approval_type', 'approved_date', 'notes'])): """ Approval represents whether a key has been approved or not :type approver: User :type approval_type: string :type approved_date: Date :type notes: string """ def to_dict(self): return { 'approver': self.approver.to_dict() if self.approver else None, 'approval_type': self.approval_type, 'approved_date': self.approved_date, 'notes': self.notes, } class ServiceKey(namedtuple('ServiceKey', ['name', 'kid', 'service', 'jwk', 'metadata', 'created_date', 'expiration_date', 'rotation_duration', 'approval'])): """ ServiceKey is an apostille signing key :type name: string :type kid: int :type service: string :type jwk: string :type metadata: string :type created_date: Date :type expiration_date: Date :type rotation_duration: Date :type approval: Approval """ def to_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'kid': self.kid, 'service': self.service, 'jwk': self.jwk, 'metadata': self.metadata, 'created_date': self.created_date, 'expiration_date': self.expiration_date, 'rotation_duration': self.rotation_duration, 'approval': self.approval.to_dict() if self.approval is not None else None, } class User(namedtuple('User', ['username', 'email', 'verified', 'enabled', 'robot'])): """ User represents a single user. :type username: string :type email: string :type verified: boolean :type enabled: boolean :type robot: User """ def to_dict(self): user_data = { 'kind': 'user', 'name': self.username, 'username': self.username, 'email':, 'verified': self.verified, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(self), 'super_user': superusers.is_superuser(self.username), 'enabled': self.enabled, } return user_data class Organization(namedtuple('Organization', ['username', 'email'])): """ Organization represents a single org. :type username: string :type email: string """ def to_dict(self): return { 'name': self.username, 'email':, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_org(self), } class LogEntry( namedtuple('LogEntry', [ 'metadata_json', 'ip', 'datetime', 'performer_email', 'performer_username', 'performer_robot', 'account_organization', 'account_username', 'account_email', 'account_robot', 'kind', ])): """ LogEntry a single log entry. :type metadata_json: string :type ip: string :type datetime: string :type performer_email: int :type performer_username: string :type performer_robot: boolean :type account_organization: boolean :type account_username: string :type account_email: string :type account_robot: boolean :type kind_id: int """ def to_dict(self): view = { 'kind': self.kind, 'metadata': json.loads(self.metadata_json), 'ip': self.ip, 'datetime': format_date(self.datetime), } if self.performer_username: performer = AttrDict({'username': self.performer_username, 'email': self.performer_email}) performer.robot = None if self.performer_robot: performer.robot = self.performer_robot view['performer'] = { 'kind': 'user', 'name': self.performer_username, 'is_robot': self.performer_robot, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(performer), } if self.account_username: account = AttrDict({'username': self.account_username, 'email': self.account_email}) if self.account_organization: view['namespace'] = { 'kind': 'org', 'name': self.account_username, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_org(account), } else: account.robot = None if self.account_robot: account.robot = self.account_robot view['namespace'] = { 'kind': 'user', 'name': self.account_username, 'avatar': avatar.get_data_for_user(account), } return view class LogEntryPage( namedtuple('LogEntryPage', ['logs', 'next_page_token'])): """ LogEntryPage represents a single page of logs. :type logs: [LogEntry] :type next_page_token: {any -> any} """ class AggregatedLogEntry( namedtuple('AggregatedLogEntry', ['count', 'kind_id', 'day', 'start_time'])): """ AggregatedLogEntry represents an aggregated view of logs. :type count: int :type kind_id: int :type day: string :type start_time: Date """ def to_dict(self): synthetic_date = datetime(self.start_time.year, self.start_time.month, int(, tzinfo=get_localzone()) if < synthetic_date = synthetic_date + relativedelta(months=1) kinds = model.log.get_log_entry_kinds() view = { 'kind': kinds[self.kind_id], 'count': self.count, 'datetime': format_date(synthetic_date), } return view @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class SuperuserDataInterface(object): """ Interface that represents all data store interactions required by a superuser api. """ @abstractmethod def get_logs_query(self, start_time, end_time, page_token=None): """ Returns a LogEntryPage. """ @abstractmethod def get_aggregated_logs(self, start_time, end_time): """ Returns a list of AggregatedLogEntry """ @abstractmethod def get_organizations(self): """ Returns a list of Organization """ @abstractmethod def get_active_users(self): """ Returns a list of User """ @abstractmethod def create_install_user(self, username, password, email): """ Returns the created user and confirmation code for email confirmation """ @abstractmethod def get_nonrobot_user(self, username): """ Returns a User """ @abstractmethod def create_reset_password_email_code(self, email): """ Returns a recover password code """ @abstractmethod def delete_user(self, username): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def change_password(self, username, password): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def update_email(self, username, email, auto_verify): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def update_enabled(self, username, enabled): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def take_ownership(self, namespace, authed_user): """ Returns id of entity and whether the entity was a user """ @abstractmethod def delete_organization(self, name): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def change_organization_name(self, old_org_name, new_org_name): """ Returns updated Organization """ @abstractmethod def list_all_service_keys(self): """ Returns a list of service keys """ @abstractmethod def generate_service_key(self, service, expiration_date, kid=None, name='', metadata=None, rotation_duration=None): """ Returns a tuple of private key and public key id """ @abstractmethod def approve_service_key(self, kid, approver, approval_type, notes=''): """ Returns the approved Key """ @abstractmethod def get_service_key(self, kid, service=None, alive_only=True, approved_only=True): """ Returns ServiceKey """ @abstractmethod def set_key_expiration(self, kid, expiration_date): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def update_service_key(self, kid, name=None, metadata=None): """ Returns None """ @abstractmethod def delete_service_key(self, kid): """ Returns deleted ServiceKey """ @abstractmethod def get_repository_build(self, uuid): """ Returns RepositoryBuild """