/** * Specialized class for conducting an HTTP poll, while properly preventing multiple calls. */ angular.module('quay').factory('AngularPollChannel', ['ApiService', '$timeout', 'DocumentVisibilityService', function(ApiService, $timeout, DocumentVisibilityService) { var _PollChannel = function(scope, requester, opt_sleeptime) { this.scope_ = scope; this.requester_ = requester; this.sleeptime_ = opt_sleeptime || (60 * 1000 /* 60s */); this.timer_ = null; this.working = false; this.polling = false; var that = this; scope.$on('$destroy', function() { that.stop(); }); }; _PollChannel.prototype.setSleepTime = function(sleepTime) { this.sleeptime_ = sleepTime; this.stop(); this.start(true); }; _PollChannel.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.timer_) { $timeout.cancel(this.timer_); this.timer_ = null; this.polling_ = false; } this.working = false; }; _PollChannel.prototype.start = function(opt_skipFirstCall) { // Make sure we invoke call outside the normal digest cycle, since // we'll call $scope.$apply ourselves. var that = this; setTimeout(function() { if (opt_skipFirstCall) { that.setupTimer_(); return; } that.call_(); }, 0); }; _PollChannel.prototype.call_ = function() { if (this.working) { return; } // If the document is currently hidden, skip the call. if (DocumentVisibilityService.isHidden()) { this.setupTimer_(); return; } var that = this; this.working = true; this.scope_.$apply(function() { that.requester_(function(status) { if (status) { that.working = false; that.setupTimer_(); } else { that.stop(); } }); }); }; _PollChannel.prototype.setupTimer_ = function() { if (this.timer_) { return; } var that = this; this.polling = true; this.timer_ = $timeout(function() { that.timer_ = null; that.call_(); }, this.sleeptime_) }; var service = { 'create': function(scope, requester, opt_sleeptime) { return new _PollChannel(scope, requester, opt_sleeptime); } }; return service; }]);